The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Case of @radicalbytes and the Suspiciously ‘Progressive’ Male

      In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, “male feminists” everywhere are understandably nervous, wondering if one of their ex-girlfriends or female acquaintances might be the next to jump on the #MeToo hashtag and accuse them of harassment or sexual assault. Let me call your attention to Jonathan McIntosh (@radicalbytes on Twitter) […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Pussycat No More

— compiled by Wombat-socho “Who says A must say B,” some old Bolshevik once said, and in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, it seems only reasonable to turn a jaundiced eye on the music business. Rose McGowan deserves a lot of credit for blowing the lid off Weinstein’s disgusting habits, and there’s a […]

The Anti-Male Feminism of @abzdafab: Negating the Opinions of Fathers

  Men who believe in the inferiority of women are called “sexists.” Women who believe in the inferiority of men are called “feminists.” Abigail Shirley (@abzdafab on Twitter) is a feminist who is editor of the website Fem 2.0, and her expression of anti-male prejudice is an excellent example of why Americans generally loathe feminism. […]

Why Do Socialists Hate Women? How @Caycilia Became a ‘Thought Criminal’

“Speaking truth is a threat to power and those in power will seek to suppress it. If you are being silenced, they see you as a threat. If you have become a target, you are doing something right.” — Casey Chapman Remember last month when transgender activists attacked a woman at a feminist gathering in […]

Big Trouble at the ‘Tiffany’ Network: Another ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Lesson?

  The top of the stack this morning at Drudge: TIMES UP FOR ’60 MINS’ CHIEF… CBSNEWS On-Cam Ambush Of Own Exec! Network Airs Disturbing Fager Text… Allegations of inappropriate conduct… Threats and Deception: Why Board Turned On Moonves…  The takedown of CBS boss Les Moonves was followed immediately by the takedown of 60 Minutes […]

Hollywood Boy Toy Shakedown Racket

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” — Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time, 1967 Look, I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention: No sane person believes that a 17-year-old boy is so traumatized by having sex with a 37-year-old woman that […]

The Left’s Pyrrhic Victory (and When Did Everybody Become ‘Alt-Right’?)

  Let me begin by congratulating Sarah Jeong on becoming America’s most successful young hate-monger. She is arguably more racist than Richard Spencer, and yet is employed by the New York Times, and Vox is celebrating this as a victory over the “alt-right”: She’s also an outspoken progressive and feminist, making her an obvious target […]

Nickelodeon’s #MeToo Moment: Producer Dan Schneider Fired Amid Rumors

Dan Schneider, alleged pervert. Monday afternoon, Nickelodeon children’s TV network dumped producer Dan Schneider and, as Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva writes, “for years Schneider had been under a cloud of suspicion over the treatment of some younger stars of his shows”: Among the things that have raised eyebrows are his tweeted photos of the toes of […]

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