The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Hashtag He’s Your President’

  Inside their liberal echo chamber, hermetically sealed by epistemic closure, Democrats never have to consider the possibility that they’re wrong. Their friends at the New York Times and CNN all agree with them, as does every professor at Columbia, Yale and other major universities, and every celebrity in Hollywood. Democrats never talk to anyone […]

Some Stereotypes Are True

One of the favorite pastimes of liberals is lecturing the rest of us about how ignorant we are. Every common-sense belief about human nature is a “myth,” liberals say, and any generalization about various human traits and patterns of behaviors is a prejudicial “stereotype.” These accusations of ignorance and prejudice are, in fact, a form […]

Fear and Loathing: Three Days, $900, and It’s Morning in Vanuatu Again

“How long, O Lord, how long? Where will it end? “All I ever wanted out of this campaign was enough money to get out of the country and live for a year or two in peaceful squalor in a house with a big screen porch looking down on an empty white beach, with a good […]

Exit Polls: Hillary Clinton Defeated by Homophobic White Racist Patriarchy

  The online Left has spent the past 24 hours lashing itself into a frothing frenzy of Fear and Loathing such as I haven’t seen in years. You’d have to go back to the Bush/Gore 2000 Florida meltdown to find more rage, paranoia and partisan hatred than we’ve seen since it became apparent Tuesday night […]

Feminism and the Cult of the True Self

“The stigma around STDs normally makes people think of cheaters, liars, teenagers who don’t know any better, and other various ‘dirty’ things when they think of sexually transmitted diseases. But there’s a new name circulating in the news lately who’s trying to battle this stigma: Ella Dawson.” — Torii Johnson, April 30, 2015 Once upon […]

The Queering of Feminism at Vanderbilt

“Heterosexuality . . . is a highly unstable system, subject to various slippages, reliant upon carefully constructed individual performances of identity, and dependent upon the exclusion of homosexuality for its very identity. One could say that queer theory normalizes homosexuality by making heterosexuality deviant. Homosexuality ceases to be the exclusive site of sexual difference.” — […]

‘My Inherent Feminine Wisdom’: Witchcraft and Academic Feminism

“When I was a little girl, I instinctively knew that I was a Witch, without at the time identifying with this special word or know all that it entailed. … Like all children I was closely connected to the magical side of my nature. Later, as an adolescent, I began to realize that this intuitive, […]

Why Is Sex Making Young People So Sad?

  “The vested interests of our age . . . have constructed a wonderful machine, which we shall call the Great Stereopticon. It is the function of this machine to project selected pictures of life in the hope that what is seen will be imitated. All of us of the West who are within the […]

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