The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

National Offend a Feminist Week 2012

Did somebody say “War on Women”? OK, we’re not actually anti-woman. More like, anti-Women’s Studies majors. Which is why, for the fourth consecutive year, we are pleased once more to inaugurate this annual festival of fun, quoting the immortal words of our charter: Hey, sweetheart, when I say “bring me a cup of coffee,” I […]

Stirring the Feminist Cauldron

“Potential Rapist Syndrome is a mind virus infecting the brains of put-upon feminists all over America and Sweden. The slightest effrontery by a man not immediately deemed a charismatic alpha male by the woman victim causes the virus to multiply rapidly, resulting in flawed reasoning that imputes the worst possible motives to innocuous, if unattractively […]

Remember: Radio Feminist Fight With Little Miss Attila 10 a.m. ET Today

The three-week-old feud begun by Little Miss Attila — “oversimplified fiddle faddle”! — will get an airing today on Da Tech Guy’s radio show on WCRN 830 AM (click the link to listen live online) at 10 a.m. Eastern. Attila is boasting that she’ll put me to flight. UPDATE: The consensus of the in-studio guests was […]

The Feminist Omerta

Permit me to offer a simple analogy: Feminism is to women as Mafia is to Sicilians. Students of organized crime know that what we call “mafia” was, during its heyday, actually known to its members as La Cosa Nostra — roughly translated, “this thing of ours.” That wild thought occurred to me as I contemplated […]

Merry Christmas, America: Feminists Attack Michael Moore as ‘Rape Apologist’ Over Swedish Case Against Julian Assange

Short of nuclear war between North Korea and Iran — or maybe Barack Obama accusing Markos Moulitsas of racism — it just doesn’t get any better than this, my friends: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Never have I been so happy to link Melissa McEwan, who provides this transcript, […]

Unintentional Hilarity: Feminists Ask If Julian Assange Committed ‘Rape-Rape’

Exactly why this showed up on Memeorandum, I don’t know, but with a headline like “Some thoughts on ‘sex by surprise,’” I had to click and it’s Jill Filipovic at Feministing: There’s a lot going around in bloglandia and on the interwebs about WikiLeaks honcho Julian Assange’s sexual assault charge in Sweden; commentators are saying […]

Douchebag Links Feministe

When it’s time to talk about abstinence education, the Harvard-educated wunderkind makes sure to throw traffic to feminist blogger Jill Filipovic and Planned Parenthood. No conservative blogger has ever written about these subjects, you see, and Ross Douthat has never linked a conservative blogger.

Check Me Here, @RooshV: Is Your Sexuality ‘Ugly … Dangerous … Brutal’?

  Readers may or may not be familiar with Daryush Valizadeh, the notorious pickup artist (PUA) known as @RooshV. He became the World’s Most Famous Misogynist in the wake of the Isla Vista Massacre because The Creepy Little Weirdo who committed that atrocity had frequented some PUA forums. This was a dishonest guilt-by-association smear. Maybe […]

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