The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Headline Round-Up: Snowden Flees

@richard_mcenroe Leftists vs. David Gregory? Kinda like Hitler vs. Stalin, really. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 23, 2013 Working on some stuff today while coping with a caffeine deficiency, but my first task today was the latest in the Ed Snowden story: Charged by U.S. authorities with espionage, former National Security Agency contractor […]

Perverts, Degenerates and Sociopaths

Sue Lyon in Lolita (1962) S.J. Reidhead has an excellent examination of the characteristic problems of pro-pedophile apologists in the “Free Kate” movement, an inevitable consequence of the arguments that the Hunt family has made in defense of the accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. From the beginning, both Kaitlyn’s parents have been dishonest about […]

The Eliminationist Rhetoric of @QueerSpring2013, Twitter Psychopath UPDATE: The ‘Pomosexual’ Mandela?

If you recall the reaction to passage of Proposition 8 (see my 2008 article “Gay Rights, Gay Rage”), you know that the more militant members of the gay rights movement are some of the most hate-filled lunatics in human history. Pol Pot looks reasonable by comparison. One such deranged monster uses the Twitter handle @QueerSpring2013, […]

Weirdos, Freaks and Degenerates

Well, yes, that would be a fairly accurate description of the MSNBC audience, but I had in mind the latest news from Ohio: Three Ashland residents held a cognitively disabled woman and her child against her will for two years and forced her to perform manual labor for them, law enforcement officials said in a […]

Speaking of (Alleged) Perverts …

Hey, #FreeKate: Some of your enthusiastic supporters were on their way to Florida to "help." Unfortunately … — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 19, 2013 Some of these creepazoids were as young as 18, the same age as Kaitlyn Hunt when she fingered a 14-year-old in a school toilet stall, so maybe the ACLU […]

FMJRA 2.0: The Planets

— compiled by Wombat-socho She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science That Mr. G Guy Hogewash Da Tech Guy Common Sense Junction The Political Hat The Conservatory Conservative Hideout Da Tech Guy A View From The Beach Edward Snowden’s Dubious Heroism Da Tech Guy The Conservatory AmSpecBlog Lowering The Boom The Camp of the Saints The Classic […]

Gary Herndon: ‘Model Citizen’

Readers will recall that the attorney for accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt called her client a “model citizen.” And readers may also recall the evidence that the term “model citizen” apparently has a very flexible definition for “Free Kate” supporters: “Beat her f**king ass, Emily! Beat her ass! Get that bitch!” Bad causes attract bad […]

The #FreeKate Criminal Caucus

Bad causes attract bad supporters, and readers will perhaps not be surprised that people who think it should be legal to diddle 14-year-olds — which is what the “Free Kate” movement boils down to — are not generally paragons of civil discourse: Who is this #FreeKate fanatic Gary Herndon and why is he in favor […]

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