The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: She Loves Your Tears, You ‘Whiny’ #GamerGate ‘Baby Men’

She was asked her opinion of Anita Sarkeesian: “I like that she is doing what she does and I drink the tears of whiny piss baby men who are upset that a woman has the nerve to analyze videogames from a feminist perspective” This anonymous radical feminist is 25 years old, but provides no information […]

Congratulations, ‘Dishonest Fascists’ — #GamerGate Destroys Max Read

“Never underestimate your enemy,” is a maxim of military strategy. Before you decide to go to war on the Internet, first consider the fate of Max Read, who was riding high as editor of Gawker until he decided that insulting #GamerGate was a smart move. He chose poorly. Custer at Little Bighorn, the French at […]

The #GamerGate vs. Gawker War

Gawker’s irresponsibly cruel “outing” of a Conde Nast executive — a laughable farce, and yet also an exercise in horrendous sadism — prompted Vox Day to remind his readers of #GamerGate’s “anti-Gawker action, Operation Disrespectful Nod, which has already cost Gawker more than $1 million in advertising dollars.” This would appear to be the kind […]

Fake #GamerGate Victims

If Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg (@srhbutts) is a feminist, I’m the King of Sweden. What is he/she? Living proof that bad causes attract bad people, and the “Social Justice Warrior” (SJW) crusade against #GamerGate is a very bad cause. As soon as I mention #GamerGate, I know many of my conservative friends will ask, “What is #GamerGate?” […]

Weird #GamerGate Angle: ‘Emotional Fulfillment Through Love of a Robot’?

What’s the most hateful stereotype of videogamers? That they are losers, retreating into a fantasy world as psychological compensation for their real-life failures. It’s kind of like the stereotype of feminists as ugly women who are angry because men don’t like them. As we view the #GamerGate controversy, then, it’s interesting to see how these […]

In #GamerGate Battle, Feminists Predictably Resort to Totalitarian Tactics

Randi Harper (@freebsdgirl) is an unattractive woman with blue hair who is into (a) video games and (b) totalitarian ideology. In the 21st century, where “harassment” has been re-defined to mean “expressing disagreement with a feminist,” Harper decided to create a blacklist of Twitter users who support the #GamerGate project: In a sign of how frenzied, panicky […]

Go, #GamerGate, Go!

There are several ways a man can deal effectively with feminists: Ignore them. Deprive them of the attention they seek, and watch them “rage spiral” into a swamp of hysterical self-pity; Objectify them with the male gaze. This is my favorite method, because it’s so fun. Happily married for 25 years, I’m immune to shame. […]

A #GamerGate Oddity

The troll @MMashItMatt popped up in my Twitter timeline Tuesday to call me a “piece of sh*t doxxer.” Now, there are two kinds of trolls: The worthless pests I block, and the potentially dangerous creeps I don’t block because I want to keep an eye on them. See, I figured out that not every Twitter […]

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