The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Grabbing the Other End of the Rope

Rush Limbaugh occasionally says, “I don’t need ‘balance.’ I am balance.” That is to say, when all the major institutions of politics, media and culture are dominated by liberalism, the conservative who aims to critique and counterbalance the regnant ethos need not concern himself too much with presenting The Other Side of the Story. As […]

Police: Texas High School Girl Pimped Out Her Friends as Young as 14

Soon to be an A&E series called “Breaking Bad Girls”? Authorities have charged a League City student with soliciting her “easily manipulated” friends into prostitution. The girls performed sexual acts on a 62-year-old business owner from Friendswood, police said. Webster police charged Chelsey Elizabeth Taylor, 17, with one felony count of compelling prostitution in connection […]

‘How Dare You Quote Me, Haters?!’

There is a phenomenon on the Left — especially among academics and other “intellectual” types, including feminists — where they become so used to living within cocoons of like-minded sympathizers that they don’t realize how weird their ideas seem to normal people. And so, when somebody outside the cocoon takes notice and quotes their deranged […]

The Weapon of Unlimited Victimhood: Pigford and Shirley Sherrod’s Vengeance

@rsmccain @Stranahan My god. And still that evil lawsuit?!!! — Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) October 10, 2013 Heads are still shaking about the unspeakable cruelty of Shirley Sherrod suing Susie Breitbart, a widow with four kids, as a substitute defendant for her late husband, because Sherrod blames Andrew Breitbart for her ouster from the Department of Agriculture. […]

FMJRA 2.0: Equinoxe

–compiled by Wombat-socho In Case You Missed It, @MileyCyrus Got Super-Skanky on the VMAs Last Night Batshit Crazy News God’s Own Crunk Leather Penguin Lonely Conservative Regular Right Guy Regular Right Guy The Rio Norte Line Rick’s Rants Rule 5 Tuesday Batshit Crazy News Rick’s Rants Animal Magnetism 90 Miles From Tyranny EBL Proof Positive […]

Hmm. @JamesTaranto Mildly Disagrees With @AnnAlthouse? Let Me Try That.

OK, so a Puerto Rican guy kidnapped and raped girls in Cleveland and everybody reported about that case, and not once do I remember anyone arguing that Ariel Castro’s crimes, or the reporting about his crimes, had any specifically racial context. Everybody was just horrified by it, and nobody said either (a) that Puerto Rican […]

Potius Mori Quam Foedari

Loosely translated, “Death before dishonor.” Brand-new blogger Brad the Bastard paid me this high compliment: When Stacy dies his wife should save herself some money and put just one word on his tombstone — RELENTLESS. Did anyone think that when I caught the whiff of bovine excrement around the “Free Kate” narrative, and realized those […]

‘A Little Girl on Her Way to School’

Those were the words Assistant District Attorney Thaddeus West used Wednesday morning in York County (Maine) Superior Court to describe the victim of a brutal attack by Dane Bosley. Bosley was 20 years old that day in October 2008 when he leaped out of the bushes and raped his victim at knifepoint. And the victim […]

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