The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gold Nears $1,900 per Ounce

Anyone seriously expect it to stop short of $2,000? Gold futures notch a fresh nominal record in electronic trading in Asia on Monday, against a backdrop of concerns over the health of the economies in Europe and the U.S. Gold for December traded at $1,882.50 per ounce, up $30.20 in electronic trading. Gold futures reached […]

Wall Street Panic: European Woes, Inflation, Weak Data Tank Market

L.A. Times: Global stock markets plunged anew Thursday amid intensifying concerns about Europe’s debt crisis and a batch of disheartening economic reports in the United States. The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled more than 470 points, and other indexes followed suit. . . . In addition to the European sell-off, U.S. traders were hit by […]

BLACK MONDAY? Obama’s Debt-Ceiling Crisis Strategy Could Sink Wall Street

Let’s be clear: President Obama has orchestrated this unnecessary drama for the specific political purpose of causing a crisis that he — with the willing assistance of the liberal media — hopes to blame on Republicans. Yet while Obama, the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are scripting a kabuki dance, economic reality […]

FMJRA 2.0: Steam

— compiled by Wombat-socho VIDEO: Herman Cain Talks Mosques, Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood Conservatives for America Unified Patriots Uncoverage ScrollPost DailyPundit Da Tech Guy The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative ScrollPost Windsor, CO ACT! For America The Camp of the Saints Don Surber Blog de KingShamus God Discussion Nueva Europa – Nueva Eurabia BREAKING: […]

None Dare Call It ‘Stagflation’

Economic growth in the first quarter slowed to an anemic 1.8% annual rate, which isn’t the only bad news, as Larry Kudlow explained on Twitter: 1.8% growth, 8.8% unemployment,3.8% inflation spells stagflation. It’s as if we have taken a long round-trip back to 1979. We are not surprised that a Marist poll shows approval for […]

How Many Ounces of Gold Does It
Take to Buy a House in Baltimore?

Answer: Fewer today than it did yesterday! Gold prices have been on a tear lately, topping a fresh record high above $1,900 an ounce late Monday — just two weeks after rising above $1,800. . . . Gold prices rose 2.4% during the regular trading session to settle at $1,891.90 an ounce. In after hours […]

Ruh-Roh: Bernanke Says Unemployment Won’t Be Back to ‘Normal’ for Five Years

On “60 Minutes” last night: The nation’s unemployment rate, which has been over 9 percent for a record 19 months, is not likely to return to “a more normal unemployment rate” of about 5 percent or 6 percent for four or five years, the Federal Reserve chairman said in an interview with the CBS News […]

Buying Gold? Caveat Emptor

On previous occasions, I’ve made the point that gold prices are going up and that, in times of uncertainty — as, for example, when the Federal Reserve is pursuing a clearly inflationary policy — gold is a good investment. (Did I mention the DJIA lost 251 points this past week?) The title of my most recent post on […]

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