The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Felipe Mistakes Juarez, Razes Arizona

Posted on | May 22, 2010 | 7 Comments

by Smitty

Felipe Calderon deserves to be ignored. And that disgusting pack of cretins that applauded the man deserve to be cashiered. Truly a standing, ovating insult to Americans, these Democrats.


My take-away? Reducing the Progressive rot at the heart of the country is going to take more blood, sweat and tears than Tea Partiers realize. No individual American can be as passive as I was for my first 15 or so voting years. The political situation in America recalls movie that I could not finish: Trainspotting. The third scene (or so) is “The Worst Toilet In Scotland”, where we get to see a junkie whose flesh is so corrupted that he’s taking his dope as a suppository. Before he’s received his hellish blessing of a fix, he has to use his digestive tract in the usual fashion. So there is a bathroom stall, every single square inch of it a foul septic nightmare, and this horrid wretch pawing through his own filth in the toilet bowl to find his pills.
That summarizes the level of debasement to which this 111th Congress and some of the electorate has sunk.
And thus, we should find it unsurprising that PA-12 has trouble envisioning any other situation. VA-8 is going to be as bad or worse, as we try to pry loose an equally corroded, odious tool named Jim Moran. But all Americans must try, or we should have stayed under the British Crown.

PA-12: Another Amazing Coincidence!

PA-12: Is Democrat Mark Critz Pennsylvania’s Martha Coakley?

PA-12: Burns 48%, Critz 47%

PA-12: Gold Star Mom for Tim Burns


PA-12: Shoe Leather Update. Burns Victory?–UPDATE: 175 Double Votes Due To Ballot Misunderstanding?

PA-12 VIDEO: Inside Burns HQ

PA-12: Election Day Scenes

PA-12 LIVE Election Results; UPDATE: Democrat Wins; Burns Concedes

PA-12: The Final Wisdom


Cling to your guns and God, Rand, and let all bitterness be left to the Left.
Rachel Maddow vs. Rand Paul: Intellectual Terrorism and ‘Civil Rights’

The Rand Paul Round Robin

Shocker: Rand Paul Overwhelmingly Popular in Lower Glennbeckistan

Rand Paul Has Made A Fine Transition From Rock And Roll

The Rest of the Story

VIDEO: Best Ad Ever Produced for Agriculture Commissioner

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‘The Stepchild of Culture 11?’

‘Fun, Light-hearted and Accessible’ Is OK, But How About Winning Elections?

Almost as Good as ‘Epistemic Closure’

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Is It OK For Virginia To Be Represented By Men Who Went To Work Dressed Like This?

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Two Kinds of Jews

YouCut: The Auto-Economic-Circumcision Game The Whole Country Can Play

Ah, The Ted Kennedy Criteria

Like Rip Van Winkle

Everybody Should Buy Gold, Even If Glenn Beck Gets Paid to Tell You So

Paging Dr. Hendrick–A Surgeon’s Devastating Appraisal Of ObamaCare

Goreture II: There’s Moore

Dalai Lama: ‘I’m a Marxist’

Eric Dondero Sums It Up Nicely

Celebrity News Update: Lindsay Lohan’s Large Breasts Make Bail, Skip Jail

Other FMJRA Roundups

Miscellaneous Shouts

That’s your FMJRA. Keep linking and send me updates, in particular, your Blogger users.


7 Responses to “Felipe Mistakes Juarez, Razes Arizona”

  1. Bob Belvedere
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 5:29 pm

    You’re a good man, Smitty Oneeach.

  2. Bob Belvedere
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 12:29 pm

    You’re a good man, Smitty Oneeach.

  3. Joe
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 5:36 pm

    Well said Smitty. Well said.

  4. Joe
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 12:36 pm

    Well said Smitty. Well said.

  5. Thrasymachus
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 6:15 pm

    I read some time ago, I think on Salon, that the only group of white males that votes Democratic is union members. PA-12 is not representative of much; people there are still deeply invested in the politics and culture of industrial unionism, even after the industry has been gone for decades. Nothing will change this. The old people will die off, the young people with plans will move away, and the remaining will work disproportionately in government and health care, and you’ll see something like the north of England.

  6. Thrasymachus
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 1:15 pm

    I read some time ago, I think on Salon, that the only group of white males that votes Democratic is union members. PA-12 is not representative of much; people there are still deeply invested in the politics and culture of industrial unionism, even after the industry has been gone for decades. Nothing will change this. The old people will die off, the young people with plans will move away, and the remaining will work disproportionately in government and health care, and you’ll see something like the north of England.

  7. Virginia Right! News Hound for 5/22/2010 | Virginia Right!
    May 22nd, 2010 @ 2:16 pm

    […] Felipe Mistakes Juarez, Razes Arizona […]