The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

To Milo or Not to Milo?

That is the question. When the Milo Yiannopedophiliapoulos controversy erupted over the weekend, I was busy working on a 4,000-word post about a radical feminist that I didn’t finish until Monday. Then CPAC disinvited him Monday, and today Milo resigned from Breitbart, and all of this controversy went thermonuclear while I was too busy on […]

Anti-Semitism Ruins Everything

One of the weird effects of the recent election is how the Left has tried to taint Donald Trump’s supporters as anti-Semites when, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Left deliberately exploited anti-Semitism by portraying Republicans as beholden to “neoconservatives” (nudge, nudge) and “international bankers” (wink, wink). Because most accusations of “anti-Semitism” are […]

‘Erection Equals Consent’?

This is a phrase I never expected to encounter and, when I saw the headline, I misunderstood what the writer meant by it: The flesh is weak: On the Erection Equals Consent rape myth What I expected, based on that headline, was an argument by a feminist “deconstructing” the common claim that men are unable to […]

Feminists Fear the Republican Uterus

“Feminism is the theory; lesbianism is the practice.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson, 1971 “The political economy of socialist feminism establishes that, in contemporary society, women suffer a special form of exploitation and oppression.” — Allison Jaggar, 1988 “Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice.” — Andrea Dworkin, 1989 Professional athletes can spawn with […]

Cultural Marxism and the (Very Real) Movement to Normalize Pedophilia

“Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism.” — Olaf Stüben, German pedophile activist, 1981 Anyone who has followed the arguments surrounding the case of Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt knows how her supporters in the so-called “Free Kate” movement have justified Hunt’s crimes against a 14-year-old girl. You are a bigoted […]

‘Transgender’ as Self-Harm

  Maddy is a fat girl with a self-harm problem. You can see on the photo above the scars on her arms from repeatedly cutting herself. While she provides little information on her Tumblr blog that would enable us to understand the sources of her mental health problems, we know that many adolescent girls struggle […]

FMJRA 2.0: Synthwave & The End of Summer

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Mariya Takeuchi Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL A Fake Jew in the Identity-Politics Age EBL Fake Hate (Because It’s an Election Year) EBL RIP, Senator John McCain A View From The Beach EBL Trey Gowdy Is Well Worth Your […]

Notice @AceOfSpadesHQ Has Gone Full Populist? (And More Trump-Era News)

Few things have pleased me more than watching my old buddy Ace of Spades go all-in on Trump, stopping just shy of a Pat Buchanan-type deal where it’s a nod-and-a-wink to the Jew-haters. Which is exactly the right place to stop, I hasten to add. It’s that scene in Falling Down where Michael Douglas encounters […]

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