The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

UPDATE: Lying Felon Brett Kimberlin Scores a Draw in Maryland Hearing

Posted on | June 30, 2012 | 23 Comments

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison

“[I]n 1981, Kimberlin . . . was finally convicted of a week-long bombing spree . . . in which eight separate bombs caused extensive property damage, destroyed a police cruiser, and severely maimed a man, which eventually led to the man’s suicide.”
Mandy Nagy (“Liberty Chick”), Oct. 11, 2010

“If someone had told me, don’t say anything about Lillian Hellman because she’ll sue you, it wouldn’t have stopped me. It might have spurred me on.”
Mary McCarthy, 1988

“Never doubt that God answers prayer.”
Robert Stacy McCain, May 21, 2012

Aaron Walker reports that a Maryland district court judge on Friday granted convicted felon Brett Kimberlin’s petition for a peace order against Virginia resident John Norton. The judge also granted Norton’s petition for a peace order against Kimberlin.

Walker argues that neither peace order should have been granted, but it seems to me that Norton’s counter-complaint — a defensive measure, to protect himself against workplace harassment by Kimberlin — was entirely legitimate. Keep in mind that on May 21, Kimberlin contacted my wife’s workplace, accused me of having “harassed” him and, in doing so, made clear that he knew where I lived.

So if anyone on Kimberlin’s enemies list asks for legal protection against his known pattern of intimidation, certainly I can understand.

According to Norton’s peace-order petition, all he did was to drive on the road where Kimberlin lives — a through route, connecting Maryland State Highway 190 (River Road) with Maryland State Highway 191 (Bradley Boulevard), which D.C.-area commuters sometimes use as an alternate route to avoid congestion on the Beltway (I-495).

Kimberlin’s peace-order petition claimed that Norton was “lurking,” although it must be remembered that Brett Kimberlin is not merely a convicted terrorist bomber, but also a convicted perjurer (for lying under oath to a federal grand jury in 1973).

In fact, Kimberlin is so notoriously dishonest that liberal journalist Mark Singer, who was initially sympathetic to Kimberlin’s bogus claims of being a “political prisoner,” wrote a 1996 book (Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin) that portrayed him as a “top-flight con man,” as a reviewer for Publisher’s Weekly said.

Kimberlin has never admitted guilt for the federal felonies for which he was convicted in 1981, including the bomb blast that horribly maimed Carl DeLong. His refusal to confess his bloody crimes, despite the conclusive evidence against him — which involved, among other things, a brand of explosive known as Tovex — has turned Kimberlin’s entire existence into a massive mountain of lies, piled sky-high atop the fundamental lie of his bogus claims of innocence.

Anything that Kimberlin says must be presumed false.

To borrow Mary McCarthy’s famous denunciation of Lilian Hellman: Every word Kimberlin writes is a lie, including “and” and “the.”

So when Brett Kimberlin accused John Norton of “lurking,” it was not in the least bit surprising to see Norton’s response: “I was shocked to read the false claims made by Mr. Kimberlin.”

Brett Kimberlin lying in official court documents? You don’t say!

That’s why Jimmie Bise Jr. calls him “Lying Felon Brett Kimberlin.”

Kimberlin’s Modus Operandi

While the law may permit a convicted perjurer’s lies to be accepted as evidence in Maryland courts — legal scholars tell me otherwise, even though some Montgomery County judges treat Kimberlin as if he were capable of telling the truth — there is nothing than can lawfully prevent anyone from stating the honest facts about Brett Kimberlin, namely that he is a vicious liar with the blood of innocents on his hands.

Any reasonable person examining the facts about Kimberlin’s infamous history would be stunned to discover that law-abiding citizens are being hauled into court based on the word of a man once convicted of blowing up a police car. This was the act of a drug smuggler who boasted of his contempt for law enforcement and who, according to investigators, conspired from his jail cell to murder a federal prosecutor and one of the witnesses against him:

Brett C. Kimberlin schemed to elude justice with a series of bizarre plots designed to murder, maim and rob his enemies, create havoc . . . and discredit the chief government prosecutor. . . .
Kimberlin asked another inmate in the Marion County Jail to arrange for the murder of Bernard L. (Buddy) Pylitt, the former first assistant U.S. attorney who coordinated his prosecution.
The offer contained a list of 10 names, including a potential prosecution witness, Robert Scott Bixler.

It is genuinely amazing to think that anyone could read that 1981 article by Indianapolis Star reporter Joe Gelarden — please print it out and read the whole thing — without recognizing that Kimberlin’s characteristic modus operandi has scarcely changed in the past 30 years.

By accusing others of wrongdoing, Kimberlin seeks to evade responsibility for his own wrongdoing. What I’ve called the “accuse the accusers” strategy — which is also witnessed in the actions of Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser — looks very much like obstruction of justice.

Of course, I’m not a lawyer. I’m not a detective or a cop or an FBI agent. I’m just a reporter trying to cover a story, and the big mystery at the heart of this story is: Why do Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser keep acting like they are trying to hide something?

Why did Kimberlin sue Seth Allen? Why did Kimberlin threaten to sue Patrick Frey and Mandy Nagy? What was the purpose of Rauhauser’s collaboration with the hacker group Anonymous on behalf of Kimberlin’s 501(c) non-profit Velvet Revolution? Why did Rauhauser use the alias “Gaped Crusader” to harass Frey and Frey’s wife? Why would Rauhauser be obsessed with “persona management,” a deceptive means of concealing online identities? When did Kimberlin put Rauhauser on his payroll, and for what purpose? Why did Rauhauser send a weird document to the FBI and other law enforcement officials, accusing a number of people including Andrew Breitbart of complicity in a strange conspiracy? Why did Rauhauser suddenly start blogging obsessively Patrick Frey shortly after Frey was SWATted at his Los Angeles home? Why has Kimberlin waged a months-long campaign of harassment against Aaron Walker? Why does Rauhauser keep showing up at Kimberlin’s court hearings? Is there any truth to Rauhauser’s repeated assertions of his cozy relationship with the FBI?

I don’t claim to have the answers to any of those questions, but it is small wonder that many people familiar with the facts of this story would like some answers. There may be innocent explanations for all this.

Maybe Brett Kimberlin is just embarrassed to be reminded that his strange interest in a pre-teen girl made him a suspect in the contract murder of the girl’s grandmother, Julia Scyphers, a crime that has never been officially solved because the only eyewitness died after identifying a member of Kimberlin’s drug-smuggling gang as the trigger man.

Maybe all the hinky online behavior by Neal Rauhauser during the past year is just a typical manifestation of a warped personality who reportedly engaged in behavior “disturbing enough to result in a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation” that found Rauhauser to be “deeply disturbed,” even “sociopathic.”

Maybe there is no reason to suspect that Rauhauser’s bizarre accusations against Patrick Frey are part of a deliberate effort to obstruct the investigation of the SWATtings of Frey and Mike Stack. Maybe all that weird stuff about “a very big dog from the Anonymous pen” helping Velvet Revolution against “Breitbart associates” was just standard-issue Rauhauser crazytalk, rather than the description of a conspiracy against Neal’s enemies sponsored by Kimberlin’s non-profit.

‘Accuse the Accusers’: How It Works

Given the possibility of innocent explanations for all these things, then, there is no need to allege any specific criminal activity that Rauhauser and Kimberlin are attempting to cover up. We can merely state, for example, that on May 24, Rauhauser sent an e-mail to Mike Stack, CC’d to California attorney Jay Leiderman, urging Stack to file a lawsuit against Frey so that Frey “could be compelled to settle for $10K-$20K just to avoid discovery.”

If you know that Rauhauser was named among those Frey suspects of complicity in his SWATting, doesn’t that e-mail look like an attempt to obstruct justice by using one SWATting victim (Stack) to help discredit another (Frey)? Accuse the accusers, you see.

Rauhauser clearly hoped that slanderous May 24 e-mail — in which, among other things, he claims that being “connected with Robert Stacy McCain” could make someone “an accessory in a federal hate crimes investigation” — would remain a secret. By the same token, Rauhauser also obviously hoped to keep secret other e-mails in which he claimed that Mike Stack, Seth Allen, Aaron Walker, Ron Brynaert and Michelle Lessick all have “psych[iatric] disabilities” or “mental difficulties.”

Again: Accuse the accusers — Rauhauser persistently endeavors to discredit anyone who might accuse him of wrongdoing, in the same way that Kimberlin has done by filing legal actions against Seth Allen, Aaron Walker and others. Kimberlin’s peace-order complaint against John Norton is part of this strategy: “Your honor, this man drove past my house and wrote about it on the Internet — I’m the victim of a conspiracy!” Indeed, this is what Kimberlin claimed:

“Mr. Norton clearly has a relationship with Mr. Allen and Mr. Walker, and I firmly believe that Mr. Norton is or was conspiring with Aaron Walker or his client Seth Allen, or others acting on behalf of Aaron Walker, to stalk or harass me and place me and my family in fear.”

On the one hand, this is insane. On the other hand, Kimberlin then turned around and cited his own insane claim of an Allen-Walker-Norton conspiracy as evidence in his June 22 filing against Walker:

On June 15, 2012, Petitioner found a stalker lurking outside his home taking pictures. Petitioner called 911 and the police identified the man as John Firman Norton, and he lives in Fairfax, Virginia, very close to Mr. Walker’s home.
Mr. Walker’s client, Seth Allen, posted at least one of the pictures taken by Mr. Norton on a blog. Exhibit B. On June 22, 2012, Petitioner filed for a Peace Order against Mr. Norton.

So you see how Kimberlin makes spurious charges against Norton, then employs those charges as part of his effort to discredit Walker. Remember that in October 2010, when Kimberlin threatened to sue Patrick Frey, he accused Frey of conspiring with Seth “Socrates” Allen:

I have just sued Socrates on which you rely for cyber stalking, defamation, libel, violation of privacy and interference with business.  Socrates has been banned from many sites and forums for stalking many people including me.  He is under criminal investigation for cyber bullying and cyber stalking.  By corresponding with him and relying on his defamatory posts, you are conspiring with him and are just as liable as he.
Most of the things you write about in your post are false.  If you have not removed the defamatory piece within 24 hours, I will proceed with legal action against you and will serve notice on your service provider that you are violating your terms of service by engaging in false, defamatory and abusive postings.

In other words: “Seth Allen is a liar, and I have sued him. I will now sue you for conspiring with Allen to repeat his lies, and I’ll also get your blog shut down for a violation of terms of service.”

Questions Accumulate, Answers Await

Kimberlin uses his own civil action against Allen as evidence to discredit Allen, thus to discourage Frey (or anyone else) from relying on Allen’s work. So when we see Kimberlin attempting to employ spurious legal complaints to discredit Aaron Walker, we know that eventually Kimberlin will accuse others of criminal wrongdoing because of their relationship (real or alleged) with Walker.

Accuse the accusers — and then use your own accusations as “evidence”!

Are we therefore to think it a mere coincidence when Mike Stack gets an e-mail from Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser, saying that Stack has made statements “based on information he has received from people around John Patrick Frey,” some of whom are also “connected to Robert Stacy McCain,” making reference to a “federal hate crimes investigation” (!) and telling attorney Jay Leiderman that Stack “is willing to talk to the FBI to get at these guys for what they have done to him”?

Did Brett Kimberlin — whom Rauhauser has described as his “client” — authorize Rauhauser to write that e-mail? Is this part of a deliberate effort by Kimberlin and Rauhauser to discredit those on their enemies list? And given that there is supposed to be an ongoing federal investigation of the SWATtings of Stack, Frey and others (most recently including Aaron Walker), couldn’t these actions be construed as obstruction of justice?

Such questions proliferate as I continue reporting this story. Every time Brett Kimberlin goes to court against his enemies, he creates more news for me to cover, and every time Kimberlin goes to court, it seems he brings along Neal Rauhauser as part of his entourage. Their evident inseparability would seem to lend credence to the belief that Rauhauser is a partner in everything Kimberlin does, and vice-versa.

Questions have been accumulating, and the problem is that neither Kimberlin nor Rauhauser has been compelled to answer these questions.


Just wait, however. This story is a long way from over.

Robert Stacy McCain, Whereabouts Unknown

Update (Smitty): welcome, Instapundit readers!







23 Responses to “UPDATE: Lying Felon Brett Kimberlin Scores a Draw in Maryland Hearing”

  1. Instapundit » Blog Archive » STACY MCCAIN remains on the Kimberlin case….
    June 30th, 2012 @ 10:32 pm

    […] STACY MCCAIN remains on the Kimberlin case. […]

  2. SPQR
    June 30th, 2012 @ 10:36 pm

    All of Kimberlin’s filings have included at least one easily verifiable falsehood.  Its a principle of law that it is reasonable to infer dishonesty in all claims from a single dishonest statement.

  3. jwallin
    June 30th, 2012 @ 10:51 pm

    Is there a reason why we never see a more recent picture of BK shown here (or elsewhere for that matter)?

    Not so that he should be made a target but so that we get an accurate idea of what he looks like. These pictures you put up make him look younger and more harmless. Like the way they put only pics up of a younger trayvon.

    His current pic is definitively more representative of the inner person.

    A man’s deeds and inner self are written on his face by the time he’s 40.

  4. Dianna Deeley
    June 30th, 2012 @ 11:22 pm

    Interesting article, and the questions are good ones.

    Do you ever feel faintly bewildered, seeing your name associated with all these vague, but sinister, insinuations? It would have me shaking my head. 

    BTW, I hope the move is going as smoothly as possible, and the new house is satisfactory, at least temporarily. You never signed up for this kind of insanity, and you shouldn’t have to put up with it.

  5. Stogie Chomper
    June 30th, 2012 @ 11:28 pm

    Stacy could have pointed out that Kimberlin was given a lie detector test, arranged by his counsel, on Kimberlin’s involvement in the Speedway bombings.  When the examiner asked Kimberlin if he was the Speedway bomber, “his heart exploded.”  In other words, he flunked that lie detector test big time, when he denied being the Speedway bomber.

  6. pdxnag
    June 30th, 2012 @ 11:31 pm

    This is art. Making sense of the insane.

    Am I to conclude that they are deeply trouble because they could rat out the infamous Anonymous computer hackers? If they just dropped out of the public light would that be an admission, explaining we they have to attack?

  7. Chris Cassone
    July 1st, 2012 @ 12:08 am

    New song in support of Blogger Freedom (all proceeds go to National Blogger Club defense fund)

  8. Evilbloggerlady
    July 1st, 2012 @ 12:35 am

    Eventually justice will be done. Thank you Stacy.

  9. quietobserver
    July 1st, 2012 @ 12:43 am

    Thanks for staying with this story. Kimberlin is a Bag of S***!

  10. Robert Hansen
    July 1st, 2012 @ 1:40 am

    Please, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that anything Kimberlin says must be presumed false.  That makes it easy for Kimberlin to trip you up: if he tells you the truth he’ll never see it coming.

    Kimberlin does not appear to be a pathological liar, someone who due to serious mental illness is physically incapable of honesty.  Instead, he appears to be someone who is merely apathetic to the truth, someone who will tell the truth if it is in his best interests or a lie if that will better advance his cause.

    Anything Kimberlin says must be considered a nullity, as if he made no claim at all.  It cannot be believed: it must not be disbelieved.  If he were to tell me it was raining, I could neither take him at his word or think he was lying.  I could only look out the window myself if I wanted to know the truth.

  11. UPDATE: Lying Felon Brett Kimberlin Scores a Draw in Maryland Hearing | The Other McCain | jamesbbkk
    July 1st, 2012 @ 2:12 am

    […]… Share this:TwitterRedditFacebookEmailPrintDiggStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Today’s Obamacare Decision: A Dissent (joined in part by Paul) | Power Line […]

  12. Stogie Chomper
    July 1st, 2012 @ 2:18 am

    Excellent point.  You can see a current pic of Kimberlin here: 

  13. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    July 1st, 2012 @ 3:00 am  It may not be an Instalanche, but the more links the better.  

  14. jwallin
    July 1st, 2012 @ 12:44 pm

    Thanks. I already knew what he looks like now but kept/keep seeing these out of date pictures everyone and wondered if there was a rationale.

    He’s like in his 50’s and looks like an ex-hippie. I think it’s important that ex convicts who are actively threatening people should have their current pictures available to the looking public if for no other reason than self protection.

  15. Adjoran
    July 1st, 2012 @ 4:16 pm

    Seth Allen was never Aaron Walker’s “client” AFAIK.  Walker merely offered him some free legal advice when he observed Allen was being screwed by the process.  That was enough to draw Aaron into Kimberlin’s web of enemies.

    Back around “Everyone Blog About Kimberlin Day” someone posted the excerpt from the Maryland statute on evidence which clearly prohibited evidence from anyone with a perjury conviction.  Kimberlin has TWO, does he not?

    I just have to wonder why the various litigants in Maryland haven’t pressed this issue.  Kimberlin shouldn’t be allowed to swear out a complaint in the state, much less testify in court.

  16. Adjoran
    July 1st, 2012 @ 4:21 pm

    And I read about Patterico’s SWATting back when he first revealed it  (but after Rauhauser, Brynaert, and others had tipped their own knowledge of it), but at the time suspected it was related to some case Patrick was involved with in his day job.  I admit I thought his suspicions of it being related to the Weiner case were fantastic at the time – what sort of nuts would do such things?

    Now I know what kind of nuts would do such things.  Thanks for keeping the spotlight on them, Stacy – if the Pulitzer still meant what it was originally intended, you’d be getting one.

    Unfortunately, any award they would give to Eugene Robinson and others of his ilk lacks even the significance of a worn-out pine tree deodorizer hanging from the mirror of a clown car.

  17. The #BrettKimberlin Report D+37: The Kimberlin/Rauhauser Cell « The Camp Of The Saints
    July 1st, 2012 @ 8:11 pm

    […] most of it laying out in clear prose the M.O. of Kimberlin and Rauhauser and their comrades.  This is a must read for anyone who wishes to understand just how such Leftist Cells […]

  18. Breitbart’s Last Night, Part 2: From TwitterGate to WeinerGate to SWATterGate – How Did It Come to This? | The Trenches
    July 1st, 2012 @ 9:29 pm

    […] of his first report on Brett [Read: R.S. McCain’s report on the latest developments in “The Kimberlin Files”], the Conservative blogosphere has come together on this case in unique form, function and effect: […]

  19. SarahW
    July 1st, 2012 @ 9:42 pm

    He also lied about the lie detector test! Said he passed with flying colors.
    He also spectacularly flunked a question along the lines of ” do you love your father.” (BK answered “yes.”) I don’t have my copy of Citizen K handy but I’ll see if I can’t get the page no. Off of google books.

    iirc one of his counsel actually had a portion of the lie detector strip framed on the wall of his office.

  20. SarahW
    July 1st, 2012 @ 9:51 pm

    Nope, not one of the snippet sections.

  21. Pittman Ken
    July 1st, 2012 @ 11:20 pm

    as Anthony explained I am in shock that some people able to earn $6455 in a few weeks on the computer. did you see this web link makecash16com

  22. Leftwing Projection: Kimberlin Ally, Neal Raushauser Accuses Brandon Darby Of SWATting Bloggers « Nice Deb
    July 3rd, 2012 @ 10:46 pm

    […] RS McCain, June 30, 2012: It is genuinely amazing to think that anyone could read that 1981 article by Indianapolis Star reporter Joe Gelarden — please print it out and read the whole thing — without recognizing that Kimberlin’s characteristic modus operandi has scarcely changed in the past 30 years. […]

  23. Brett Kimberlin: ‘I Want to Be Left Alone’ : The Other McCain
    July 12th, 2012 @ 11:22 am

    […] the accusers’ strategy . . . looks very much like obstruction of justice.” – Robert Stacy McCain, June 30, 2012FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION The post title is a quote from the transcript of Brett […]