The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #FreeKate Meltdown Continues

Got some important work to do today, so there’s only time for a bit of quick aggregation right now. R.J. Reidhead continues to be disturbed and fascinated by what she sees as indicators that Kaitlyn Smith is a victim of something worse than homophobia. Jeff Goldstein sarcastically invokes the Ghost of Victims Past. Is sarcasm […]

Liberal Logicâ„¢ — #FreeKate Edition

Donald Douglas catches CNN portraying accused Florida lesbian sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt as a victim who “made a mistake.” “Oops! Was that your 14-year-old daughter’s vagina? So sorry . . .” Meanwhile, the #FreeKate idiots are trying a new tactic to suppress the truth: Anyone who mentions the facts of the case is a […]

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