The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Misogyny of Atheist Dudebros and the Godless Misandry of Lesbian Tumblrinas

Sarah is a 20-year-old social work student with a radical feminist Tumblr blog — adorned by a rainbow-colored Wicca pentagram — who hates men almost as much as she hates God: Overzealous atheists are 9 times out of 10 annoying racist misogynistic dudebros but in my opinion it’s totally justified for same sex attracted people to […]

Feminist Tumblr: Dreaming of Their Journey Across the Mytilini Strait

  Life is painful for the Tumblr feminist. Alone with her laptop, everything she encounters in her online existence tells her that males are stupid, dangerous and violent. Emotionally immersed in an estrogen-filled echo chamber of Internet activism, she finds feminists eager to offer sisterhood and solidarity — “You are not alone!” — along with […]

Why Do Feminists Hate Beauty?

“The digital armpit that is seems to be the preferred medium of young feminists who, although they have accomplished nothing and have no credentials, find that they can become Internet Superstars by disparaging men. It seems that the most formulaic, banal and stereotypical derision of males is enormously popular with a certain type of […]


Thursday, I blogged about what I called “Tumblrina SJW Trauma Drama” — a feminist Tumblr blogger in Florida trying to raise money to leave her abusive lesbian girlfriend. As a point-and-laugh example of feminist failure, this seemed to me instructive, but then she posted this: So tonight things got a lot worse when I tried […]

The Not-So-Secrets of Success

About five years ago — somewhere between the second Anthony Weiner scandal and the time the Kaitlyn Hunt saga made national headlines — I began to realize that our civilization was unraveling because parents were failing to give kids common-sense advice. Many young people (and not a small number of adults) were making bad decisions […]

History, Race and ‘Science’

  Whatever happens, we have got The Maxim gun, and they have not. — Hillaire Belloc, 1898 A few days ago, I stumbled across a feminist Tumblr blog called “Fierce Fat Feminist” (“Intersectional Transnational Feminist — Fat Black Babe — Queer”) which offered this startling assertion: “Race was invented by white people to prove that […]

Tumblr Feminism: Is It Worth $3?

  As a digital property, Tumblr is “effectively worthless,” according to financial analysts. The site’s lack of commercial value, however, does not prevent it from being a major platform for the dissemination of feminist ideology. This quote from Gail Dines, for example, was liked and reblogged nearly 3,000 times, and no one inside this online […]

‘Effectively Worthless’: Social Justice and the Infinite Stupidity of Tumblr

  When I started exploring radical feminism in 2014, one of the first phenomena I discovered was SJW Tumblrinas. is to social media what syphilis is to bacteria — the absolute worst. When I mused here about why Tumblr is so indescribably wretched, a commenter observed that its format is so “user-friendly” that it […]

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