The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

California: The Crazy State

  Junkies and crackheads get high on the streets of San Francisco, urinating and defecating in public, and the liberal Democrats who control the city seem to believe this situation is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, Southern California “finds itself in the midst of a homelessness emergency”: You cannot walk more than few blocks through [downtown San […]

Dear GOP: No Zipper Problems, Please

Last week, I got a phone call from a reporter, asking if I had contact information for a certain conservative woman. No, I did not, but the request aroused my curiosity — what’s a journalist, if not curious? — and after a bit of badgering, the reporter disclosed to me that he had obtained screen […]

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

  Remember “Mattress Girl”? In 2014, Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz became a feminist heroine for her performance-art project dramatizing what she claimed was rape, but what her ex-boyfriend Paul Nungesser said was a consensual hook-up. Neither the police nor university officials believed there was a case against Nungesser, but feminists insisted that anyone who […]

NBC Fires ‘Today’ Host Matt Lauer

  Stunning news: Matt Lauer, the anchor of “Today” for two decades, was fired by NBC News after a detailed complaint about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. “Today” co-anchors Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb announced Lauer’s firing Wednesday, telling viewers at the top of the show that they were processing his departure but didn’t […]

Sex Panic and Its Consequences

The downfall of Harvey Weinstein was fun, and it’s amusing to watch Democrats like John Conyers and Al Franken twisting in the wind. However, the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse looks uncomfortably familiar to those of us old enough to remember the McMartin Preschool story. Christina Hoff Sommers sounds the warning: In the 1980s, a panic over […]

Check Me Here, @RooshV: Is Your Sexuality ‘Ugly … Dangerous … Brutal’?

  Readers may or may not be familiar with Daryush Valizadeh, the notorious pickup artist (PUA) known as @RooshV. He became the World’s Most Famous Misogynist in the wake of the Isla Vista Massacre because The Creepy Little Weirdo who committed that atrocity had frequented some PUA forums. This was a dishonest guilt-by-association smear. Maybe […]

Sex, Power, Weakness and Evil

“I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.” — Nina Burleigh, 1998 “Feminists keep trying to explain Weinstein in terms of […]

God and Man in the Information Age

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” — Daniel 12:4 (KJV) One of the basic proofs of the Bible’s truth is the accuracy of prophecy. As every Christian knows, Jesus was the […]

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