The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#Spambot Wars: Fake @Twitter Accounts With (Coincidentally) Large Breasts

Coincidences just keep piling up everywhere, like big-breasted spambots on Twitter. John Hoge writes: Have I mentioned that someone keeps trying to have around 15,000 sock accounts follow Aaron Walker, Stacy McCain, and me? All three of us are targets of a lawsuit by Brett Kimberlin and so, yeah, this is probably all just a coincidence, […]

Perverts, Degenerates and Sociopaths

Sue Lyon in Lolita (1962) S.J. Reidhead has an excellent examination of the characteristic problems of pro-pedophile apologists in the “Free Kate” movement, an inevitable consequence of the arguments that the Hunt family has made in defense of the accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. From the beginning, both Kaitlyn’s parents have been dishonest about […]

TV Won’t Show You the Pictures, But the Reddit/4Chan Guys Have Apparently ID’d the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects

After watching Fox and CNN dance around the subject — “We’ve seen the photos that the FBI doesn’t want released to the public” — and doing some careful comparison of descriptions available here and there . . . Yep, I guess these are the (alleged) bombers the feds are after. So, if the feds don’t want […]

E-Mail From a Former Maryland Resident to Howard County (Md.) State’s Attorney

REQUESTING STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT POLICY Monday, April 8, 2013 1:22 PM From: To: Cc: Dear Sirs: As I am certain you are now aware, it has been reported that the office of Howard County State’s Attorney has refused to prosecute persons accused of online harassment, in apparent contravention of Maryland Criminal Statutes […]

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