The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The War Against Human Nature: Feminism and the Mirage of ‘Equality’

“As far as feminist endorsements are concerned, this was the holy grail: A word with a complicated history reclaimed by the most powerful celebrity in the world. . . . Beyoncé would become the subject of two-thirds of all tweets about feminism in the 24 hours after her appearance [at the 2014 Video Music Awards].” […]

Intolerant Diversity, ‘Rape Culture,’ and the Feminist-Industrial Complex

Perhaps yesterday’s discussion of academic feminism — “The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Academia and the Means of Production” — was one of those “TL:DR” experiences for you. Certainly, when I stretch it out to 3,600 words, with lengthy quotations from Queer Theory scholars, I understand that many readers will skip out after a few paragraphs. The reader’s […]

‘There Is No Spoon’: Radical Feminism and the Paranoid Matrix of Patriarchy

“Given that woman cannot ‘fit’ into the cartography of male thought, she cannot be expected to communicate in ways that are understandable to those caught within a patriarchal mindset. Thus the typically male disparagement of women’s thinking as confused, irrational or superstitious is simply a lack of imagination: women’s thinking is only irrational if understood […]

Racism, Classism and Catcalling (or, #Feminism Is for Rich White Lesbians)

Time for a little of what feminists call “intersectionality.” A video went viral in which a woman walking on New York City streets is catcalled or subjected to what feminists call “street harassment.” Allahpundit analyzes both the video and the phenomenon in terms of why do men do this? Before we address the particulars of […]

The Indecent Mind of Andrea Dworkin

  “Intercourse occurs in a context of a power relation that is pervasive and incontrovertible. The context . . . is one in which men have social, economic, political power over women. Some men do not have all those kinds of power over all women; but all men have some kinds of power over all […]

Screaming NYU Protester Woman Identified as Anti-Trump Porn ‘Artist’

  The highlight of Thursday’s protest against Gavin McInnes’s appearance at New York University was a woman who screeched at the police: Who’s protecting NYU from this bulls**t? Why are you here? You’re not here to protect these students from Nazis. No, you’re not! This is completely f***ed up. And these students had to f***ing […]

Feminists Against Heterosexuality (@CarolineHeldman Edition)

Stop objectifying her with your male gaze, misogynists! Years ago, Professor Donald Douglas of American Power began a sort of blog feud with Occidental College Professor Caroline Heldman, and at the time I had no idea who she was. Back in the day (circa 2008-2012), I treated academic feminism as a joke, the way all […]

Heterosexuality Is Now a Crime at Yale: The Persecution of Jack Montague

  After the senior captain of Yale University’s basketball team was quietly expelled last month, I asked: “Is Jack Montague a Rapist?” And when the university refused to specify the nature of the “sexual misconduct” charge, I asked last week: “What Did Jack Montague Do?” The systematic denial of due-process rights in university disciplinary proceedings, […]

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