The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Male Feminist,’ a Predictable Breed

  You probably never heard of self-described “comedian” Mo Fathelbab, who has never done anything successfully, and you never would have heard of him had he not (a) started an “experimental” comedy club in New York, (b) created some kind of weird hoax feud with Trump supporters, and (c) date-raped a woman — allegedly, I […]

Never Trust a ‘Male Feminist’ (And Relevant Thoughts About @JayaSaxena)

  You probably never heard of Devin Faraci, who blogs about movies, and perhaps you never would have heard of him had it not been for the fact that Devin Faraci is (a) liberal and (b) stupid, but I repeat myself. Being a liberal requires that Faraci hate Republicans and pretend to be a feminist, […]

On @MattMcGorry, @MeghanEMurphy and the ‘Male Feminist’ Problem

  In case you didn’t know, Matt McGorry is an actor who, in March 2015, was inspired by Emma Watson’s “He for She” campaign to declare: I’m embarrassed to admit that I only recently discovered the ACTUAL definition of “feminism”. The fact that the term is sometimes clouded with anything other than pure support and […]

‘Male Feminist’? Don’t Waste Your Time

  Feminists are women who hate men, and men who support feminism do so because either (a) they don’t realize feminists hate them, (b) they hate themselves, or (c) they think they can be an exception to this hatred. Feminism is a movement by women, for women, against men. Feminists regard the “male feminist” as […]

The ‘Male Feminist’ Problem

How many times must I say it? Never talk to a feminist: Guys: Learn to take a hint. Learn to walk away. If a woman tells you she is a feminist, say nothing and walk away. No feminist wants to hear what a man has to say, and life is too short to waste your […]

A Reminder for ‘Male Feminists’

They hate you, too: tell a self proclaimed male feminist that he cant be a feminist and watch him turn in to the biggest misogynist abusive s–t within 0.2 seconds. happens 100% of the time. That 31-word post got more than 25,000 notes on Tumblr in the past year, and the same Tumblr feminist had […]

Is the ‘Male Feminist’ Cuckold a Hoax?

Of course, somebody called my attention to the New York Magazine story by “Michael Sonmore” (obviously a pseudonym) who uses feminist arguments to rationalize his wife’s adultery in their “open marriage.” I commented briefly on Twitter but wanted to ignore the story because (a) yuck, and (b) I suspect the story is a hoax. Like […]

Do You Want to Be a ‘Male Feminist’?

“Feminism is organized insanity. Why be merely crazy, when you can turn your mental illness into a political movement?” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 29 If there is anything feminists hate more than Christianity, heterosexuality, America and capitalism, it’s a “male feminist.” The quotation marks are required because “male feminist” is an oxymoron, a contradiction […]

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