The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fear and Loathing of the Penis

“All women are prisoners and hostages to men’s world. Men’s world is like a vast prison or concentration camp for women. This isn’t a metaphor, it’s reality. Each man is a threat. We can’t escape men. . . . “[H]eterosexuality doesn’t exist and our ‘urges’ to bond with [men] emotionally or sexually aren’t natural drives […]

Feminism’s Anti-Male Double Standard

A consistent theme of feminist discourse for more than 40 years is a completely negative portrayal of male sexuality. Feminists are united in the opinion that whatever men do in regard to sex is always 100% wrong. Male attraction to women is condemned in feminist rhetoric as “objectification.” If a man admires a woman’s beauty, […]

New York City Is a Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy — Just Ask @JessicaValenti!

  Jessica Valenti has written a memoir, Sex Object, that is exactly what you would expect — a vengeful diatribe against heterosexual men. Like most other feminists, Valenti is oblivious to the fact that her relentlessly negative portrayal of men is just anti-male propaganda. No woman can expect any success as a professional feminist unless […]

Anti-Male Propaganda: Understanding Feminism’s Use of Atrocity Narratives

Left to right: Kelsey Annese, Matthew Hutchinson, Colin Kingston. In the pre-dawn hours of a January morning, Colin Kingston, 24, crept into the home of his ex-girlfriend, Kelsey Annese, 21, and stabbed to death both her and her new boyfriend, Matthew Hutchinson, 24. Kingston then committed suicide. The New York Post reported: Kingston and Annese […]

The Queering of Feminism and the Silencing of Heterosexual Masculinity

  “Women are an oppressed class. . . . We identify the agents of our oppression as men.” — Redstockings Manifesto, 1969 “We are angry because we are oppressed by male supremacy. We have been f–ked over all our lives by a system which is based on the domination of men over women.” — Ginny […]

More Feminist Fear and Loathing

Do you remember @RebeccaWatson? In case you’ve forgotten, she was the total smokin’ hotness of atheist chickdom whose encounter with a nerd in an elevator became a feminist cause célèbre in 2011: “Stop sexualizing me!” I’d forgotten all about her until today, while mining for insanity on Feminist Tumblr, I saw a quote (tagged #rape […]

Feminist Barbie and ‘Rape Culture’

  “Math class is tough!” With that simple four-word phrase, Mattel’s “Teen Talk Barbie” became the focus of a feminist uproar in 1992. The prestige of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) was invoked in a successful crusade to make the talking doll shut up. The abundant research showing that, on average, boys actually […]

Random Feminist Craziness

Why did Harriett Williamson (@harrietpw) lash out at #GamerGate this way? I have no idea. Her account is currently suspended, which suggests that she sent this message during some kind of Twitter meltdown. Ms. Williamson is a British lesbian who hates men so much that when a man suggested she could be heterosexual, she “wanted to […]

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