The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Disorderly Conduct at Right Online?

Well, maybe we got a little rowdy at happy hour, but I didn’t think anyone did anything worth getting arrested for, so you can imagine my surprise at this headline today: GOP blogger arrested at Netroots Nation for allegedly harassing two female bloggers for wearing Muslim head scarves in public. What was that about? Minnesota Public […]

Fear and Loathing at Right Online

MINNEAPOLIS Three obese women are sitting on the other side of the cocktail table in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel where I’m writing this. They are not only obese, they also have iPhones, and are checking their messages while chatting about nonsense of no relevance to the serious political events that have transpired during […]

Right Online: Herman Cain Gets Candid

MINNEAPOLIS — About 15 bloggers got a rare glimpse at an angry Herman Cain, when the Republican presidential candidate’s temper flared briefly during an informal press conference Saturday. The normally genial Atlanta businessman became angry when Evan McMorris-Santoro, a writer for the liberal blog Talking Points Memo, asked whether Cain would apply “special precautions” in […]

‘Moving On’ to Right Online!

DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT By the time you read this, I’ll be on board a jet preparing to depart for Minneapolis and the 2011 Right Online conference. I’m still recovering (and by “recovering,” I mean sick as hell) from pneumonia, and the strain of Three Weeks of Weiner have probably hindered my recovery. Both Don Surber […]

Left-Wing Groups Getting Psyched Up for ‘Netroots Nation’ Event in Minneapolis

Between 1999 and 2005, George Soros donated $535,000 to Alliance for Justice (AFJ), which has also received major donations from liberals like Ted Turner and Barbra Streisand. One of AFJ’s main activities is to help Democrats block the appointment of conservative judges (they supported filibusters of President Bush’s nominees) and to push for the creation […]

The Value of Silence

So, this happened, and this happened, and this happened. In 2011, there was a party at the Right Online conference in Minneapolis. Glad-handing my way around the party — I’m the King of Schmooze — I encountered a handsome young man who wrote for a conservative site and, as is my habit with young people, […]

Check Your Monosexual Privilege!

Birds of weird feathers flock together, and when Melissa Fabello decided to engage in a Twitter colloquy with me (of course I mean, not me), she accidentally introduced me to her friend, Australian freelance writer Catherine Bouris, who has degrees from the University of Sydney and UCLA. Tempted as I am to snark about this […]

Fire-Code Capacity: INCREDIBLE Crowd for Romney-Ryan Rally in Virginia

Mitt Romney speaks Thursday at campaign rally in Fisherville, Virginia (Associated Press photo by Charles Dharapak, via Ken Gardner.) Last night’s rally in Fisherville, Virginia, was so crowded, I couldn’t even get inside with media credentials, and really was lucky to get there at all. When I turned off the ramp from I-81 onto I-64, I was […]

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