The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You Should Have Listened to Glenn Beck

In May 20, 2010, when I first took note of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s attack on Glenn Beck for promoting gold, the price was $1,192.60 per ounce. Now here’s Monday’s headline from Bloomberg: Gold Tops $1,600, Surges to Record in Longest Rally in 31 Years on Debt Monday’s price was $1,607.90 an ounce, which means gold […]

Hate to Say I Told You So, But …

You should have listened to Glenn Beck! Bullion strikes record above $1,700 on S&P downgrade By Lewa Pardomuen/REUTERS Bullion roared to record highs above $1,700 an ounce on Monday as an unprecedented downgrade to the U.S. credit rating sent investors scrambling out of riskier assets, hammering equity markets and the dollar. Both U.S. gold futures […]

Hey, If You Listened to Glenn Beck …

. . . and bought gold when it was still trading under $1,200 an ounce, you may be asking yourself now: “Should I sell at $1,600+ and cash out the 33% profit I’ve made in the past 14 months?” If you’re in such a mood, Adrian Ash at Forbes says, “Buy real estate!” After this […]

Obama Kabuki Wrecking Your 401(k)

Let’s see: Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped another 91 points Tuesday, down to 12,501.30, having lost 223 points in the past three sessions. If stocks are down, then bonds are up, right? Nope: Treasuries fell [Tuesday], eroding a gain from [Monday], as President Barack Obama threatened to veto House Speaker John Boehner’s plan to raise […]

Glenn Beck Criticizing George Soros? Beck’s a Jew-Hater, Says Media Matters

Sammy Benoit at Yid With Lid disassembles the latest product from the Smear Factory. Somebody needs to research whether Media Matters rang the anti-Semitism bell when the Left was routinely accusing the Bush administration of being controlled by a sinister cabal of Zionist neo-cons. Better yet: Why wasn’t it Jew-hating when Media Matters was going after Pamela Geller? […]

You Should’ve Listened to Glenn Beck

Back in May, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) made himself political point-man for a left-wing attack on Goldline — which just coincidentally happens to be one of Glenn Beck’s few remaining advertisers. (Beck’s show is the No. 1 cable news program in its time slot, but has lost advertising revenue because of the Left’s vitriolic boycott […]

Stock Market Inflation: The Rich Get Richer Because the Fed Is Cheating You

One of Instapundit’s savvy readers writes: The latest surge higher in the Dow is folks betting on a Bernanke “put” . . . that the Fed will debase the dollar so much that prices will rise in nominal terms. Stocks aren’t going up in gold or Euro terms. You don’t have to be a “gold […]

Guns Better Than Gold?

In response to my constant reminders about rising gold prices — You Should Have Listened To Glenn Beck! — Steve in Tennessee sent me a link to this story by Bill Gunderson at Seeking Alpha: Scared investors have been flocking to gold as our economy, political system, and financial system continue in turmoil. It seems […]

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