The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism: The Demonization of Males

She is a 28-year-old feminist witch with a Tumblr blog, and she also has another Tumblr blog in Swedish, from which I quote: When women are exposed to sexual violence and exploitation [and] are encouraged to not call themselves “victims” or talk about their vulnerability, [it] becomes clear how a stigma around being just a […]

Message to All Kids: Don’t Be a Weirdo Like Those Loser Freaks on Tumblr

  Would it be cruel to call attention to “Jakob” the teenage girl who thinks she wants to be a boy? Probably, but “Jakob” is the author of a Tumblr post with more than 100,000 notes entitled, “Message to all parents,” which keeps getting expanded to include all kinds of “messages” that cumulatively amount to […]

‘Social Justice’ and the End of Fun

Today I was scrolling around feminist sites when I saw another angry young Tumblrina ranting about the patriarchy (because a guy was rude on the subway) and it hit me why this bothers me so much: When I was a teenager, life was fun because America was a free country. Don’t get me wrong. There […]

The Absence of Empathy: Understanding the Psychology of Sociopathic Feminism

Not every narcissist is a sociopath, but all sociopaths are narcissists. Like every other manifestation of identity politics, feminism is ultimately about narcissism, a celebration of selfishness masquerading as “social justice” in which identifying yourself as suffering from oppression serves not only as a rationalization of one’s personal failures, but also as a justification for […]

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