The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #GamerGate White Knight Syndrome

The troll @streever jumped into my Twitter timeline Friday to challenge my assertion that “Feminism is anti-male, anti-heterosexual and — most importantly — ANTI-FREEDOM.” This inspired me to reiterate the basic theme of the “Sex Trouble” series, by way of demonstrating its relevance to the #GamerGate controversy. Pause now to consider: I spent weeks ignoring […]

The #GamerGate Hate Hoax

Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) and Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) are feminist critics of the videogame industry who seem to be trying to cash in on the fact that they are feminist critics of the videogame industry. This involves portraying themselves as victims of horrific harassment and criminal threats. Who is engaging in this harassment? Who is making […]

The Left’s Pyrrhic Victory (and When Did Everybody Become ‘Alt-Right’?)

  Let me begin by congratulating Sarah Jeong on becoming America’s most successful young hate-monger. She is arguably more racist than Richard Spencer, and yet is employed by the New York Times, and Vox is celebrating this as a victory over the “alt-right”: She’s also an outspoken progressive and feminist, making her an obvious target […]

Flashback: Feminists Hate ‘Nice Guys’

  Amanda Marcotte has been lately busy promoting her book Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set on Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself, which is perhaps the most unnecessarily far-fetched explanation of why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Even more weird than the “Russians hacked the election” conspiracy theory, Marcotte wants us […]

Media Publishes SJW Lies About Violent Transgender Psycho’s Public Suicide

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right). Just a quick follow-up on the suicide of John Paul Neumann, a/k/a “Chloe Sagal,” who lit himself/“herself” on fire Tuesday in a public park in downtown Portland, Oregon. Recall that Neumann/“Sagal,” a freelance videogame developer, had already wrecked his/“her” personal finances by trying to launch a […]

Death by Social Justice: Transgender Scammer ‘Chloe Sagal’ Commits Suicide

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right). If you can’t afford mental health treatment and can’t pay your rent, but you can afford tattoos and transgender surgery, you’re not a victim of anything except your own bad judgment. Also, being a liar and a swindler probably won’t make you very popular. Such are […]

Transgender Totalitarianism

  Jesse Singal is a journalist whose “progressive” credentials were never questioned until he wrote a cover story in The Atlantic about the growing phenomenon of “gender transition” for children. The article begins by focusing on a girl who “desisted” — Claire, who at age 12 began binge-watching YouTube transition videos, became convinced that she […]

NY Times: ‘Motherhood Is Hitler’

  The New York Times has a distinctly weird article, written by a British graduate student, smearing traditional stay-at-home mothers with the taint of “white supremacy.” The writer is able to find actual examples of neo-Nazi racialism in the online “tradwives” community, but it is always possible to find examples of anything on the Internet, […]

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