The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Bach’s Toccata & Fugue In D Minor

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Life Is Beautiful Animal Magnetism Register-Republic Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View from the Beach Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News Never Take Advice From Feminists (The @FactoryGrrrl Edition) The Pirate’s Cove Regular Right Guy Crazy People Are Dangerous (and @scaramouche2017 Is Deb Frisch) Regular Right Guy FMJRA 2.0: […]

Feminism, and the Failure Thereof

One of the things that mystifies me about young Third Wave feminists is that, for all they talk about “empowerment,” they seem to complain constantly about their helpless victimhood. It seems clear to me that something has gone wrong in the War Between the Sexes, so that these sensitive young women have lost their sex’s […]

Transgender Cult Update

  News from Hollyweird: On Sunday night, Jill Soloway won an Emmy for directing the comedy series “Transparent,” and she made the most of her time onstage, advocating for the trans community and topping off her speech by saying “topple the patriarchy” not once, but twice. After thanking Jeff Bezos for allowing her to make […]

Feminism Is Anti-Male Hate Propaganda

  So I was scrolling through feminist blogs on Tumblr when I came across a post that began, “We can all easily agree that throughout history women and men were not equal.” To which I would reply: What do you mean by “equal”? and Nobody lives “throughout history.” Are these points obvious enough, or am […]

Update From The Patriarchy™

The Patriarchy™ had a busy day, as today was grandson Alexander’s first birthday, which he spent with me. My daughter-in-law is back in college pursuing her nursing degree, and now her oldest boy (James, who will soon turn 3) is old enough for the preschool program at the college, so it’s just me and Alexander […]

Occidental Professor @LisaWade: Heterosexual Men Are Predators

“Heterosexuality in the U.S. is gendered: women are expected to attract, men are supposed to be attracted. Men want, women want to be wanted. Metaphorically, this is a predator/prey type relationship. . . . Accordingly, women know what it feels like to be prey.” — Professor Lisa Wade, 2014 No one has ever accused Professor […]

Star and Co-Writer of Slave Revolt Movie Were Accused of Raping Girl in College

Nate Parker (left) and Jean Celestin (right) were Penn State wrestling teammates. A much-praised new movie about an 1831 slave revolt, which had been considered a possible Oscar contender, is in trouble because of revelations that the film’s star and director was accused of raping an 18-year-old college student in 1999. Birth of a Nation […]

Human Nature and Rock-and-Roll

“You can find more wisdom about love in old R&B records than you can find in all the gender theory textbooks in the Brown University library.” Maybe the problem with “rape culture” is that college kids aren’t listening to the right music. That thought crossed my mind while I was pondering an article on […]

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