The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sociopaths and Democrats

But I repeat myself. A sudden change of plans requires me to leave soon for Charlotte to cover the Democratic National Convention. After the car trouble that turned my trip home from Tampa into a three-day ordeal, I had hoped to spend a few days at home before going back out on the campaign trail, […]

Fear and Loathing: Three Days, $900, and It’s Morning in Vanuatu Again

“How long, O Lord, how long? Where will it end? “All I ever wanted out of this campaign was enough money to get out of the country and live for a year or two in peaceful squalor in a house with a big screen porch looking down on an empty white beach, with a good […]

‘Idiocy Is Not a Zero-Sum Game’

Alabama crazy-blogger Roger Shuler. The title quote is Popehat blogger Ken White’s assessment of the Roger Shuler case as quoted in the New York Times: For over six years, Roger Shuler has hounded figures of the state legal and political establishment on his blog, Legal Schnauzer, a hothouse of furious but often fuzzily sourced allegations […]

FMJRA 2.0: 2013 Finale

— compiled by Wombat-socho Special Snowflake Syndrome Dustbury The Pirate’s Cove Batshit Crazy News The DaleyGator Political Hat Dead Citizens Rights Society Regular Right Guy Rick’s Rants So, Justine Finally Landed … Batshit Crazy News Dyspepsia Generation Preppers Universe Nice Deb Outside In A View From The Beach Rick’s Rants Rule 5 Sunday: Transfer Station […]

The World’s Worst Pro Se Litigantâ„¢ Says ‘Defendant Walker Has Gone Rogue’

An interesting aspect of being accused by Brett Kimberlin of being part of two distinct conspiracies — one described in his Maryland suit Kimberlin v. Walker, et al., and the other described in the federal RICO suit John Hoge has dubbed Kimberlin v. the Universe, et al. — is that my alleged co-conspirators have done […]

FMJRA 2.0: Painkiller

— compiled by Wombat-socho Family Values as a Math Problem The DaleyGator American Political Blogs Victory Girls Dead Citizens Rights Society Political Hat Zion’s Trumpet Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Rick’s Rants Rule 5 Monday Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Dead Citizens Rights Society Regular Right Guy Batshit Crazy News Ninety Miles From Tyranny Proof Positive Rick’s Rants EBL […]

The Hate-Troll Sockpuppet

After a while, you learn to discern the pattern: Not operated by a named person. Not associated with any organization. Lots of hashtags and/or slogans in the profile to signal ideological solidarity. Lack of organic content. Associates with other known trolls. There are other traits — dots in the pattern — but the point is […]

You’re Not Angry Enough

Just found 2 provably false statements about me on a single page of Kimberlin's federal complaint. Ain't saying which page. Fuck you, Brett. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 17, 2013 Today, I woke up and read the 47-page compendium of lies in the federal lawsuit I call Kimberlin v. Everybody, and I was angry. […]

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