The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cain’s Gaffes Haven’t Hurt Him … Yet

LAS VEGAS, Nevada Just talked to Da Tech Guy who asked me, “What’s up with Herman Cain and this abortion thing?” This was of course in reference to the Piers Morgan interview which prompted Jonathan Bernstein of the Washington Post to write: Last night, Herman Cain made a big splash when he backed into pro-choice language […]

FMJRA 2.0: Multi-Family Garage Sale

Pointing Out the Obvious: They Don’t Teach Economics at Harvard Law School Da Tech Guy Haemet That Mr. G Guy Cincinnatus Chili Mimsy Were The Borogoves The Rio Norte Line A World At War BREAKING: Weiner to Resign Fausta’s Blog Don Surber The Camp Of The Saints Da Tech Guy Rhetorican Ironic Surrealism Uncoverage VIDEO: […]

VIDEO: Stephen Bannon, Director of Palin Documentary ‘The Undefeated’

MINNEAPOLIS By now, you’ve heard the amazing buzz about The Undefeated, the new documentary about Sarah Palin. There was a special screen last night at the Right Online conference. Trust me, this is going to be a must-see blockbuster, a film that will change the way you think about Palin. Here is my interview with […]

‘Was That a Denial, Governor?’

MINNEAPOLIS “We are not having this phone conversation.” The phone call woke me up from a well-deserved nap here at the Hilton, site of the Right Online conference. Before I’d laid down for my nap, I’d posted a brief item at The American Spectator blog: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week […]

VIDEO: Breitbart Talks WeinerGate

MINNEAPOLIS Everybody I saw downstairs this morning at the Right Online conference kept telling me, “You look rough.” As well I should. My flight out of Dulles yesterday was delayed more than an hour on departure. By the time I arrived, checked into the Hilton and had dinner — bangers and mash at a British-style pub downtown […]

BREAKING: Weiner to Resign

It is being reported that Anthony Weiner has told Nancy Pelosi he will resign from Congress. UPDATE: New York Times: Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after coming under growing pressure from his Democratic colleagues to leave the House in the wake of revelations of his lewd […]

Herman Cain Speaks Bluntly: ‘I Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin … Their Choice’

In an interview on CBS News: “I believe homosexuality is a sin because I’m a Bible-believing Christian, I believe it’s a sin. But I know that some people make that choice. That’s their choice.” OK, I know for a fact that Herman Cain has GOProud supporters, and it will be interesting to see their reaction […]

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