The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Transgender Activist and ‘Her’ Pedophile Dad

  Ashton “Aimee” Challenor is a 20-year-old activist in England who “came out” as transgender while he/“she” was a college freshman. Last year, “Aimee” ran for office on the Green Party ticket, and was an official spokesperson for the party on gender-related issues. The person “Aimee” listed as his/“her” campaign manager was his/“her” father, David […]

Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles

  Last month, I wrote this: Irony much? @AlisonRapp is an advocate of perversion who hates #GamerGate. She is an enthusiastic promoter of Japanese anime videogames that have been criticized as fantasy fodder for pedophiles and, in fact, Ms. Rapp has denounced as “censorship” the criminalization of child pornography. Twisted freaks like Ms. Rapp are welcome […]

Famous Gay Rights Activist Now Also Famous for Child Pornography Habits

  It’s possible to be quite specific about Larry Brinkin’s pornographic preferences, but “forcible sodomy of infant boys” is perhaps about as specific as we need to get. Oh, and also this: Larry Brinkin enjoyed interracial child pornography, and used the “n-word” when expressing his erotic enjoyment of these images and videos. You stay classy, […]

Remember the Pro-Pedophile Movement That Liberals Pretend Doesn’t Exist?

Considering how often we’re told that there is no such movement, the ongoing effort to legalize sex with kids sure keeps busy: The [British] prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty of Public Health president Prof John Ashton said society […]

Pro-Pedophile Progressives?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. But this isn’t about that. Matt Barber is describing another dangerous progressive cause: So much for the left’s “consenting adults” rhetoric on sex. Forever the consummate conservationists, our self-described “progressive” friends at the ACLU, MSNBC and elsewhere have been ramping-up efforts to downsize from “consenting adults” to merely “consenting” […]

Neutral Objective Incompetence: How Ginger Gorham Aided Pedophile Network

“I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household, and I’ve gone over and over about it in my brain and I did not feel anything was wrong. … I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then, I just […]

Like Many Other Liberal Activists, @Political_Bill Doesn’t Like Police

Of course, if you had gotten busted for possession of drugs and child pornography, maybe you’d hate cops, too: William “Bill” Talley aka @Political_Bill on Twitter … is a convicted sex offender who has managed to delay going to prison through evidentiary appeals. During that time, he has emerged as a progressive voice on Twitterand even briefly enjoyed board status in a […]

Pro-Pedophile Group Piggybacks on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’

“[T]herapeutic morality encourages a permanent suspension of the moral sense. There is a close connection, in turn, between the erosion of moral responsibility and the waning capacity for self-help . . . between the elimination of culpability and the elimination of competence.” — Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of […]

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