The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman

  A man has been fired from his job at a Toronto hair salon after he delivered a roundhouse kick to a woman at a pro-life protest event: On September 30th at 2:31 PM during Campaign Life Coalition’s peaceful demonstration, pro-life leader Marie-Claire Bissonnette, was roundhouse-kicked in the shoulder by an abortion proponent. The Human […]

‘Male Feminist’ Professor Michael Kimmel Accused of Sexual Harassment

  Nothing is more predictable than a “male feminist” being a creep. Notice how the Chronicle of Higher Education buries the lead here: A sociologist at Stony Brook University who was slated to receive a national award this month for his career?long contributions to gender equality will delay accepting the award for six months, in […]

Feminists Hate All Men, So Why Expect Them to Love ‘Male Feminists’?

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . . “We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.” — Redstockings Manifesto, 1969 “The first condition for escaping […]

BOOM! Anti-#GamerGate ‘Male Feminist’ @Sam_Kriss Accused of Sexual Assault

  Anti-GamerGate Journalist for Vice, Guardian Fired for Sexual Harassment — One Angry Gamer VICE Journalist Commits Career Suicide Following Sexual Harassment And Assault Allegations — Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller Breitbart-Hating Writer Who Ranted Against ‘Misogynists’ Forced to Apologise for Sexual Harassment — Virginia Hale, Breitbart   Live by the “social justice,” die by […]

‘Male Feminist’ Aleksandr Kolpakov Now Charged With First-Degree Murder

Accused murderer Aleksandr Kolpakov (left) and victim Heather Anable (right). When police in Colorado arrested Aleksandr Kolpakov, he was originally charged with second-degree murder in the May 13 shooting death of his live-in girlfriend Heather Anable. The charge has now been raised to first-degree murder, according to the Denver Post, which quotes a police affidavit […]

‘Male Feminist’ Accused of Murdering Polyamorous Atheist Girlfriend

Accused murderer Aleksandr Kolpakov (left) and victim Heather Anable (right). The Denver Post reports: Mesa County’s coroner has identified the 31-year-old woman shot dead in Clifton Saturday night. Aleksandr Kolpakov is being held on a murder charge in connection with the case. Heather Anable died of gunshot wounds to her neck and chest, authorities say. […]

Social Justice vs. Heterosexuality (and the Problem With ‘Male Feminists’)

“We must recognize that heterosexuality is also part of the structure of the oppression of women. Sexual repression is one of the ways in which women are oppressed and one of the ways in which patriarchy is maintained.” — Jane Flax, “Women Do Theory,” 1979, in Feminist Frameworks: Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations Between […]

The ‘Male Feminist’ Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism

“I am a danger to myself and others.” — Hugo Schwyzer, Sept. 30, 2013 “Let’s be clear: Hugo Schwyzer is mentally ill, he has been mentally ill for a long time, and it is highly unlikely that someone suffering from such a chronic psychiatric disorder will ever be completely sane again. . . . “Schwyzer’s […]

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