The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

This Was Probably Inevitable

I denounce myself for laughing at this: LOL: #FreeKate argument as pop culture meme… | @txav8r — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 11, 2013 While I’m sure Kaitlyn Hunt‘s admirers will reject this sarcasm as perversely inappropriate, let’s remember that they are the ones defending toilet sex with 14-year-olds as a constitutional right.   […]

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movement

Why did the “Free Kate” movement flourish so rapidly after May 17? Some people have attributed this to the gay-rights angle in the case — Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt, 18, has admitted having sex with a 14-year-old female — and the claim of “homophobia” stirred sympathy for someone who admits committing a felony under Florida law. […]

FMJRA 2.0: Secret World

— compiled by Wombat-socho “Once you were secret – but now you are public!” -NKVD prison camp guard, ~1946 (It seemed appropriate to the ongoing events, on a number of fronts.) PHOTO: ‘Model Citizen’ Kaitlyn Hunt Helps Sister in 2-on-1 Beach Beatdown That Mr. G Guy The Conservatory Conservative Hideout Da Tech Guy Eternity Matters […]

She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science

“Pretty Baby has been banned outright in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. No less a moral arbiter than Rona Barrett solemnly advised her TV audience that the movie is ‘child pornography.’ Others have attacked its French director . . . as a combination of Humbert Humbert and Roman Polanski.” — Kristin McMurran, People […]

‘Relationship’ as a Euphemism: What Does This Tell Us About the Culture?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family says she’s a victim of homophobia. A week ago, Canadian lesbian Kristin Ireland wrote: The Kaitlyn Hunt case haunts me. Never more than a few moments out of my mind. I read every word I can find on the subject. And I search for similar cases. How many of our young people […]

#FreeKate Update: Accused Teenager Attends Fundraising Party at Gay Bar

There has actually been news in the story of the accused sex offender who, for a few days last month, became a gay-rights poster girl. The biggest news? Support for the “Free Kate” movement has utterly collapsed, and even gay activists like Stampp Corbin of LGBT Weekly are calling b.s. on the victimhood narrative: What […]

‘Low-Information Voter,’ IYKWIMAITYD

The meltdown of the #FreeKate victimhood narrative evidently has shrunk the #FreeKate movement down to a hard core of irrational fanatics, among them Rebekah Becky Majors-Manley. News that a local gay-rights group was not supporting accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt inspired this Facebook rant from Majors-Manley: You noticed, I’m sure, that at some point Majors-Manley’s […]

But … It Was Consensual!

The case of 18-year-old Kaitlyn Hunt, charged with a felony for having sex with a 14-year-old, has elicited the support of the American Civil Liberties Union, which calls this “behavior that is both fairly innocuous and extremely common.” Well, OK, if 18 and 14 is no problem, how about 13 and 19? And how about […]

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