The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism as Cliché: When You’re Just Another Privileged White Girl

      Where to start? Hood College is a notorious lesbian school and it’s a mystery why its enrollment keeps declining. Originally founded as a strict Calvinist college for women, Hood admitted male students in the 1970s, becoming coed just about the time it ceased to be Christian. Hood is a bastion of far-left […]

How Much Does @JessicaValenti Enjoy Her Husband @AGolis’s ‘Male Tears’?

  Just about the time Jessica Valenti’s latest book hit the New York Times bestsellers list, her husband’s business venture went belly-up: This, the awkwardly named share-one-link-per-day platform, is shutting down at the end of the month, founder Andrew Golis announced over email to users and in a Medium post. The site, launched in 2014, […]

A Simple Question: Is This True?

“Patriarchy — an enforced belief in male dominance and control — is the ideology and sexism the system that holds it in place. . . . “Homophobia works effectively as a weapon of sexism because it is joined with a powerful arm, heterosexism. Heterosexism creates the climate for homophobia with its assumption that the world […]

Feminism Means Women Must Kill Babies (and Silence Anyone Who Disagrees)

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. . . . He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that […]

Guys: Leave @Jindi Alone

  Jindi Mehat (@jindi on Twitter) is a radical feminist and digital project manager for the Vancouver-based web services firm Ms. Mehat despises liberal feminists: Liberal feminists stop debate by crying “choice” when radical feminists unpack the context and impacts of choices — especially choices that reinforce male supremacy. . . . Unquestioningly celebrating […]

Emily Depasse (@eld3393) Affirms Her Pride in Being Infected With Herpes

“I am able to embrace my herpes positive status. . . . “I have no shame in who I am. . . . “I have sex, great sex. I write about sex. I talk openly about sex.” — Emily Depasse, April 18, 2016 Readers will remember Emily Depasse as the feminist who bragged about teaching […]

Feminism as Psychological Warfare (Because @FFigureFBust Asked)

While monitoring online feminism, I noticed someone had RT’d @FFigureFBust, posting a cartoon with this feminist “joke”: Man: “You wear too much makeup.” Woman: “You consume too much oxygen.” Man: “It’s just my opinion, you’d look better withou–” Woman: “So would you. Without oxygen.” (pause) Woman: “F–k your opinions.”     This is a variation […]

‘Nice Guys,’ Failure, Self-Pity and Cruelty

Bailey Poland (@the_author_) is a fairly typical example of how feminism attracts sadistic women by offering them ideological justification for their impulses toward anti-male cruelty. Because of confirmation bias and epistemic closure, however, once a woman enters the feminist echo chamber, it becomes impossible for her to understand her own impulsive responses as emotion, per […]

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