The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Flaming Massa Japes Redefine Absurdity

Posted on | March 13, 2010 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

This week’s FMJRA salutes Rep. ‘Burnout Over Fade Away’ Massa, who went from obscurity to celebrity to ignobility with stunning brevity.

On The Road Again

Have Blog (And Fedora) Will Travel
Stand by and stay tuned, as Stacy gears up to explore the question of what happens when Hunter S. Thompson meets Jack Kerouac.

  • datechguy:

    I think you misunderstand me. I don’t expect the readers as a whole to do this. I expect specific groups that want something covered or an event given attention or a candidate profiled to come up with the money. But if individual readers can manage it, I’ll do that too, I’m not proud and my bills won’t care where the money comes from.

  • Patrick:

    Jeeez…. Good luck with that. I ran a small Fundraiser here, and go nothing. 🙁 So, I give up. I’ll just write and pray like heck than I’m able to get enough through ads. Wish you luck Pete. It’s tough man. -Pat

  • Patrick:

    er… make that GOT nothing.

  • MikeeUSA:

    Political Suggestions about women’s Rights: * Females be married once they are able to have children (usually at ages: 12, 13, 14). * Men never persecuted for having relations with a young female of childbearing age. * The marital rape exception reinstated (So that a man is never persecuted for raping his wife). * If a man rapes a unmarried/unbetrothed++ virgin girl he marries her, pays her father some money, and doesn’t divorce her. ++Bethrothal here meaning female living with husband for about one year before the marraige feast/ceremony. * Females barred from bringing claims against their husband (or similar) in court. * Females barred from divorcing their husbands. * Females barred from collecting monies from husband (child support etc). * Other similar things to remove all power from females and make them what men desire. (About Child Support: A saying from Bob is: child support is a seat at a Man’s table and a cot to sleep on in his house)

  • datechguy:

    Thanks Patrick I’ll take all the luck I can get. I figure nothing is going to change unless I change it, and the idea of actually being a roving reporter/blogger for hire is certainly an out of the box solution. Sort of a Jon Sable meme.

  • Hazchic:

    If you guys get to Tucson, I’ll buy you a beer. I can’t afford more than that. AZ is getting interesting. The local radio hosts are tying themselves in knots to keep people from protesting McCain and now this Glassman loser on the Tucson City Council is going to mount a D challenge. It is fun stuff for sure.

  • Cakeman:

    So for ten LARGE, you’d be my blog beeotch? I’m checking under the sofa cushions as we speak… which reminds me of the old scout skit: Repeat 3x LOUD: I’m Sofa King We Todd Head

  • Mr.K:

    McCain…….you fellas are apart of the new generation of Conservative bloggers. You should come to New York’s 29th congressional district when the election is declared, I plan on reporting from Corning, New York, though nothing is definite as of now. Contact for more information.

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  • iPhone rigntone maker review:

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  • counterlord:

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Whatever Happened to Crazy?

  • Joe:

    Leftist and terrorist don’t use guns. They use this. And often this.

  • Dave C:

    After listening to him talk on his video at the link, I think it’s pretty obvious why J. Patrick Bedell wasn’t married with kids. Just saying.

  • CGHill:

    It seems to me, after seeing the video, that he was also a diligent student of the Underpants Gnomes.

  • Grimcargo:

    Cindy Sheehan and Code pinko don;t need no stinking gun. All they gotta do is appear nekkid.

Morris Dees Linked to Right-Wing Libertarian Extremist

  • Underzog:

    I think it is amusing to note that Charles Johnson groupie and suck up, the Wild Irish Rose, has been banned and blocked from that libel site. Of course, I was banned years ago from the libel site because I refused to kiss Charle’s butt as regards is smears of Vlams Beggan and Filip DeWinter; however, I think it is more honorable to be expelled from Little Green Footballs for refusing to kiss his derriere instead of being a stupid sycophant such as Irish Rose who constantly kissed Charles Johnson’s derriere, but was expelled anyway because Charles did not enjoy her anilingus technique. The blogmocracy — — gives the dope on this very enjoyable state of affairs. “Schadenfreude. It is what is for breakfast.” Michelle Malkin

  • M.Joseph Sheppard:

    fyi-this email not for publication. Trust this article of value-there is a new departure from the left re: Palin which is very interesting and important I think. Could you advise a direct email please. If you could add my blog to your bloglist I’d be honored (you of course are on mine).MJS

  • rod stanton:

    Besides McCain (the lefty GOP leader), Pelosi, Reid, Graham and Obama who pays attention to SPLC? Rod

Why Do Charles Johnson’s Beliefs Keep Turning Out to Be Delusional?

  • Jamie Holts:

    Hi. I read a few of your other posts and wanted to know if you would be interested in exchanging blogroll links?

  • MrPaulRevere:

    “The sycophants at Little Green Footballs are enabling Johnson’s delusions of adequacy.” Spot on, as usual Mr. McCain.

  • m:

    The left is always trying to project their crazies onto the right. It’s ridiculous.

  • MrPaulRevere:

    Johnson purports to despise “truthers”, but he sure does seem to spend a lot of time and effort explaining away their actions and deflecting the issue. See Van Jones.

  • Charles Johnson:

    MrPaulRevere, who do you think you are, Dr. Michael Savage? Get off the internets! As for RSM (which stands for Racist Still McCain), now I am Chuckles? Well that is a new one. And are you a libertarian if you eat lamb chops? Or is it, are you a libertine if you eat milk fed veal? All I can tell you is Sharmuta is milk fed, corn fed, and basically herring fed, because she is so fat that she could replace the murderous orca at SeaWorld.

  • David Jacobson:

    I stopped going to LGF some time back in 2008. I’ll probably visit tonight, just because you reminded me of the site and I’ve not been there for so long. It’s better to let a site like this fade away. Still, I wish I had his crew of suck-ups to prop up my traffic. Take LGF public today, it may be your last chance. David Jacobson Cleveland, OH (I don’t want Ed to ferret me out, so I always out myself.)

  • Reaganite Republican:

    Hey CJ, what did you get from MoveOn/Plouffe to leap onboard the Hindenburg in such timely fashion? Will there be some Alinsky medal or something if you succeed in taking down one of these pesky bloggers standing in the way of the revolution? There is no possible philosophy, reaction, or development on the ground that explains a guy flipping out of the blue and then promptly attacking those deemed irksome to the Obama’s underhanded allies of the online left- except graft, imo. Or did you bump your head in the shower, boy?

  • underzog:

    I think it is amusing to note that Charles Johnson groupie and suck up, the Wild Irish Rose, has been banned and blocked from that libel site. Of course, I was banned years ago from the libel site because I refused to kiss Charle’s butt as regards is smears of Vlams Beggan and Filip DeWinter; however, I think it is more honorable to be expelled from Little Green Footballs for refusing to kiss his derriere instead of being a stupid sycophant such as Irish Rose who constantly kissed Charles Johnson’s derriere, but was expelled anyway because Charles did not enjoy her anilingus technique. The blogmocracy — — gives the dope on this very enjoyable state of affairs. “Schadenfreude. It is what is for breakfast.” Michelle Malkin

  • Grimcargo:

    Always and forever it has been the case… The worst enemies a person can have are those who have been made to eat s***** on your behalf and then are rejected. In other words,Chucky hen johnson…when irish eyes are smiling watch your step…bwahhhaaaaaaaaa

  • Charles Johnson:

    I finally banned Wild Irish Rose because…well she was bat shit crazy even for me. She was crazy even for the Irish, which is pretty crazy. Sharmuta has left too. Good riddens. I could not keep her around after she killed her trainer at SeaWorld. It is time to clean house.

  • William Teach:

    Two words to describe Charles Johnson: F(self-deleted)ing Insane.

  • Charles Johnson:

    More example of religious Creationists nut jobs, don’t they realize only I get to decide who gets stoned to death for matters of betrayal of faith! If and when I decide to put Sharmuta down is my decision only! .

  • m:

    “Don’t cry Sharmuta!”

  • kansas:

    He bans everyone who disagrees with him therefore the only ones left are sycophants. On a thread yesterday he was crying about a picture of Michelle Obama being racistly compared to a primate. When one of his posters posted multiple pictures of George Bush with comparative photos, and racists posts of Condi Rice he banned them and the sick-o-pants piled on after the guy could no longer respond.

  • McGehee:

    Why Do Charles Johnson’s Beliefs Keep Turning Out to Be Delusional?

    Because … he is?

  • Charles Johnson:

    McGhee, as a child I liked to put ants in a jar and then selectively burn them with a magnifying glass.

  • Robert Stark:

    Hey, Charles. How does it feel waking up everyday knowing that you are serving the New World Order. You slander all European Patriots yet you support far more extreme policies in Israel. How do you feel about Israel defining itself as an ethno-nationalist state? Why do you slander patriots like Ron Paul who are defending fighting for our constitution and sovereignty. How much if AIPAC/ADL paying you? You are a Shabos Goy for the New World Order.

  • K~Bob:

    (pre-script: Stacy, could you please add your own byline? Blogs are personal by nature, and it creeps me out a bit to see writing presented the way newspapers do it, NTTAWWT) I’m working slowly on an understanding of this phenomenon. We all know people who refuse to accept a balanced argument with well-documented facts. Usually it’s on a more personal level, and induces much family strife. We also know people who find no ethical problem with the workings of “spin” to shade an interpretation of events. A common example is found in many sports discussions over plays called by a losing coach. These “illogisms” are a part of our human heritage, it seems. But the deeper, more disturbing sorts of overt propagandizing, and the refusal to hear reason regardless of who presents it… these leave us all feeling like we are in the presence of insanity. I doubt the invective directed at Mr. Johnson will do anything but harden the shell with which he has encased his mind. He may or may not be coping with a problem, I’m not qualified to know. But the whole episode feels rotten. I cannot see how his “break with the right” can lead to anything good for the left, nor for him personally.

  • VA Right welcomes the post.
  • The Daily Gator gives the linkage.
  • The Classic Liberal picks it up.

‘Irrational Anti-Science Lunatics . . .’

  • dicentra:

    I still maintain that Charles pivoted upon the acquisition of his new squeeze/fiancee. Cherchez la femme and all that…

  • gsr:

    Allowing or not allowing Sharia Law is a function of a greater, undiscussed issue: Whether it is wise or not to allow large numbers of Mooooslims into one’s country. I vote it is not wise. It’s the immigration, stupid.

  • Patrick:

    Oh, he pivots alright. *snicker* *Chortle* *snort*

  • Joe:

    Charles tried ignoring you and now mentions you all the time. If anyone is in anyone’s head, it is you in Charles’ noggin. It must be scary in there.

  • Charles Johnson:

    What I says goes. When it is said by me, you know it is the truth. I am the only arbitrator of right and wrong.

  • Political Byline picked us up.
  • The Classic Liberal did, too.

OMG: Michael Moore as COS?

  • Chris W:

    Like things aren’t bad enough now.

  • Jim Rose:

    That’s a great idea. Like I always say, go insane or go home!

  • Paco:

    Oh, I say! The roads leading into Washington are already highly congested; just think how much worse they’ll be with convoys of trucks bringing frozen pizzas and Little Debbie products into the city around the clock.

  • MrPaulRevere:

    Michael Savage is right, liberalism at its core is a mental disorder. Moore is have bizarre fantasies.

  • MrPaulRevere:

    *Moore is having bizarre fantasies.

  • Patrick:

    In the words of the late Jerome Lester “Jerry” Horwitz AKA Curly Howard of the three stooges fame… “Naaaaa aaaaah aaaaah aaaaah!”

  • Ira:

    Moore is going to jog up to Capital Hill? Does he understand that jogging means a kind of running, not jiggling whenever you move your enormous corpse? Tea Party people should read Moore’s screed, though, in order to better understand how the people on the other side “think.”

  • Paco Enterprises had an amusing take on the notion.

Another ‘Anti-Government Right Wing Extremist of the Ron Paulian Persuasion’

  • Charles Johnson:

    I’ve already posted reams of information about McCain’s white supremacist connections — He likes Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. What other proof do I need. The man is a menance to society. More importantly, he mocks me. That cannot be abided. He’s written articles for American Renaissance, using a pseudonym based on the name of a pro-slavery Confederate general. And he is a close friend of neo-Nazi Bill White, even getting White’s articles published by the Washington Times. He claims he does not get linked by the racist Hot Air site, but they are in cohoots. He occasionally gets Glenn Reynold’s nod and everyone knows Pajama Media is a racist bunch. That is why I left. Of course he is from the south and any Southern Caucasian who does not denounce racism and their racist ancestors every day so all can hear is clearly a racist. And that’s just the start of it.

  • Charles Johnson:

    You deleted my last commment. But I love to twist the truth to my own version of events–then I mock those who do not conform to my own subjective view. Thus anyone who disagrees with me is a racist, or wingnut, or gets the LGF ban hammer. I have banned Wild Irish Rose and even Sharmuta. Frankly, it is liberating to get rid of those wenches finally. It is how I roll. I would fit in well in Iran. So yes, you, Spencer and Geller are all racists, just like Hot Air and Glenn Reynolds. Pam Geller is also an anti semite. Any Caucasian Southerner is clearly racist unless they beg for forgiveness again and again and denounce their friends and family. Neil Young says so. And yeah, every terrorist in America is inspired by the Teabaggers. Because I say so.

  • Charles Johnson:

    You are really starting to drive me insane McCain. The one thing I hate more than anything is mockery. I will not be mocked.

  • MrPaulRevere:

    Johnson really is behaving like Pavlov’s dog. Mr. McCain rings the bell, and he salivates with another fallacious ad hominem attack. Bravo Mr. Mcain, you play him like a fiddle.

  • Aplusplusplus:

    Charles Johnson is mentally ill and kind of stupid. I would just ignore him.

  • pat:

    OK. I am confused. While it is clear that CJ has adopted a leftist ideology, are you saying that he believes that the Iranian Clown deserves anything more than a quick drop off a tall building? And remember that I do not know what goes on at LGF. So I am all ears.

  • Ken Yaman:

    This here: Vlaams Belang (“Flemish Interest”), a Belgian political party that has a history of controversy, opposing the typical European “multicultural” stance toward Islam and immigration is the funniest line of horseshit I’ve read in a long time. Break out the swastika armbands, why don’t you!

  • steve:

    I appreciated Johnson’s candor and clarity.

  • Ed Sedar:

    This is really dumb. Are you high school girls? Who cares about the he said, she said crap??? Apparently not many people though since you have, what, a dozen comments? Why don’t you two get a room? I’m sure McCain can bring fresh white sheets for the bed after all!

  • vanderleun:

    The begging bowl is out! Alas Poor Charles, his site doth increase it’s suckage daily. How do we know? Because after years of purging his readership, Johnson’s having to beg his last few readers to turn off ad-blocking to boost his stats: “Here’s a very interesting piece at Ars Technica, on a subject that has a direct effect on LGF: Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love.” — Why Ad Blocking Hurts the Sites You Love – Charles Johnson

  • True / Slant waves a faux Johnson around.
  • Smash Mouth Politics links this while starting a minor flappet about Dan Riehl.

Things About The Left That Mystify

  • chuck cross:

    “The easiest way to curb American war making capacity, i.e. actually be anti-war, is to support Federalism and the Constitution. American gunboat diplomacy is as simple as Checkov’s gun.” The left will never, ever understand the fact you succinctly state above.

  • Americaneocon:

    Nice posting, Smitty. I’ll try to follow up later with a response, because when we go the other way to states rights federalism we have to find a resting place, or we get all the way to the other side, the Paulbots, who in some cases strike alliances with the hard left. Strange, but it’t out there …

  • Live Free Or Die:

    ‘Things About The Left That Mystify’: To De-mystify, Bawney Fwank recommends Butt Drugs.

  • SDN:

    Smitty, someone needs to point out that your formula “If we concentrate power in DC, and debase the separation of powers by having Congress hand blank checks to the Executive, isn’t military adventurism an obvious consequence?” works equally well if “promotion of leftist social agendas” is substituted. Someone needs to remind “social conservatives” that the government can’t pay for abortions if we cut the Feds down to size.

Condoms for 12-Year-Olds?

  • Red:


  • Live Free Or Die:

    First, Switzerland bans the Overcompensating Phallus Symbols of Islam, and now Switzerland is selling HOTSHOT extra small condoms. Coincidence? I think not.

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    Maybe we can tell the liberals that Big Business and Republicans stand to make a lot of evil, dirty money, which they will use to fund their vast, right-wing conspiracy, off of condom sales.

  • Son of Bob:

    …and where do 12-year-old boys get money to buy condoms?

  • oldwolves:

    To son of Bob: From 12 year old girls they pimp for. Just ask ACORN.

  • Haemet gives it a follow.
  • All American Blogger offers the linkage.


‘Message to the National Republican Establishment: Stay Out of Our Primary’

  • victoria_29:

    Great job & right on the facts. Looking at the history of the candidates that the RNCC has been supporting over the last few months it is like they are scared of electing true Conservatives. In every case where the National party is butting into local primaries they have supported the RINO over the Conservative. What is bad, is the same day that they sent out the fundraising for this “event” Michael Steele wrote asking for money. As I hope many others are doing I wrote them back & told them I didn’t believe that I would be donating until they started supporting Conservatives. I guess we can thank the RNCC for giving progressives, teaparty & local GOP groups a common goal.

  • Mari Allen:

    This is why I remain an independent voter. I have a brain and I, like most voters, use it. When the Repubicans (not a misspelling) wake up and listen to the people they work for, maybe I will consider supporting them. Conservatives are the majority in this country, whether the centrists want to believe it or not, and we are no longer asleep.

  • Stop the Insanity:

    McCain, The people of the 5th District of Alabama are highly educated and they know when someone is trying to pull a fast one on them. They don’t appreciate being a GOP “experiment”. What Boehner and all of his buddies at the RNC Club are soon going to see is that THEY are dispensible; as much so as those Democrats are. They needn’t think there won’t be blowback on them. Conservatives want GOOD, TRUSTWORTHY candidates and Congressional Representatives who will work for THEM; as prescribed by the Constitution. Les Phillip is THE conservative for the people of that district. The two rinos can hang it up. Viva la Revolution!

  • ozwitch:

    “Pages 29-31 of this thing look like they were scripted and designed by an eighth-grader.” I’m a bit suspicious of pp 29-31. The beginning of the presentation is dry and factual, regardless of whether you agree with it or not, for 28 pages. Then suddenly there are 3 pages of crude, ripped-from-the-net images with childish captions and a similarly immature call to action which simply doesn’t fit in with the tenor of the start of the presentation. And then normal service resumes after them. Sounds like a fake to me.

  • victoria_29:

    Just a little added comment late last month Pete Sessions (R-TX)sent out of fundraising letter with a note written in his own hand on it. Guess who it was slamming? Parker Griffith our Democrat Representative. Of course the NRCC claimed it wasn’t meant for our district but another-wow funny it was pretty precise in its description of Parker & his voting record with Pelosi. Must have lost the memo that Parker flipped flopped (again) & was now their boy.

  • USRanger:

    NRC leadership needs to stop eating retard sandwiches and wake up to whats going on at the local level.

  • Stephen Gordon:

    Yo McCain, When I said it is Boehner’s job, I didn’t say that I think it should be his job. One thing you missed which I find relevant is that Griffith supported universal health care as late as 2006. I just covered that in greater detail over at TNR. I find it telling that Mike Pence and John Boehner are supporting a guy who supported universal health care in 2006.

  • 5th District:

    This Les Phillip love affair needs to stop. Have you talked or read about Mo Brooks? You are as guilty as @GOPLeader is when it comes to knowledge in this GOP primary.

  • FilmLadd:

    Interesting that what used to be the party of Reagan – which was all for local control – wants to come down from Mt. Olympus and decide how the local stuff runs.

  • Sean Cooper:

    Hey McCain, The 6th District of Alabama is about to see a great change as well. Dr. Stan Cooke is running against Spencer Bachus – we call Spencer “$pender Bachu$.” Bachus voted for the TARP Bailout, Cash-for-Clunkers, the Serve America Act, Global Poverty Act, Jubilee Act, Financial Services Act of 1999 & the Education for All Act – Total of 1.5 Trillion of American Tax payers Money. This is why Bachus is going and we are voting for Stan Cooke

  • Sean Cooper:

    Mr. McCain, You need to check out Dr. Stan Cooke running against Spencer Bachus in the 6th District of Alabama. This race will have more impact than Mo Brooks, Les Phillips and the turn coat. Vote Bachus the RINO out. Stan is the Man!

  • Tammie:

    The “love affair” as you call it, with Phillip is there for a reason!! I did look at Mo Brooks, most of us don’t pick a candidate from a hat. Mo Brooks has expressed support for additional stimulus funding for failing businesses, he has expressed a desire to raise taxes(like a fine) for businesses that hire LEGAL immigrants, and that is just what he is saying, if you look at his previous political record the picture is even worse. It is blatently obvious that he is out of touch with the American people and the constituants of the 5th district. I personally find it hard to take him serious as a candidate, more of the same…lawyers and professional politicians in Washington-No thank you!! Phillip all the way!!

  • Rev. Bob:

    Les Phillip was hobnobbing with all the GOP bigwigs at CPAC. Phillip is a packaged minority outreach product being sold by the Wall Street fat cats who run the Republican Party. Maybe some day Republicans will catch on to how blatantly they’re being screwed and who’s really doing the screwing.

  • Dave C:

    On Page 29 is The Heart and ‘Motivation To Give’. If they want people to give, then the RNC has to give the people what they want. NY-23 being case in point (and was suspiciously absent in the presentation) with the message of “Give, you true believer but don’t question us.” Not a choice of a crap sandwich on wheat or a crap sandwich on rye.

  • Wayne Bradley:

    This is why the normal person has such a negative feeling about politics. How can a real conservative come out and support a former Democrat who has supported Pelosi 85 percent of the time? The local executives asked the National Party to stay out and they do it anyway. Typical DC arrogance… That is why we need new candidiates and leaders like Les Phillip who have not been bought out by the disgusting DC culture. I hope Alabama gets loud when telling the National Party to STEP BACK!

  • Alfred:

    I do not think that we need to get so upset about the RNC coming to Alabama since we are free to vote as we please in the primary. Give people all of the facts and they will usually pick the best candidate.

  • The Camp of the Saints graciously includes us.
  • Pat In Shreveport picked it up.

F(orget) The Dumb S(tuff)

  • rod stanton:

    Americas tax code has got Progressively (get the pun) for the last 22 years. Why should The One be any different than the Bush(es) or Clinton? This is reason 999 why America needs (urgently) a third party. An old exJarhead Cerritos, Cal

  • Jeff Weimer:

    FTDS, that’s AEF talk. You could have been a member of TURDS (Technicians Undergoing Really Dumb Shtuff).

  • Finrod:

    Heh, the title of this post reminds me of a recent song by The Offspring; the title of the song is “Stuff Is Messed Up”, but the lyric in the chorus is, shall we say, just a *wee* bit more explicit (google ‘the offspring stuff is messed up lyrics’ to get a link to hear it):

    Now, I don’t know and it’s hard to explain, but it seems like things are just kind of insane because the world is crying but nobody’s listening so please leave a message on my cell phone I see bullets getting better Biblical weather And the guy on T.V. is like a total asshole Who are you wearing tonight? Celebrity fundraiser tight Blackties making wrongs right How’s your social bandaid? I don’t know much I don’t know too much But I know this Shit is fucked up La, La, La La, La I guess it’s all about the dream La, La, La La, La The ends justify the means La, La, La La, La La La I’m telling you Shit is fucked up La, La, La La, La You know it’s all about the dream La, La, La La, La The ends justify the means La, La, La La, La La La Now thank God for the media For saving the day Putting it all into perspective in a responsible way With more celebrity news Typical bullshit views I think we’re losing this fight sponsored by Bud Light Now we’re rockin’ the casbah And taking the flack The genie’s out of the bottle And we can’t put him back (put him back) All this stuff It’s overwhelming my brain Can’t you see the storm coming It’s coming this way

    That’s plenty enough of it to get the idea– gotta admit, I’m a sucker for songs dripping in sarcasm.

Understatement of the Day

  • K:

    I know you should never ascribe to enemy action what can be explained by your own idiocy, but either fire the RNC idiots or find the mole.

  • datechguy:

    Am I the only guy who didn’t find that powerpoint a big deal? We are fools for letting the democrats treat is as such. I say let them go after us over that. They will spend days on it and make fools of themselves wasting time. The media will play it up to the exclusion of all else, thus forcing people who want to be informed to go to …Fox.

  • Da Tech Guy picks us up.

Krauthammer for President?

  • proof:

    I’d vote for him!

  • victoria_29:

    Best candidate that I have heard mentioned, would vote for him.

  • Lazarus Long:

    Krauthammer is a frikkin’ genius.

  • John S:

    No. No. No. No. No. No.

  • CFHeather:

    I agree with Victoria_29 – I would SOOOOO vote for him -Krauthammer has no delusions about the situation our country is in – he is also a psychiatrist, which would be very beneficial when dealing with liberals 🙂

  • Paco:

    I think Krauthammer should be drafted just on the basis of the awesome coolness of that slogan (although there are many other good reasons, of course).

  • Old Rebel:

    Krauthammer? I’ll let Pat Buchanan respond: “Howard Dean wants the white trash vote,” wrote Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer in mockery of the Vermonter. “[T]hat’s clearly what [Dean] meant when he said he wanted the votes of ‘guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.’” After Dean was savaged by Al Sharpton, who called the Confederate flag an “American swastika,” Krauthammer was rhapsodic. His humiliation serves Dean right, Krauthammer chortled. He should never have pandered to Southern “yahoos” and “rebel-yelling racist redneck[s].”

  • Fuzzy:

    Drop the hammer in 2012, gotta love that!

  • Pat:

    I’m in! Love me some Krauthammer!

  • Adobe Walls:

    I’d vote for the shirt!

  • Fûz:

    I still remember Krauthammer’s op-ed about how ‘a thousand points of light were muzzle flashes.’ That op-ed is among my papers somewhere. A Krauthammer anti-gun op-ed. So sorry, no vote for Krauthammer over here. The slogan is cool, I admit, but no vote here.

  • henry butler:

    Thank you Number Seven…I needed to be reminded of his anti-southern screed…just goes to show you can’t find total agreement with anybody anymore…as a great grandson of four southern soldiers who did not go to war to defend slavery, I’m going out to raise the “american swastika” and find another hero…

  • Monty:

    Drop the Hammer. I’m down.

  • StuckinKansas:

    Look up his healthcare reform plan. Brilliant and concise.

  • Monty:

    I would give my left arm to watch a Krauthammer/Obama debate.

  • Janet:

    I would vote for a Krauthammer/Thomas Sowell ticket.

  • Porkopolis:

    One of Krauthammer best piece is ‘Morally Unserious in the Extreme’ on his declining Obama’s inventation to attend the signing ceremony for the new stem cell policy ( “…I am not religious. I do not believe that personhood is conferred upon conception. But I also do not believe that a human embryo is the moral equivalent of a hangnail and deserves no more respect than an appendix… …That part of the ceremony, watched from the safe distance of my office, made me uneasy. The other part — the ostentatious issuance of a memorandum on “restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making” — would have made me walk out…”

  • Gregg the Obscure:

    I’d hope for someone vastly more conservative, but Krauthammer is probably the best that is realistic to hope for.

  • Emkay:

    Uhhh…was he born in Canada?

  • Fat Man:

    I don’t want to rain on your parade, and my respect for the Hammer is almost limitless, but I believe that I have heard him speak of his youth in Montreal. And while being Canadian is not disreputable, it is a disqualification for the highest office in the US.

  • Possum:

    I have tried to order K’Hammer tee shirts which I would like for myself and as gifts. The site won’t accept my order. My credit card is valid. There is no “contact us” on the site. Any advice? Thanks

  • skwiself:

    The problem with saying you’d vote for Pundit X is that Pundit X is, well, a pundit. If being able to win debates with wit and solid thinking translated into good presidential material and a successful presidency, Buckley (not Chris) would currently hold Ronald Reagan’s spot in the conservative constellation as the greatest President of the 20th century (instead of, or perhaps along with, the one he already occupies). And if Krauthammer has anti-Southern prejudices, hell, so do I. The problem is that Krauthammer apparently believed or believes that “white trash” constitute some significant or relevant portion of the South’s population; they do not, nor are they exclusive to the South. Places below the Mason-Dixon line still get an unfair stigma attached to them thanks to the Civil War. Anything but the immediate and total rejection of the Confederacy and anything and everything it stood for isn’t politically acceptable in mainstream America. Except for states’ rights, and that opinion itself has been bludgeoned unfairly by associating it with the Confederacy. I agree entirely with what Krauthammer said regarding “yahoos”; only problem is, those “yahoos” exist largely only in some people’s (Krauthammer’s apparently included) minds.

  • chamblee54:

    Mr. K is a cheerleader for Israel. While most of our bought and paid for leadership serves this function, Mr. K brings a polysyllabic flair to the sidelines.

  • Thomass:

    I’m pretty sure the dude is not a natural born citizen (not an Obama joke, I think he was born Canadian)…. So, it won’t fly… which sucks as I’d donate a kidney to have him run against Obama next time around….

  • Edith:

    Yes, this is perfect. Please let this become more than just a T-shirt.

  • LoboSolo:

    Over the years, I’ve agreed with Krauthammer more than I have disagreed with him. However, I just took Krauthammer to task over his inaccurate statements while criticizing Obama killing human space exploration beyond LEO (low earth orbit).

  • Joshua:

    Fat Man: Although Krauthammer grew up in Montreal, he was born in New York, so he doesn’t have any citizenship issues that would prevent him from becoming president.

  • David Rickel:

    Wikipedia says he was born in New York (but raised in Montreal).

  • David Jay:

    Robert – I caught that as well! Nice insult: “SO BAD CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER WOULD WALK OUT” When Krauthammer says something which with I disagree, I respect his view enough to go back and carefully review my assumptions.

  • Ellie Light:

    I’d vote for right after Obamao. What a wuss.

  • rosignol:

    Wikipedia says he was born in NYC and attended college in Montreal. Now, I doubt he wants the job (and is unlikely to win), but as near as I can tell, he’s eligible. And it is a funny t-shirt.

  • egoist:

    In a microsecond! Maybe Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams for Veep.


    Really? You’re basing your views of Krauthammer on what Patrick Buchanan wrote? GO READ THE ORIGINAL COLUMN, YOU LAZY, RIDICULOUS BASTARDS! It’s on-line at townhall-dot-com. “Read the whole thing,” as Sensei Glen says. The November 7, 2003 column was a take-down of Howard Dean’s “southern strategy.” It’s a fierce attack on Democratic condescension toward White Working Class Southerners. He even defends Southern White Womanhood from remarks by James Carville(!) In the column, Krauthammer rightly praised John Edwards for attacking Dean, writing, “All this proved a bit much for John Edwards, whose knowledge of the South is firsthand and not anthropological…” Krauthammer is a brilliant, sardonic commentator. Buchanan is a hump, a lout and even worse, an MSNBC commentator.

  • Terrye:

    I love the guy, but wasn’t he born in Canada?

  • Bob:

    I watch Charles regularly on Special Report and other Fox News shows. He consistently stands out as the smartest guy in the room. But ambition not intelligence is the stuff of which politicians are made, as much as the present White House occupant would like us to think otherwise. BTW – do you think Tom Delay would object to Charles using “The Hammer” as his nickname.

  • TheAbstractor:

    He once advocated a sliding scale gas tax: i.e. tax gas at the pump so that it’s always $3.50/gal or some arbitrary price, regardless of it’s actual market cost. Hardly a conservative/free-market stance.

  • rob sama:

    According to Wikipedia at least, Krauthammer was born in New York City. So that would make him a natural born American citizen, no?

  • Doug Johnson:

    Krauthammer would be a great choice.

  • Live Free Or Die:

    As a psychiatrist, shouldn’t he have been the one to write a book titled,’Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder’? Internationalist, elitist,Neo-conservative, pro-abortion,yet opposes the death penalty, despiser of ‘intelligent design’, advocate of ‘the Science! is settled on evolution’,supports embryonic stem cell research. The man has way too many political warts. I realize this post was classified as Humor, but the comments section turned serious. Clever T-shirts to win elections? ‘Yes We Can!’

  • Old Rebel:

    Frankly, I’m disappointed and a little repulsed at what I’m seeing here. Don’t think for a moment that Krauthammer’s digs at Obama make him a principled conservative champion. He isn’t — he’s another “Big-Government” conservative, cast from the same mold as David Brooks. All he’s doing is prodding Obama into providing even more support for the Neocon agenda Obama has embraced. Krauthammer supported the unconstitutional Patriot Act, which gave the Feds the authority to spy on American citizens. Who feels good about the Bush-Cheney power grabs in the hands of socialist Obama? Krauthammer is for amnesty for illegal aliens, as well as for endless wars we cannot afford. In short, he’s a Neocon. That’s the slick marketing term for Big-Government radicals. Bottom line: He’s the enemy.

  • Silvia A. Gonzalez:

    I am ready to vote for Krauthammer & second Egoist on the Vice President: Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams.

  • Bob:

    Old Rebel, if even Krauthammer is the enemy, you’ve lost. And by branding him “the enemy,” no less, you’ve ensured that no matter my position relative to you two, I’ll take his side. Returning to the general carnival, I want the next election to be between Krauthammer/Sowell and O’Rourke/Barry.

  • Mountain Viewer:

    Fat Man wrote “I have heard him speak of his youth in Montreal. And while being Canadian is not disreputable, it is a disqualification for the highest office in the US.” NO – Although Krauthammer was raised in Montreal, he was born in New York. at least according to Wikipedia.

  • ReNae:

    I’ll take Krauthammer with his positions on illegal aliens in order to get his other positions, including the Patriot Act. This is a seriously smart well read man who has firm (almost exclusively conservative Constitutionalist) convictions and can articulate them. Who else do you know that has the same qualifications

  • Old Rebel:

    Bob wrote, “Old Rebel, if even Krauthammer is the enemy, you’ve lost.” Well, Bob, as I read the other comments, I’ve concluded you’re right.

  • Insta-lanched.
  • Little Miss Attila noted us, but seems to hate Mary Katherine Ham, for some reason.
  • Obi’s Sister like it.

Will ObamaCare Lead To Increase Or Decrease For Butt Drugs?

  • Live Free Or Die:

    Bawney Fwank approved this commercial. “Don’t forget the K-Y.” Locally, every time we pass the Wendell J. Butt Funeral Home, we cannot help but laugh.

  • McGehee:

    That commercial ended well.

Question 9 — “Some other race” — “American”

  • Jeff Weimer:

    Sure, why not, my family has been here since before the founding. I guess that’s as close to non-hyphenated American you can get.

  • Charles Johnson:

    You are all a bunch of racists in your anti-racism.

  • David M:

    Why don’t we just answer the way we always should have answered the question of race and write in – human.

  • House of Eratosthenese gave a hat tip.

PHOTOS: Huntsville, Alabama — Protest Against Boehner, Griffith and GOP

  • John S:

    “Go Home Boehner” Wonder if we’ll see more of that as the election year progresses.

  • victoria_29:

    While 1 teaparty in the area planned & participated in this “protest” the rest of the teaparties in the district didn’t. So I have to ask how grassroots & how much manufactured as a political stunt? Maybe it is just me but planning & working with the far-left obama bots is not exactly reassuring. I do believe that the national party should stay out of our district & let the primary alone, but I also believe that AL voters are smart enough to know Parker’s record without us sacrificing our principals & making a deal with the left. But I guess a few people got a little tv time. Just seems a strange little petty event to be worried about when we have Pelosi trying to ram healthcare down our throats & obama doing a land grab out west that will make us more dependent on foreign oil than ever.

  • Les Phillip Fan:

    There were many people from Limestone/Athens Tea Party participating as well (Deborah King from Athens was the primary tea party spokesperson on all of the TV stories), and the others had considerable distances to drive if they wanted to participate. The only deal with the left was to focus on the bigger lack of integrity on the part of Griffith, which offended both sides. If we can’t put REAL, principled Republicans in office, we’ll be fighting Obama and his cronies long after 2010 and 2012 are over. That means more healthcare battles, more energy tax battles, etc. Making Griffith toxic is crucial, and that means we have to get Boehner out of the way.

Quote Of The Day

  • Live Free Or Die:

    Clubber Lang’s prediction for the upcoming 2010 elections, “Pain.”

  • Joe:

    It’s a grand idea! Now…how do we get them to do it to themselves?

  • Rod:

    Like most good ideas relating to the Feds it will never fly. 29 years ago Ronnie said if Soc. Sec was such a good idea why were Congress folk exempt. He introduced a law to make them part of Soc. Sec. just like most Americans. Both houses were controlled by Dems and Ronnie’s bills never once even mad it to the floor of either house. does “Do as is say. Not as I do!” ring a bell. with the exceptions of Ronnie and Barry the DC folks are hypocrites; have been for decades maybe for ever.

  • Charles Johnson:

    I posted this video of Beck and Malkin going at it. If I could get Wilders into the mix too, it would be every fantasy of mine come alive.

  • Charles Johnson:

    Send in the clowns! This little one can get especially testy when he is naked in the Congressional shower.

  • Rahm Emanuel:

    Here is my St. Patrick inspired push for health care! I am kicking ass for Obama and Axelrod can go wax that dirty sanchez under that snoz of his. And Michael Moore, duck you too (I promised not to use the f word anymore).

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    Here is Rahm Emanuel doing his St. Patrick Day push for health care in Congress. Now that is some effective lobbying!

  • Ric Locke:

    On the original subject — my proposal was and remains to credit all Federal revenues to the account of the Representative of the District in which they are collected. And I mean that seriously. The funds would be the property of the Representative in fee simple. What’s to keep ’em from haring off to Brazil with the entire proceeds? Nothing. (That would be cheaper than what happens now.) Representatives would then fund enforcement of the laws they pass by kicking in the necessary funds. If there’s a surplus the Congresscritter keeps it. If there’s a deficit, the Congresscritter signs a note for the difference. Treasury wouldn’t be able to borrow a nickel, because it would have no revenue to repay it. That won’t fly, of course — the Grundys of the country would scream about the possibility of the dude just absconding with the funds, even though that’s a feature, not a bug. But an interim step would be to have Treasury account for all revenue by Congressional District, and publish the numbers. If both Congresscritter and the people in the District know their income and outgo, things might be a little clearer. Regards, Ric

Cindy Sheehan Might Make A Better Public Servant Than Rep. Pete Stark

  • rod stanton:

    As I said las t year. Were I in the room with Stark I would kick his a**. As old as I am I may die in the process but he would know he had been in a fight. What a dumb, dishonest, crooked S** of a B****! Which is probably an insult to every dog that ever lived! an old exJarhead

  • Jane Jamison:

    Smitty: Just want to make sure you get the full “Alice in Wonderland” impact of what I’m dealing with out here… You DO know that Cindy Sheehan lives out here too and she actually ran last time against Nancy Pelosi??? AAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE JJ

Rep. Pelosi Offers A Quote That Shall Live In Infamy

  • RJ:

    LMAO. That is awesome!

  • JeffS:

    I’m convinced that Pelosi walks around with this playing in her head, all day long. I won’t speculate about when she’s sleeping.

  • rod stanton:

    Thanks for the links. 40 years ago we called what Hamilton said inf Federalist #21 “The Laffer Curve”, as Dr. Laffer documented how raising taxes in Europe from 1945 – 1965 actually lowered collections. It was the reason Ronnie cut the IRS rate from 70% to 28% between 81 + 86. And why the economy boomed in the 80’s as did Federal collections. Ronnie vetoed a Nanny Stat law every month he was President (almost 100) but he cold no stop the rise in spending and the deficit grew even with collections growing. At least Ronnie had the guts to veto a bad bill! BTW out West we have seen The Laffer curve still works. Arnie has raised taxes for 5 years but guess what? Collections have not gone up!

  • Jimmie Bise offers the linkage.
  • The Classic Liberal rounded up the blowback.
  • Tiger on Politics fell short of Pelosi fandom.

NY-23: Hoffman Is Back. Opposition Seized By Dismay.

  • Good Ole Boy:

    Here in Illinois we have a real liberal RINO being endorsed by the RNC for the US senate. It would be nice if all those people came out against Kirk. He was one of the 8 who voted for Cap and Trade. He is anti-gun, pro late term partial birth abortion, and voted for the hate crimes bill. He is more liberal than blue dogs.

  • Americaneocon:

    American Power tracked-back with, ‘Doug Hoffman Declares Race for Congress’.

  • chuck cross:

    Doug Hoffman is going to make an outstanding congressman. I am very glad to hear he is willing to give it another run!

  • Obi’s Sister:

    Yay! (My verbose response.)

  • Da Tech Guy followed up.
  • The Camp of the Saints continued the excellent coverage.
  • American Power brings the anchor tag.

Our Problems Exceed Barack Obama

  • mysterian1729:

    Sir, please don’t waste pixels sending us to that font of msm conventional wisdom, Moran, again.

  • Adobe Walls:

    The goal must be to destroy the left as a force in American economic, political or social policy. Just because they have a right to their opinions doesn’t mean we have to vote them to state or national office or as officers in the PTA or school boards.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    Smitty: You make some dead solid perfect points, but then nearly ruin it all by citing, approvingly it seems, Rick Moran’s insipid and flat-out false and horribly-reasoned posting. If you’re not grown up, or well read enough, or have been asleep for the last 50 years, you know that there are several things that America should be apologizing for. Guess I’m a f–king moron then.

  • The Lonely Conservative picked it up.
  • The Camp of the Saints also chimed in.
  • Paco Enterprises amplifies.

Will This Bill Not Get A Constitutional Challenge, If Passed?

  • chuck cross:

    Now I remember why I was buying gold back in 2007…. This can’t go on forever.

  • Bill S.:

    Ron Paul is looking better all the time…

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    Downgraded to a beagle. Sigh. Moving onwards: the big issue is that the Supreme Court will defer to precedent over the plain meaning of the Constitution. This then ends up becoming rather entrenched law, because it’s impossible to get rid of the panoply of programmes, agencies, and bureaucracies that are created in response to a Supreme Court decision that expands the power of the federal government. Justice Thomas has indicated a willingness to enforce the Constitution and limit the power of the federal government, and let the people who made the mess sort out the rest; no other Justice, however, is willing to do that. At the most, they will enforce the limits of the feds at the periphery. (Of course, this is when we get back to the obvious: repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and put another Amendment in place that would forbid the Feds from getting money by any means that is not directly from the States. No gas tax. No corporate tax. No value-added tax. No capital gains tax.)

  • ECM:

    Ron Paul is looking better all the time… If he is, you need new glasses.

Constitutional Question: Will There Be One By The Time The 111th Congress Is Done With It?

  • LibertyJane:

    This is so shocking, it’s inconceivable to anyone except the most outrageously corrupt mind. Who knew it was lurking in Louise Slaughter’s mind? What amendment could stop this sort of behavior at an Article V convention?

  • Charles Johnson:

    The ends justify the means. I support that, when I like the ends, but call you guys the facists. Go figure.

  • The Democratic Party:

    Dear Fellow Democrats in Congress: Our polling indicates disaster looming for us in the November Elections – disaster of massive, unprecedented proportions. As things look now, we stand to lose, and lose big. Really Big. In no small part due to the terribly unpopular healthcare legislation we have been pushing for the past 12 months or so. Clearly, the only thing that can save the Democratic Party in November is if we force this massively unpopular legislation through in the most undemocratic way possible, without even voting on it! Then the American People are bound to appreciate what we are doing to them and flock back to us in record numbers! Seriously, folks, our party’s mascot isn’t the Jackass for nothing! Sincerely, -The Democratic Party

  • Robert Birch:

    You don’t think the Supreme Court would step in an issue an injunction? What John Roberts said today sounds like a harbinger of a confrontation of the division of powers. If the House floats the rule…how will the chips fall.

  • H. G. Fielding:

    The problem with calling a constitutional convention is that the ugly bastard step-siblings of the ugly bastards currently representing us are the ones most likely to represent us at any convention. Since the precedent is to scrap the existing constitution for a new one, God alone knows what would come next.

  • Steve Burri:

    The Libs are not thinking big enough, yet. President Obama should just ‘deem’ ObamaCare into law. Messy problem solved. Very efficient. Low energy usage. Good for The Children and The Planet.

  • Terry H:

    I hate to rain on the democrat bashing(it warms my heart)but the Republicans have used the same procedures/tactics as the ‘slaughter solution’ to pass some of their legislation as well.

  • McGehee:

    Terry H: links or it didn’t happen. 😉

  • Terry H:

    A simple google search reveals something called the self executing rule, a tactice used by both parties: or Jamie Dupree stating the same,a tactic used by both parties: That should do for now.

  • Terry H:

    Also, I’m not defending democrats, but don’t assume republicans aren’t just as dirty and cheap.

  • Bill S.:

    A Constitutional Convention isn’t the solution, because the Constitution isn’t the problem. The problem is that there are too many people, in the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office that refuse to work within the terms of the Constitution. They all need to be replaced, sooner rather than later.

  • McGehee:

    Good enough Terry — yet the Senate Parliamentarian says the Slaughter version isn’t legitimate.

  • Obi’s Sister brings the linky-love.

Progressives Awaken To The Idea That Americans Hate Progressivism

  • Ran / Si Vis Pacem:

    “This is the big fight about the role of government and markets,” says Robert Borosage” There’s just something about a state-corporatist worldview that is so 1930’s… Nice catch Smitty.

  • Joe:

    Progressivism is the New Coke of politics. It is socialism with a different name.

  • Thrasymachus:

    Liberalism has to function at least partly in th real world; it has managed the government and economy for many decades and its failures and successes are on display for all to see. That actually makes it weaker than progressivism (as the appellation “progressive” is used these days, and not in the early part of the 20th century) which lives in the academic, legal and foundation worlds, does not function in the real world and exists to flog on liberalism. With Obama the progressives have attained as much power as they can expect; and yet they still can’t pull the trigger. The real hope for progressivism is changing demographics. When we have a substantially Latin American population it will be easier to rule like Hugo Chavez.

  • No Sheeples Here:

    So appalled was I at Beck’s irresponsible demagoguery that I posted this article about the hateful label Beck smacked on Geert Wilders.

  • bill hedrick:

    To be as pithy as possible: The founders believed, and inculcated within the Constitution that intrusive Government was a deep and grievous ill. Progressives (liberals, lefties, whatever) believe that the ills of America can be cured by an increase in the reach and control of the centralized government. Whatever labels you want to use are irrelevant. It’s the class of these principles that are key to the debate.

  • Jeff S.:

    Everyone needs to beg, borrow or steal a copy of the National Review issue of December 31, 2009: “The Four Horsemen of Progressivism”. There are four in-depth articles on Herbert Croly, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Richard T. Ely and, most importantly, John Dewey. The cover is subtitled “The Men Who Created Our World”, and they’re quite right, unfortunately. Among many other things, Dewey’s championing of positive rights has had pernicious effects that continue (obviously) to this day. Those four articles are depressing enough even without mentioning the enormous probably fatal damage done to our education system over the last 100 years by Dewey’s progressive theories.

  • Adobe Walls:

    The socialists discovered that Americans understood how un-American their ideology was and renamed themselves progressives. Americans discovered the ruse so they renamed themselves liberals. They in turn became correctly branded tax and spend Liberals or “Radical Liberals” (Spiro was a blunt instrument but sure could turn a phrase). Now they are back to progressives. The problem with allowing what ever you want to call the left participate in government or the press is that they are literally un-constitutional, in the same sense as 7-Up is the un-cola. For instance I’ve noticed that when one asks any lefty, if it’s constitutional to mandate that everyone purchase health insurance, whether they are in government, the press or are considered a pundit one gets the following answer. They immediately start to explain why it’s necessary for everyone to be in the insurance pool for their insurance reform scheme to work. Not for one second do they consider, let alone address the constitutional question. For the left “The United States Constitution” is a meaningless phrase, mumbo jumbo at best some quaint scrap of parchment from some misty distant past. In short the idea of limits to what government may do exceeds their comprehension skills.

  • Frank:

    As a native of Wisconsin, birthplace of progressivism, and a political junkie, you might be interested to know that when Bob La Follette gave up on the Progressive movement, he returned to his original party – – Republican. I am not sure he would recognize todays version of either.

  • keyboard jockey:

    “Progressives Awaken To The Idea That Americans Hate Progressivism” All they had to do was ask, and I would have told them just how unpopular they are.

  • ECM:

    Joe: Progressivism is the New Coke of politics. It is socialism with a different name. Socialism is Communism in drag.

  • Bob Belvedere remains a champion linker.

How Bad Is It for Charlie Crist?

  • Barbara:

    Maybe this will show Cornyn, etal to not get involved in a Primary. I have called NRSC so often to complain that I am sure I am on their list. PS: Cornyn is my Senator…we constantly have to keep him in line.

  • B:

    RSM, damn good work on 570 the other day. I grew up in Pompano, we might need the help of your scrutiny there. Will contribute at your call.

  • sean nathan bean:

    Hey Barbara… can you do us all a favor and not just keep him in line? but kick him out? we don’t need senators like him in our future… marco was great on greta van susterenennnnn on 3/10/2010

  • Dandapani:

    Crist revealed his true colors long before kissing Obama’s donkey. No offshore drilling. Embracing enviro-weenie Global Warming religion. No real smaller government solutions for property tax relief. I bet he even drives a Volvo.

  • Charles Johnson:

    But does Rubio back wax or not? Because Charlie Crist is such a regular guy.

  • James J. Pirretti:

    It must be bad because our local, liberal newspaper in Florida (St. Pete Times) is carrying one negative article a day on Marco. First, they claimed he took his share of pork. Then his expenses. The result: a big yawn. Voters are tired of the John McCain and Charlie Crist type of Republicans who are merely Repubs in name only.

  • Guest:

    I will never forget my big donor meeting with Pat Toomey during the Redstate conference Aug 2009 in which Mr Toomey said to me “Marco Rubio CANNOT NOT WIN.” Turns out Rubio is blowing Crist out of the game. Keep this in mind Redstaters when talking about winning-never understatement the power of an insurgent Conservative message. What I really mean is this: Sarah Palin is the Marco Rubio to Mitt Romney’s Charlie Crist. Do. Not. Screw. 2012. With. A. Mitt. Romney. in. Charlie. Crist. Drag. Pat Toomey made this mistake in 2009 when he said Marco Rubio cannot win’ and now he has egg all over his face. Don’t be The Stupid Party again: Marco Rubios’ insurgent Conservatism is proving how promoting pantywaist Moderate Republicans is the losing position.

  • chuck cross:

    Well, a lot of people seem excited about Rubio, but I am going to be VERY interested to see if he is an independent vote in the Senate, or if joins up with the establishment (who are pushing his campaign like crazy right now) in his voting pattern. I’m going to support him via CFG, but I hope the journalists hold him accountable if his voting record leaves something to be desired ala Scott Brown. In other news, I wonder how the RNC Eagles are faring with so many great candidates out there—I guess it depends how much one participates for martinis, handshakes and golf as opposed to supporting those overlooked by the big-shots.

  • Dave C:

    Marco responds to the ‘Back Wax Gate’ issue on Greta.. Clip is (where else?) here at Not One Red Cent

  • Guest:

    independent vote? It was the Independent vote which brought about the most extreme Left-wing government in American history. Since all elections are dependent upon Independent voters I do hope they’ll make better choices in future elections because if the last election is any indication of their Independent tendencies then all America is in some perpetually deep doo-doo.

  • Andrew Sullivan:

    I like bears. With lots of hair. Sorry Charlie.

  • Joe:


  • ERichardson:

    Different Names, Different States, Same Game! Marco Rubio/Charlie Christ & JD Hayworth & McCain.If John mcCain would have let Sarah Palin vet Barry Soetoro 1964 to 2010 aka Barack Hussein Obama 08-04-61 to 1964 our USA would not be under Socialism,Comunism, Alinksy, ect. Answer to Saving our Constitution, Un-Vault All Barrys Records that are under Protective Order in our Courts of law Stamped National Security/Top Secret! WHY? No one voted for Barry Soetoro-Legal Adoption/Name Change/Indonesia naturalized 1964. Both parents Must be USA naturalborn= Kenya-Indonesia. Remove Reason/Treason=oath of Office & constitution. AZ resident.

  • Point of a Gun linked us on Crist.

Who Is Jon Scott Ashjian?

  • Joe:


  • Largebill:

    Makes you wonder how much the Tea Party will end up helping the left in November. The Dems have a vested interest in three way races. I support the general ideals of the tea party movement, but am not sure running candidates is such a great idea. Might be better off endorsing one of the major party candidates.

  • Free-range Oyster:

    Largebill- this is what they have generally been doing. This is the only outsider “Tea Party” candidate I have heard of, and he looks quite likely to be an intentional spoiler. The Tea Party has been talking all along about seizing control of the process, not splitting our forces. Thus the surge of Partiers getting in at the local level for precincts and caucuses.

  • McGehee:

    Makes you wonder how much the Tea Party will end up helping the left in November.

    Not me. I remember the Perot debacle of 1992 and there is nothing Perot-like about the tea party movement. Nor could there be — to a great extent the Perot bandwagon’s popularity was media driven and thus embarrassingly ignorant due to the lack of alternative information sources. In 2010, not so much.

  • kansas:

    Any Tea Party candidate in the general will only help Democrats. Tea Party Candidates need to be Tea Party Republicans.

  • Bob Belvedere took notice.

Prayers For Lara And Lana Reid

  • Robert Birch:

    They are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • CGHill:

    I’ve only driven the Beltway once, and I won’t be unhappy if I never drive it again. Prayers are definitely in order.

  • just a conservative girl:

    I don’t think anyone is not praying for his family. What I find very off-putting is the fact that he went back to the senate for closed door meetings. My gosh his wife has broken bones in her neck and back. He belongs with his family, not trying to find a way to pass this horrible bill.

  • Oxbay:

    My brother used to live in Springfield, VA. He and his wife had two little girls. One day his wife was driving somewhere and another driver did something she didn’t like. She called him a jerk. So the little one pipes up from the back seat and says “that’s not what Daddy calls other people in the car.” Oh, what does Daddy call them? My darling 4 year old niece rats out her dad and spills the beans “he says you xxcking xxxxoles.” A little chat, a little behavior modification and everybody’s happy.

  • Scared Monkeys linked.
  • The Lonely Conservative picked it up.
  • Outside the Beltway gave it attention.
  • Republican Heretic noticed it.

Religion, Politics and Tea Parties

  • rod stanton:

    So which evangelicals do not believe in Commandments # 8 – 10? I believe they are all valid; and have been for centuries. Could we maybe get a 2nd opinion from Sarah? BTW its my opinion that Politico is anti-conservative. So this fits their propaganda line very well.

  • billhedrick:

    I am a Christian, I fully committed my life to Christ 40 years ago, abandoning my self determined ambitions and dreams and sold all to follow Christ. That being said, a belief of any sort in the Judeo/Christian God is not a prerequisite to being a conservative. There are many flowers on the Conservative tree. It is quite conceivable to be a Atheist Fiscal Conservative, there are many of them. To deny them within the general movement, cuts off your nose to spite your face. It’s also arrogant in the extreme.

  • Live Free Or Die:

    ” Evangelical…Mr Cizic, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”—Regards, Inigo St. Jude exhorts that we earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.Jude 1:3 Or perhaps,Mr Cizic is following the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. 2 Pet 2:15

  • Mark30339:

    You’ve noticed Ben Smith too. I call him the vapid parrot.

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    I call b.s. Is this really anything but an attempt to fracture the conservative movement? I don’t know any Tea Partiers that are angry, but I do know that the media loves to tell us that we are all a bunch of crazy loons. Furthermore, the religious right supports most of the tea party tenets, because a smaller government is less intrusive into the family unit, does not do things like make you pay for the murder of unborn children, and does not attempt to replace the family with a welfare state. The Tea Party freaks out the lefties and the RINOs because they know that it unites moderates, independents, evangelicals, and libertarians – a united front against the progressive movement.

  • Da Tech Guy elaborated.
  • The Classic Liberal picked it up.

ObamaCare Swindle Makes DC Beltway Look Like a Kiddie-Car Ride

  • daveinboca:

    This sort of extra-constitutional flimflammery is why the Republicans will take over the House, and hopefully, the Senate also, if airhead ditzes like Woolsey and Slaughter and Pelosi are now mismanaging the nation’s future.

  • richard mcenroe:

    They didn’t have to read it. Why should they have to vote on it?

  • Da Tech Guy wonders if any rubes remain.
  • The Classic Liberal aggregated.
  • The Sundries Shack thinks it’s ridiculous.


Yglesias Is As Unimpressive As Brooks

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    Back when I taught logic, I would use examples like Yglesias’s statement to demonstrate logical fallacies. Gregg mentioned the parliamentary system; Yglesias tried to rebut that by mentioning a (purportedy) different animal, the modern parliamentary system. Furthermore, Art. I, Sec. 5, provides the sole description of how the House and the Senate are to do business:

    Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

    No where in that am I seeing anything about how, in Yglesias’s words,

    But since the Founding Fathers did specify supermajorities to override a Presidential veto and to ratify a treaty, presumably there would have written a supermajority rule into the ordinary legislative process if that’s what they’d wanted to do.

    Um, the second clause sort of seems to answer that: if the Senate has a filibuster rule, then it passes Constitutional muster; moreover, as Gregg points out, that particular rule advances the desires of the Framers to have some deliberation. So Harvard-educated Yglesias gets smacked down by his own inability to google “Article I”. Then again, it’s always entertaining to see liberals who are so wrapped up in their intellect and genius that they fail to see that they are, in fact, acting like idiots.

  • RightKlik:

    Yglesias is as cowardly as he is a discredit to his alma mater. I’ve been banned from making comments on his blog.

Paco’s Struggle Against Homo Bureaucratus

  • Paco:

    Thanks for the link, Smitty! And the new word (soteriological).

  • mrobvious:

    I believe the more current term is “Soetorological”.

Sarah Palin

Analysis Of Lefty Reaction To Sarah On Leno

  • Dan:

    Realisticly, getting the defict/debt under control will be next to impossible for the next POTUS as Obama leaves a legacy of debt that is just mathematically impossible to deal with. However, keeping more money in this counry instead of sending it overseas for OIL would be a big help as would spending cuts and vetoes of pork laden bills. Guess who has a history of exposing corrupt deals and cutting spending, even in her own party? SARAH PALIN!

  • theCL:

    a more Romney-like resume

    Uh? RomneyCare Romney? He’s got less credibility than Stacy’s crazy cousin! I saw him on tv the other day, I think on Cavuto. He’s Keynesian through and through. If nobody can see that, we’re blanking doomed. This country can’t afford another 4 years of Obama or another 4 years of Bush. The money ain’t there! Keynesianism is a proven fraud. Well, unless track-records don’t mean anything. A vote for Romney is a vote for the destruction of our country. The times are that serious. Same goes for Pawlenty. People please … Start taking the economy and budget problems seriously! Worry about electoral politics until you have someone who will actually do what is needed. Again, it’s that serious. 10 years ago I predicted the bubble would burst in 2012. It happened 5 years earlier, which means everything’s unravelling fast!

  • John:

    I just saw her at a Right To Life fundraiser in Columbus. The speech was typically Sarah. She even shared the podium with a local girl who’d been denied a state oratory award because of the controversy (i.e., the girl’s pro-life). I can’t picture too many pols being comfortable enough to do that (but I could be wrong). In any case, that was my first exposure to Sarah live and unfiltered. She was great, and I’d like to sign up for a 4 year subscription, with an option to extend for 8.

  • Cakeman:

    I am going to say it again and again. Lt. Col. Allen West. Listen to him. We don’t need touchy-feely folksy. We need a leader. And Romney hasn’t shown it. He can speak but he can’t lead. I will follow this guy. Let him win FL 22 then he can be drafted just like the usurper-in-chief was. Lt Col. Allen West. Look him up.

  • unseen:

    Palin is doing exactly what her supporters have said she was going to do because they studied the woman before they gave their support. Now others are starting to see what Palin is really made of and how natural she is as a leader and politican. Who’s in a cult again? I would say those that believe it is somebody’s turn irregardless of, you know, “achievment” are more cult like

  • Raymond:

    I totally agree with Dan’s positive comment about Sarah Palin and the current deficits that America has. However, I would simply advise Sarah Palin not to run POTUS on 2012 nor support any GOP candidates. If GOP inner circle nominates Romney, let them freely do it, anyway, these GOP elites will just learn how to eat their own medicine, as it will surely lead to Obama’s second term. Likewise, why not give a chance to Obama to prove his worth, the same eight years we have given to Bush? If Obama’s eighth term presidency will just lead to either success or failure, only then the liberals and independents can be able to feel and make conclusions whether or not they are correct in choosing Obama as POTUS. Let us give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Let us be fair to him.

  • Texas 4 Palin offers a quote of the day, although there may be some bias involved.

International Relations

Marty Peretz Declares Victory in Iraq

  • Ro:

    If a belief is built on “facts and history” is it “prejudice”? Is it “prejudging” to rely on history and facts when formulating an opinion about a particular political process or issue??? Perhaps we need the pundits to start every article with their definitions of terms. Seems that they have gotten pretty idiosyncratic.

  • chuck cross:

    Well said Mr. McCain.

  • kyle klouzal:

    During McCains run for the presidency he acted like a little girl every time Obama called him out. During the health care summit when Obama reminded him who won the Presidency, McCain tee hee’d that he had been reminded of that many times before. The response of a real man should have been, “I realize that and look how badly that has gone for the American people.” McCain is an embarrassment to the conservatives in his party. He has bluffed his way as far as he should be allowed to go. It is time to elect a Senator who is not afraid to stand up and fight when he is abased. We need someone who is pro legal immigration and will approach health care with the knowledge that illegal’s are the people driving up health care costs. Please see for more

  • A Conservative Shemale includes us.


All the News That’s Fit to Steal

‘Decent and Dignified Journalism’

  • proof:

    Don’t forget Jayson Blair! At least the poster was good for a laugh and a smile this AM!

  • dad29:

    Wlater Duranty, anyone?

  • Deety:

    Nope, I’m pretty sure Maureen Dowd has been around since at least 1894.

In Case You Missed the Oscars

  • kazoolist:

    “Nothing is a worse waste of time than a David Brooks column.” Truer words have never been spoken.

Sandra Bullock: Right-Wing Extremist?

  • Dave C:

    I wouldn’t say that “the times are a-changin’ at least somewhat, maybe even a lot” just yet. More of a stopped clock issue. Wait until next year to see if the trend continues.

  • SPLC-approved “Redneck”:

    Ah dunno about that. Sandra took the colored boy into her house, a home containing white women. They didn’t lynch him. And he didn’t go crazy in heat, as those people do. Sounds like a scientific-fictional fantasy to me … maybe Miss Bullock did like AVATAR after all.

  • Red:

    What Dave said.

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    Last time I checked, films like “Ratatouille” and “The Incredibles” have done very well in Hollywood; the only difference is to see movies that are neither animated nor merely libertarian do so well.

  • AngelaTC:

    I wasn’t going to mention it but since you brought it up – I almost didn’t go see Avatar because of the sentiment in your and other conservative blogs. That would have been a huge mistake – the 3D was the best I’ve ever seen, and the movie is going to be the Star Wars of this generation. It was amazing. Maybe we conservatives should stop taking everything so personally.

  • Xtapolapocetl:

    Angela, not only that, but the movie’s plot can easily be interpreted to have a libertarian message rather than a progressive one – the root of the conflict was an infringement of the Na’vi’s property rights. Anyway, I agree. Great flick, and worth seeing no matter what your politics are.

Kathy Griffin + Levi Johnston = ?

  • Grimcargo:

    That’s one bitch that waterboarding won’t cure.

  • kansas:

    I disagree. I think they should make a porno.

  • Rich Fader:

    The kid traded Bristol Palin for her. I wouldn’t have made that trade.

  • Obi’s Sister:

    = ICK

  • Bob Belvedere:

    Stace: Methinks you’ll be proven right once again.

  • Reaganite Republican:

    Hey Ricky, how’s it going with the movie offers, stoopid? (lmao x 100) Linked at Reaganite Republican…

  • Reaganite Republican:

    Hey Ricky, how’s it going with the movie offers, stoopid? (lmao x 100) Linked at Reaganite Republican…

  • JeffS:

    As a general rule, only gay men hang out with Kathy Griffin. NTTAWWT. But maybe Levi’s just desperate enough to . . . More likely, Kathy Griffin will convert Levi from hetero to gay.

Howell Raines on Journalism Standards

  • Charles Johnson:

    You are writing for the Washington Times and still posting on Hot Air and Pajamas Media and friends with the Anti Semetic Pam Geller. Proof alone of your racism and white supremacist views. I left Pajamas Media because it turned fascist. And everyone knows Captain Ed and Allahpundit are dirty racists, just like you. I am no fan of Howell Raines, however. He is from the South and has not sufficiently shown himself not to be racist. The New York Times has also not sufficiently snorkled me to my satisfaction. Apparently they do not yet trust me due to my past affiliations.

  • Howell Raines:

    I am never going to live down this Jason Blair thing am I? What is messing with the truth when you are trying to get to the essence of a story. It is like fly fishing. It is okay to lie about the ones that got away. It is understood.

  • Brewdog:

    “For the first time since the yellow journalism of a century ago, the United States has a major news organization devoted to the promotion of one political party.” Seriously, the complete lack of self-awareness that it takes for Raines to type those words, and for the Washington Post editors to read them, nod and press “send,” is (or should be) astonishing.

  • rod stanton:

    The NYT has been the propaganda outlet for ant-American values bigotry for 80 years. A couple of your buddies at PJM have documented this for the uninformed the last few years. As an exJarhead I have been all to familiar with their bigotry for 6 decades. To see what I’m talking about read their coverage of the War in the Pacific 67 – 65 years ago. They hate the Corps and I have reciprocated for over 50 years. I will be very happy when all those M-F- s= of b-s got to H*ll.Were I as wordsmith I know I could say that stronger. I admit I hate the NYT and have since Ike was president. They are no worse now than they were then. The diff is today we have Talk Radio which we did not 50 years ago. IMHO they have been out to destroy America since they lied about Saco + Vancetti 90 years ago. The diff between me and them is I admit my hate they deny theirs. an old esJarhead Cerritos,Cal

  • Federale:

    Because there aren’t any honest journalists out there not working for Fox or blogs.

  • Sean McNeal:

    If I may submit a small correction to Mr. Raines’ piece… This point: “Why can’t American journalists steeped in the traditional values of their profession be loud and candid about the fact that Murdoch does not belong to our team?” Might be better stated as: Why aren’t American journalists steeped in the traditional values of their profession? Just trying to help.

  • John Doe:

    Relax, folks. Harold Raines didn’t really pen that article. It was satire from “The Onion News Network.” Right?

  • Robert Birch:

    Could anybody that read this retweet this website to help make this green job parody artwork go viral?

  • keyboard jockey:

    Speaking of Standards and Posers. Hugh Ambrose the author of the book, The Pacific “Hell Was An Ocean Away” was on Imus This Morning. Seems the Author of the book, that the series that Tom Hanks has been humping doesn’t agree with Mr Hanks, comment, the reason we wanted to annihilate the Japanese is because they were different. You can watch Hugh Ambrose Video HERE..Tom Hanks lit my fuse.

  • tito perdue:

    Mr Raines – or should we perhaps pity him? – suffers from a twisted personality that finds expression in anglophobia, political correctness of the psychotic variety, a loathing of western traditions, homopromotionisn – pity him my ass! – and slow motion totalitarianism in which our overlords will control 99 and 44/100% of the national economy. He is, in short, a perfect companion for Frank Rich, Nobelist Krugman, the very gracious Maureen Dowd, and in general all the other pus bags who have consumed so much innocent cellulose in pursuit of homogenized humanity.

  • Live Free Or Die:

    I notice Howell Raines doesn’t include himself among honest journalists. Wise decision. In his comments section, piano guy’s comments were good enough to repeat here,”Oh, the humanity!Howell Raines’ professional conscience is being tugged at!” Howell Raines’ amature conscience couldn’t be reaced for comment.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    Kind of like Governor ‘Hear no evil; See no evil; Feel-up evil’ Patterson offering advice on fidelity in marriage.

  • ehvogel:

    Hey Howell! What about Andrea Mitchell? Are you sure you’re watching the right channel?

  • Mike LaRoche:

    …or like Congressman Snorkel offering advice on how to run a congressional office.

  • proof:

    “Kind of like Michael Moore offering weight-loss advice.” Or Tiger Woods on marital fidelity…

  • malclave:

    You mean that when the NY Times argues that they are not partisan, but just incompetent, that they are not being truthful?

  • Howell Raines:

    I can give advice on journalistic ethics, just ask Jason Blair. And I am pretty good at picking dry fly patterns and nymphs.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    If we’re going to have fake celebrities in the comments, at least let’s get our spelling right They have lowly copy editors for that.

Media Malfeasance Begins To Eat Itself

  • Bob Belvedere:

    Let’s screw HUD to the wall with a threaded telephone pole through its vampiric heart. Yeah! Let’s. WOLVERINES! Try not to hurt Dodd or Frank in the process; this blog does not advocate existential violence. How about a little of the old ultra existential violence, my droogie?

  • Reaganite Republican:

    “Let’s screw HUD to the wall with a threaded telephone pole through its vampiric heart” Now THAT’s a good line, ha! “Try not to hurt Dodd or Frank in the process” You mean with the threaded pole? Are you kidding, once Frank gets his mitts on that thing, you’ll never get it away from him-

The Brilliance of Breitbart

  • TR Sterling:

    Imagine Andrew Breitbart with the knowledge and cold-hearted operational ability of Roger Stone? When Andrew gets the ‘devils tattoo’ we will know! LOL Meantime, he is one of the best we have and he’s on our side. Kind of like our own Burt Reynolds in the longest yard. A few tricks here and there, and a lot of heart! Andrew knows the key, you’ve got to get the snakes out of the tall grass and into the parking lot where they dry up and lose their power. Later dude!

  • Jamie Holts:

    You know, I have to tell you, I really enjoy this blog and the insight from everyone who participates. I find it to be refreshing and very informative. I wish there were more blogs like it. Anyway, I felt it was about time I posted, I?ve spent most of my time here just lurking and reading, but today for some reason I just felt compelled to say this.

  • Eric Massa:

    I reward people I like with snorkles.

  • Eric Massa:

    Tickles and massages are good too.

  • Roger Stone:

    Breitbart=Patriot,fighter,great American.

  • young4eyes:

    Oh man. Thanks for the laugh.I can’t imagine hitting the tip jar for a possible trip to the Netherlands knowing that Breitbart’s ass is firmly ensconced on your nose… But the best is the quote Breitbart provides, you know, with all the bravado and resentment typical of “beefy” conservatives. It’s over dude? I would love nothing more than having his “beefy” mouth meet my fist. I’m a gentleman so I’d help him pick up his teeth off the floor. Then he can carry on about his “aggressiveness” and anything else that pussy wants to carry on about. Besides, a toothless tea-bagger is quite an image…

  • Mike LaRoche:

    Besides, a toothless tea-bagger is quite an image… So is a cheeto-encrusted, loudmouthed, lefty internet flame-warrior…

  • SDN:

    I’ll see your fist and raise you a .45, jackass.

  • SDN:

    That was addressed to 4eyes.

  • Ghostx:

    As a soon to be inked member of the tricky dick club , the stone sayeth , thus it is so . All hail the dark lord roger stone Death or glory Ghostx out

  • The Camp of the Saints was there.
  • Radio Patriot tuned it in.
  • Da Tech Guy rounded it up.
  • Moe-lanche!


Sitemeter Profiles Robert Stacy McCain

  • Charles Johnson:

    Sandra Bullock wins playing a right wingnut, then Avatar loses to the Hurt Locker, and now this? I think I am going to be sick.

  • Charles Johnson:

    I must say, it’s pretty comfortable here living inside McCain’s head, once you get past the stench of racism. McCain can only tell us what his mama says. Excuse me while I relax and put my feet up on McCain’s medulla oblongata. And amazingly, white supremacist Robert Stacy McCain has posted another loony rant about me tonight. It must really suck for these people to have me living inside their heads.

    re: #17 Cato the Elder What’s it like in there, Charles? The fug must be awful, I would think.

    Smells a little like rotten pineapple. But you get used to it. Who said dat? If I keep and keep repeating this, again and again, I can get McCain out of my head.

  • Charles Johnson:

    I am not obsessed with Robert Stacy McCain. I really am not. It is just an interesting topic to post on at LGF.

  • Clavius:

    Heck, it’s just fun harassing Chuckie (Nancy, et al). More evidence that he’s entirely gone around the bend. On point, going around the bend is NOT an ideological problem.

  • Patrick:

    Chuckie’s site is down, either that or he banned me from viewing.

  • proof:

    Spike! Impressive!

  • Charles Johnson:

    This is like the Hurt Locker all over again. I think I am going to throw up.

  • Charles Johnson:

    Patrick, you are banned from the internets, and definitely from LGF. But I am in McCain’s head. That is why I mention him so much.

  • skwiself:

    You hit the sweet spot for self-deprecating back-slapping here Mr. McCain. gj

On Any Top Ten List of ‘Really Bad Ideas for Blog Post Titles’ . .

  • Mark L Harvey (aka Snooper):

    Dan Riehl is a GREAT guy but is wrong about Glenn Beck quite a few times. But, name me ONE person that pleases EVERYBODY. You won’t find one. Also, name me ONE GOPer that is currently worth a damn. Name me ONE DNCer that is currently worth a damn. You won’t find one. Find me ONE politician that’s worth a damn. You won’t find one. Find me ONE Statesmen that believes in the United States Constitution no matter their political party and THAT’s the man or woman to follow. Glenn Beck isn’t running for office.

  • brooklyn:

    Dan Riehl is right. Beck’s loose employment of the facts is sincerely problematic. Clearly he is pushing a mantra, in which he alters reality for his narrative. This is far from Conservative, and highly irresponsible. The ‘libertarian independent’ mantra is amusing, and sometimes rather provincial in it’s fashion. The isolationsist denial is perhaps the worst… However, I have watched Beck over the years, listened long prior to the Fox Experience which has provided a new Hubris which reminds one of O’Reilly. On a number of occassions, I have watched Beck play loose with the record on a number of things, which makes me wince. The distortion of the Federal Deficit numbers, which Beck wrongly exaggerated to attribute responsibility to the Bush Administration was simply regretful. It was not only unfair, but clearly offered to push this sophomoric, equation of the two political Parties. It is wrong, and anyone who manipulates in this manner, is bound to cause further problems and grow a baseless fashion.

  • hitnrun:

    I think this is one of those awful situations where everyone is right.

  • Darrell:

    > And Glenn Reynolds is not a total douchebag. Is that what they call condemnation by faint praise? If so he took it rather well. > Find me ONE Statesmen that believes in the United States Constitution no matter their political party and THAT’s the man or woman to follow. THANK YOU. It’s been a very long time since I saw such an intelligent comment on a blog.

  • Scrutineer:

    “One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up.” “There have been times that Dan Riehl and I have very strongly disagreed, but I don’t think you really want to start this kind of pissing match with Dan.” Pick one. “Dan Riehl is scary, so don’t make him mad” is a feeble thing to say. I agree with him on most points about Beck, though.

  • dennymack:

    Loved hitnrun’s comment, but my view is: Those who criticize Glenn Beck always catch an ear full (screen full?)because, even when he is wrong, some of his listeners and watchers are responding to a sincerity they find in Beck. I myself am on the fence, but inclined to believe that Beck is totally sincere. I think even when he seems to be distorting, he is projecting his own perceptions, not prevaricating for a calculated effect. What is interesting is how hard it is to grant the same clemency to folks whose ideology we find repulsive. …and I have never read “smashmouth politics” so it is hard to fault this sensation as a “notice me” gambit. (This doesn’t impute a motive, but McCain was talking strategerry.)

  • John Doe:

    I guess blogging for a hobby instead of for a living has at least one benefit–I can insult douchebags with impunity and not be concerned by any resultant loss of linky-love. If you attack Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, hell, even R. Stacey McCain, you insult me, and you get attacked back. Period. I don’t mind fair criticism of Beck, he’s just an ex-drunken rodeo clown, but to attack him and to imply that an honest mistake is demagoguery and makes him an ignorant buffoon, then yes, that takes one into you suck, Charles-Johnson-land…

  • Little Miss Attila:

    R. Stacy McCain. I repeat: learn to spell.

  • mofaoxn:

    7oTehG nouxbwzzikkg, [url=]nviajyrdkyro[/url], [link=]ybapptndpcnr[/link],

  • Jeff Weimer:

    Thanks for considering me a friend, Stacy. After all, you did call me a douchebag at the inaugural Smittypalooza last July. 🙂

  • Oxbay:

    Glenn Beck is untrustworthy. Don’t hang your hat on him my fellow freedom loving right wingers. This NYT’s like portrayal of Wilders is just one example of what you should come to expect. Glenn Beck’s vision is cock-eyed.

  • FnB:

    Beck, despite having a monsterous-huge staff to do actual fact-checking, chooses to take quotes out of context and mis-attribute others. He’s an entertaining guy, even though I find his “Aw shucks, I’m just an humble ex-druggie, yokel with his own hit radio and TV shows” schtick to be more than a little gag-provoking. Demagogues are about as trustworthy as rattlesnakes, half as useful, and twice as dangerous. Dan Riehl, on the other hand, seems like a pretty solid conservative. Funny how Beck and his devotees seem to drive wedges. Ain’t Little Miss Attila cyut wan she axs al rood lyk sheez da speeling pulices?

  • Jeff:

    Beck is just being Beck … We need bomb throwers … Beck is certainly a bomb thrower … Sometimes he drops the bomb and gets himself blown up …

  • John Doe:

    Funny how so-called conservatives attack Beck. I think they believe that it gains them brownie points with their liberal acquaintances. Or they are just plain stupid. “Ohhhh, he’s not perfect, so I’ll make personal attacks against him. He won’t notice, because I’m a bacteria inside the sh!thole of a flea riding on Glenn Beck the elephant’s back!” Hey, looky there, it’s Dan Reihhl [mispelling intentional for the spelling nazi].

  • Frokostordning:

    Hm hm.. that’s very interessting but honestly i have a hard time figuring it… I’m wondering what others have to say….

  • Russ:

    “If you think there is no worse fate in the world than that, however, you don’t know Dan Riehl. He’s from New Jersey. IYKWIMAITYD.” That’s what I’m talking about.

  • Little Miss Attila notices us.
  • From The Rust Belt slides us the oxide.
  • The Classic Liberal goes Cool Hand Luke.

A Good Day It Was, When A Young Robert Gibbs Found That Missing Head Of His

  • Charles Johnson:

    Did he then proceed to place that head of his on the wrong end of his torso? Because that is what I did.

  • Grimcargo:

    Did he then proceed to place that head of his on the wrong end of his torso? Because that is what I did. and no one knew the difference.

The Babies Speak In Protest

  • Roxeanne de Luca:

    “Out of the womb, but still not out of danger” might be a good start to explaining the situation.

‘Dude, I’m So Wasted’

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    You are such a tourist McCain. Haven’t you cultivated that cool non-pulsed reaction of the fourth estate yet? What is this–TMZ? Hell, you guys only get fired up when there is an open bar and free food, not some B lister stumbling out of a bar like Jeff Spicoli.

  • Robert Birch:

    LOL, you are a comedian Mr.McCain. All these Hollywood actors supporting Hugo Chavez is freaking joke…that guy’s country is going down the tubes quicker than Montezuma Revenge! As a follow up, check out this… Please help me promote my Rabbit Y’all. It’s a green job parody…this link explains it well

  • Red:

    Sean Penn will remain at most an anecdote in my memory as ‘Jeff Spicolli’.

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    That Massa is a piece of work. What Navy did he serve in? No wonder Massa loved the Navy. Chalk up a point to Michelle Malkin on this one. Sorry Glenn, you got snookered.

  • Cakeman:

    On Beck and Malkin Massa has a gun in his ribs. We don’t see it but we can sense it. He can’t say he has a gun in his ribs either. And the gun is making sure he doesn’t do the Big Reveal, whatever that might be…and what Beck was gambling on. That’s what happened on Beck. Unfortunately Massa must have used the fact that he IS in up to his ears and would reveal something as a way to get on the show. I actually think he sounded ready for the breakdown lane at times…even suicidal. Michelle has it together and is not a whore for good tv as Beck is. Beck is selling everything that isn’t tied down, if you haven’t noticed. And I was the hugest Beck fan…he inspired me. With the Wilders smear, the Lincoln Memorial march (taking the air out of 9-11-2010 and Freedomworks) and now this, he is losing his importance with me at least.

  • TR Sterling:

    RSM, 1) You have Smitty so synchronize your monitor time? 2) The only blogger capable of being everywhere at once is Pam Geller. 3) (goes into Jackson5 song: Got to be there In the morn-nning, When she says hello to the world…) LOL wood eye, wood eye. 4) Beck has his 50 Mil. same as Howard Stern (more or less) I would never follow after Howard Stern and I dont see that Beck is much different.

  • Michael:

    To be fair, even those who are paying 0 withholding are still paying social security and medicare taxes which amounts to 15% of their wages including the employer contribution.

  • Dustbury gave it a look.

If You Haven’t Been Groped by Eric Massa Yet, Please Raise Your Hand

  • Lyndsey:

    “‘You’ll have to get one of my special massages.’ He called them ‘Massa Massages.'” You should really put a disclaimer on your posts. I just threw up in my mouth.

  • Andrew Sullivan:

    Is there a problem with any of this? Men alone at sea, in cramped quarters, around each other, smelling each others, and who hasn’t drempt of Richard Gere in Navy whites marching in and sweeping one off their feet. Hormones will not be denied. At least not my hormones! Damn, I am getting excited just thinking about it.

  • Patrick:

    that SO wrong.

  • Largebill:

    After 25 years in the Navy, let me start by saying I’m damn glad I wasn’t stationed with that reprobate. I have to wonder about the integrity of those who knew of his actions and took no action. Taking a stand isn’t easy. So what. If you’re a leader you take a stand anyways and take the heat (if any) that comes your way.

  • kansas:

    But I thought they want gays to actively serve in the military. Massa was just ahead of his time.

  • Rich Fader:

    I’m happy to say that I’ve never even met the man, much less suffered his attentions.

  • The Daily Gator gave a headline of the day.
  • Obi’s Sister linked it.
  • Bob Belvedere said hello.

Ambien Alert: Looks Like Patrick Kennedy Has Fallen Off the Wagon Again

  • nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney:

    Bravo Patrick JFK RFK MLK Malcolm This is how the prostitute media does a cover-up of what their paymasters don’t want the US public to know. Oath Keepers Vietnam Vets Remember ~

  • rain of lead: Democrats Prepare “Slaughter Solution” to Ram Unpopular Health Care Takeover Through Congress Without a Vote Follow @GOPLeader on Twitter for updates. The twisted scheme by which Democratic leaders plan to bend the rules to ram President Obama’s massive health care legislation through Congress now has a name: the Slaughter Solution. The Slaughter Solution is a plan by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), the Democratic chair of the powerful House Rules Committee and a key ally of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to get the health care legislation through the House without an actual vote on the Senate-passed health care bill. You see, Democratic leaders currently lack the votes needed to pass the Senate health care bill through the House. Under Slaughter’s scheme, Democratic leaders will overcome this problem by simply “deeming” the Senate bill passed in the House – without an actual vote by members of the House

  • Hulk Hogan:

    That guy knows how it’s done.

  • fozzy:

    “Police on the scene said he appeared to be intoxicated; however, no sobriety tests were conducted that night to prove he had been drinking.” So the police involved were fired or suspended right? Right? Corruption really pisses me off.

  • Chris W:

    When Kennedys go wild. Love it. Gave you a hat tip at

  • LibertyJane:

    On the other hand, as a conservative, I do think the lack of war coverage by the MSM was and is shameful. I pray for our men and women over in Afghanistan and in other regions.

  • Jim R.:

    What a dummy! Everyone knows it’s pronounced press “corpse”.

  • Joe:

    Bat Shit Crazy.

  • The Republican Heretic:


  • Bob Belvedere offered the rare twofer
  • Republican Heretic checked in.

Eric Massa’s Next Job?

  • Randy Nichols:

    I discovered your homepage by coincidence. Very interesting posts and well written. I will put your site on my blogroll. 🙂

  • xax:

    Personally, I feel the entire Dept of Education can be dissolved. They haven’t made in positive improvements in education. And any improvements to be made- that will last, will likely be done on a state level. Not the Dept of Education.

  • Reaganite Republican:

    Massa’s next “job”? The headline tricked me- I thought you meant his next page-job… or Rahm-job, lol

  • Ui2:


  • The Lonely Conservative picked it up.
  • Scared Monkeys offered the linkage.

Vanilla Pudding

Dan Collins Is Out of Control

  • datechguy:

    And buy his book: “Was it something I said” too. I did.

  • Joe:

    I bought his book. Don’t let the size fool you, Dan’s book has some funny bits.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    I humbly [and happily] relinquish the crown. I only did what I had to do because there was a war on.

  • POWIP goes ahead with the Benatar. Don’t. Stop. Don’t stop.


  • Bob Belvedere:

    Click here to see the scenes from The War Of The Cleavage that won her the Acadmey Award

  • M. Thompson:

    She’s about the only woman in Hollywood that can hypnotize about half the population just by walking around in a low cut top.

Paco Uses ‘Elitist C*nt’ In Reference To David Brooks!

  • Jack:

    Nice fake out, Smitty.

  • Paco:

    It is, indeed, a nice fake-out. I raced back to my blog to make sure I had not made a colossal typo. Thanks for the link, Smitty.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    What Jack and Paco said. You had me jarred.

  • The Camp of the Saints overcame the jarring and linked it.

That Ain’t Country Music

  • richard mcenroe:

    Next thing you’ll be telling me Big and Rich ain’t country…

  • Patrick:

    I have to agree… THIS is Country Sir, right ‘cheer: Let that be my daily message to the libtards, and leftest libertarians, don’t like this Country? Get the hell out!

  • Dave C:

    Country music died with Chris LeDoux. Chris LeDoux and the Saddle Boogie Band is a must have in any CD collection.

  • Dave C:

    Nothing against my future ex wife, Carrie Underwood. (and for some reason, my wife hates it when I make that joke. Go figure)

  • richard mcenroe:

    Dave C. — She’ll go all Miranda Lambert on you if’n you don’t watch out, son…

  • craig henry:

    McCain, have you lost your mind? Or maybe your judgement is clouded by the Rule 5 possibilities. Either way, this is an embarrassment” “A fine song by a fine singer.” Sorry, she’s not a singer, let alone a “fine singer”. Video performer and celebrity is more fitting.

  • missred:

    great song, not country, i agree. looks more like a venetian bordello

  • poteen:

    It’s whatever the she wants to call it. If you don’t think so, you’re not only wrong, you’re probably one of the Dixie chicks.//

  • David Allan Coe:

    “If that ain’t country, it’s a damn good joke…”

  • theCL:

    I have no idea … I’m from Detroit. Kid Rock’s the closest thing we come to country music (and he ain’t country).

  • Patrick:

    I’m from Detroit.

    Really? Where abouts? Just wonderin’

  • Saint A:

    I’d generally agree that Ms. Underwood’s music isn’t easily classified as country; there aren’t many songs on any of her albums that even satisfy the boundary conditions of that genre. Cowboy Cassanova? Entertaining, to be sure, but very much in the realm of pop. Though it will get airplay on country stations all the same. Personally, my tastes run toward Miranda Lambert where new female singers are concerned. Not only is she a fine-looking lass, but her music still has a bit of genuine country about it, to say nothing of the way her Southern drawl comes out in her singing voice. That, and she does darker/edgier pretty darn well.

  • Mick from Melbourne:

    Sorry….there was music in that video? Who noticed?

  • Dave C:

    I’m from Detroit As someone who lived in Michigan for about a decade, I am so sorry for you.

  • alwaysfiredup:

    May not be country, but looks like a dynamite karaoke song. I’m adding it to my repertoire in 5…4…3…

  • Sam Country:

    I get upset every time I hear Kid Rock played on our local “Country” radio station – his name is flippin’ Kid **ROCK**! Could he make it any clearer? Should he have named himself Kid NotCountry?! What’s next – Iggy Pop? Joe HipHop? OK, I may have made up that last one.

  • molonlabe28:

    I am not familiar with Carrie Underwood, but I am familiar with the country pop genre and it sure isn’t country. I can live without most of the tightly packaged, heavily marketed country pop which comes out of Nashville these days. For me, I’ll take the Austin (Jerry Jeff Walkeer and Gary P. Nunn) and Bakersfield sounds. I plan to attend Robert Earl Keen and David Allan Coe concerts this week.

Monumental Greatness

  • Bob Belvedere:

    A capital idea for the capital! Mr. Tenth Amendment deserves one. Where can I donate to the statue fund? [And don’t you dare provide a link to your own tip jar.]

  • proof:

    “one end of the horse” Heh. Good one! I can’t tell whose statue that is, but it appears he was wounded in battle.

  • Jimmie:

    Great picture! That’s the statue of Lt. General Winfield Scott Hancock on Pennsylvania Avenue. I can’t remember the cross street but it’s near the Navy Archives.

  • Lipton T. Bagg:

    I’ll take a crack at it. Is it Grant’s statue with him riding “Cincinnati”??

  • Steve Burri:

    Et looks lahk Winfield Scott Hancock ta me.

  • Lipton T. Bagg:

    Kudos to Jimmie for the correct answer!

The Flemish Menace

Canadians, Kardashians Blamed for Crackdown on Synagogues in Turkey

  • Thomas L. Knapp:

    Any particular reason why your lips were zipped when the Bush administration did exactly the same thing in 2007?

  • chuck cross:

    Our country is almost BK (it is according to most), Americans are still losing jobs, Congress is about to shove a commie-pinko healthcare bill to the President’s desk, yet they find time to create these ridiculous bills, thinking that the U.S. Congress of all bodies has the moral authority to recognize X, or promote/condemn Y, is absurd. I recognize there was a genocide, most other folks do, too. There is usually one going on somewhere on earth. Life’s tough, and the world is not a happy/friendly place. All it serves to do is piss off Turkey about something that happened a 100 years ago. Brilliant.

  • David:

    Chuck, Totally agree with you. How do these guys have any time to consider other issues when our economy is going south at a very fast rate? Can any one name something that we produce and export? I can think of very little. The reason is that our great, expensive, moral government is in every business and life in the US. Instead of thinking about Turkey’s problems 100 years ago, how about trying to reduce the size of our government by 50% or more. Start with organizations like Home Land security, DEA, ATF, OSHA and on and on.

  • chuck cross:

    Kim K. looks good with some meat on those bones!

  • Phil’s Phascinating Rephlections aggregates us.

WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT?! Fox News Smears Geert Wilders? UPDATE: A Completely Crazy Idea

  • USMC:

    Okay, the Special Report didn’t seem like it was on a witch hunt. So unless I missed something… Beck interviewed Wilders and it was a favorable interview with only a small disagreement.

  • Thrasymachus:

    Fox News is pretty much down with the Republican establishment, and relishes an opportunity to say, “See, we’re not racists!” However, for any “conservative” to use this smear is a sign of pathetic desperation- see its use by Bush, McCain and Graham. It completely loses its magic power when not in the hands of a Democrat. I can see the tactical value of not picking unnecessary fights with Muslims who are not our enemies, but Wilders only speaks the plain truth in this situation.

  • Clavius:

    Fox News goes the way of Charles Johnson?!?!?!?!

  • Jack:

    Doug Hoffman Announces for Congress

  • Xmas:

    Almost everyone speaks English in Amsterdam. Dutch is such difficult language that the locals don’t expect any foreigners to be able to speak it. It’s a pleasant city, a little on the expensive side. If you’ve got hotel points or air miles, there are plenty of brand name hotels in the city. The funny thing is, Amsterdam is social liberalism, in the “freedom” sense of liberalism, taken to an extreme. I can understand how an anti-Muslim reactionary can sprout from such an area. The red light district is literally built around the oldest church in the city. Look to your left, a bunch of semi-undressed fat girls, look to your right, a stained glass representation of Jesus. I couldn’t imagine anything more incompatible with the outward presentation of modern Islam.

  • Thomass:

    “I’m still trying to figure out where this anti-Wilders theme is coming from” How about doing some research on Wilders to see if Beck has a point? Your post doesn’t fall into it, but I’ve seen a few blog calls for US conservatives to link up and work with the Euro right. As someone with a father from Europe… who is a righty… I’ll just repeat here, American ‘conservative’ and ‘right wing’ don’t line up with the Euro version. Actually, the progressives stuck both labels on dissenters as insults but they stuck and/or the people in the US called those names decided to keep them. We’d be called liberals in Europe (as opposed to right wing) and liberals here are just leftists there… and in Europe leftists and right wingers are generally a-holes. As to Wilders, he may very well be a fascist. It’s a worth a look before you go to his defense.

  • Charles Johnson:

    A racist nut job like you.

  • Charles Johnson:

    I should know, because Robert Spencer likes you both. I was friends with Spencer till I was not friends with Spencer. I have always been at war with Spencer. And Geller. And you. Get out of my head McCain!

  • Morton Doodslag:

    So I went to see this movie the other day… It was about a bleached platinum blond, openly gay “extreme right wing” Dutch politician who is making great pretense of risking his life and all, posing as a defender of his civilization and freedom of speech, all while plotting the most heinous things imaginable! Very scary stuff, but luckily there were all these good guys who were onto his tricks! His clever charade didn’t fool these heroes, no! Before this horrid monster could wreak his evil, the righteous hatred and venom of Europe’s true defenders and supporters, those genuine freedom lovers, those authentic democrats like the Muslims and all the noble Charles Johnson types, exposed the facts to the world and revealed that this scary blond gay proto-Hitler was going to shove all the poor Muslims (who only ever wanted to assimilate and worship in peace and defend religion and democracy and freedom after all) into the ovens to begin the new holocaust… Anyway, it was all very riveting and so frightening! I’m sure glad this crazy shit only happens in the movies!

  • Will:

    1) The Dutch are amongst the best English-speakers in Europe; their train drivers have a larger English vocabulary, as well as better grammar and diction than Amtrak employees. Go. There’s no excuse. 2) Villepen isn’t far-right at all. He’s centre-right, and Chirac’s protege. I think he means Jean-Marie Le Pen, who is a racist. Big, big difference. It’s like conflating Lyndon Larouche and LBJ. Beck is an idiot. 3) It’s a mistake to think that the American left-right bifurcation is directly applicable on the continent. There, most GOP-types would be classified as “liberals”. There are no culture wars, like in the US *because almost everything the religious right wants, they have*. 4) Wilders has disowned Le Pen, Haider, the BNP, etc, and supports multi-racialism and assymilation – which the former all oppose. This should count for something with Johnson, but it doesn’t seem to. Shades of grey mate, shades of grey..

  • Charles Johnson:

    I told you so. I can see the future. Of course Wilders has not denounced enough right wingnuts to make me happy, because he has not denounced you.

  • Charles Johnson:

    Here is Fox News and another racist right wingnut making racial slurs about President Obama, it just makes me sick.

  • Reaganite Republican:

    Glenn Beck is a dangerous fool, imo- and is starting to do some real damage now. Linked at Reaganite Republican- PS- CJ, give it a rest, man

  • Live Free Or Die:

    Point of order; Glenn Beck did not call Geert Wilders a Fascist. He called him ‘Far Right Dutch MP'(Member Of Parliament)Geert Wilders. The Youtube video heading says “Glenn Beck calls Geert Wilder a Fascist”, but he does not. Glenn Beck’s ‘crime’ MIGHT be in lumping ‘Far Right Dutch MP, Geert Wilders’ in on the political spectrum(which is, itself debatable)with fascism. That said, the political pendulum swung so far to the left, in Europe, and now in the U.S., that there was bound to be a swing back in the other direction.

  • Bob Belvedere:

    In Mr. Beck’s defense: when he draws the political spectrum, he properly places fascism between socialism and liberalism, and not on the Right. I have my problems with the guy, but on this one it appears he’s innocent.

  • Mann:

    The richest man in Saudi Arabia holds a significant stocks of News Corporation. Fox is just carrying favor for the man.

  • Fritz_Katz:

    I was at LGF-1.0, got banned for defending Geert Wilders, and I’m damn proud of it! It does seem eerily similar to the way Charles Johnson suddenly changed from a rational-intelligent human into a hideous-goon sometime in 2007-2008 timeframe. Here’s my theory: someone placed a pod next to both Beck and Johnson while they were sleeping? Now that is what we call a completely crazy idea.

  • chuck cross:

    Wilders, his meteoric rise to fame, his love/hate with the right, is an interesting story. I don’t think Dutch politics, let alone European politics, match up well with American politics. Team Jihad-Hunter are always banging the drums that Europe’s problems are also America’s problems, but I still don’t see it (yes I’ve read all the reports because it is something to which we should be aware as Americans). The Dutch should do what the Dutch need to do to preserve their society — perhaps that is a Prime Minister Wilders? I don’t know, not enough facts. Any society should be wary of ethnic groups pushing their way of life on the general public as a whole when they commit public acts of violence (as seen in France) or lobby government officials (as seen in the U.S.).

  • Charles Johnson:

    Denouce McCain or denounce Beck? This does not compute! This does not compute!

  • Charles Johnson:

    So Beck denounces Wilders and McCain backs Wilders…so I have to support Beck?

  • Grimcargo:

    Don’t kick that football if you not wearing hip boots. you might get s**** up to your eyeballs.

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    Lay off Wilders Beck. I kind of like the guy. He’s honest and I respect that. Of course, I may have to cut off his head. I may have to cut off your head too. But insh’allah! We have to do what we have to do. Nothing personal, just business. These cartoons made me laugh.

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    Don’t you dare judge me. You allow little naked angry midgets to run around your capitol and go after members of Congress. How gay is that? This video of Rahm is sort of sad. Now you know why I banned alcohol.

  • Prophet Mohammed:

    I may have to cut off Rahm Emanuel’s head too. But I will have to get down on my hands and knees to do so. Good thing I have practice from praying five times a day.

  • Charles Johnson:

    Beck defends a man grouper. I mean groper. That means Michelle Malkin is right. Hell just froze over.

  • Ron Lewenberg:

    I see three explanations 1) Ignorance. These people don’t know the facts and rely on MSM reports. 2) Ideology. Beck is all over the place. He loves immigration. Kristol and Krauthammer are Neoconservatives wed to the idea of democratization and assimilation. If the problem is not a few crazy Islamists and enablers but one of Orthodox Islam as Dawa (mensheviks) to the Jihadists playing Bolsheviks to mainstream Islam being the equivalent of Democratic Socialists, then the liberal and neoconservative visions collapse. When Wilders calls the Koran fascism, he stabs neoconservatism in its heart.

  • Ron Lewenberg:

    The third reason is Saudi money.

  • Denise:

    Hello – I’m a newbie here and very interested in the subject matter you are discussing. At last my city (Seattle ) newspaper had an article on Wilders , and maybe , hopefully ,that is a sign of things to come. As you probably know the media usualy act like Wilders and his trial don’t exist. They, like most of todays simpering ultra-liberals , are so worried about hurting Muslim feelings they don’t care how many feelings get hurt by Muislims. They see them as underdogs. Why do you say Wilders is gay ? I have read that before and wonder what info . anyone has to back up that claim ? I mean, just because he bleaches his hair doesn’t mean he’s gay. I like his hair, btw, it gives him a kind of cherub look . Can someone answer : is he gay ?

  • cobra:

    Hey, Lizard! Get the hell out of here, as we try to have an intelligent conversation about the next disappointment to the conservative movement. You pollute the blogs you touch…

  • skzion:

    The Beck segment is here:

  • skzion:

    Boy, too bad McCain moderates his site (I’ve been here once before). The link I posted won’t last forever.

  • Denise:

    Is anybody going to answer me ? Is Geert Wilders homo. ? Morton Doodslag uses the words “openly gay ” in his comments about Wilders. Come on now–anybody know about this ? I didn’t think gay men married. Wilders is married to a “hungarian woman ” so I read.

  • Charles Johnson:

    Wilders is a fascist. Like RSM and Pam Geller and Robert Spencer and the rest of my critics and enemies. Fascists, one and all.

  • FatBaldnSassy:

    There has been a resurgence of far right parties in Europe, mostly in eastern Europe. I don’t think Beck knows anything about that, however. He never talks about that, from what I can see. I think that Beck is now spending so much time around Bill O’Reilly that he’s pulling a triangulation move on the listeners. If he occasionally beats up on a few right wingers, he gets to say “See, I’m really not ideological- I’m just sticking up for the folks.”

  • cobra:

    CJ/Lizard, You are just a slimy moron. But I think you are a masochist too, since you continue to post on blogs that despise you and let you know unambiguously about it.

  • james healy:

    If you want to know why there’s a creeping demonisation of Geert Wilders on Fox, follow the money. Fox’s sister station in England, Sky News, has one principal advertiser, namely the Royal Family of Qatar. The Royal Family of Qatar also finance the Islamic Nazi channel Al Jazeera. Money talks. Fox has ended a 50 year monopoly on discourse by the liberal left. But it’s not incorruptible.

  • Victor:

    The problem has a name and that name is Grover Norquist.

  • The Right Scoop is all over it.
  • The Lonely Conservative found no solace in Beck.
  • Da Tech Guy recalls Pamela Geller and comes out in favor of Wilders.

The Brilliance of Breitbart

  • TR Sterling:

    Imagine Andrew Breitbart with the knowledge and cold-hearted operational ability of Roger Stone? When Andrew gets the ‘devils tattoo’ we will know! LOL Meantime, he is one of the best we have and he’s on our side. Kind of like our own Burt Reynolds in the longest yard. A few tricks here and there, and a lot of heart! Andrew knows the key, you’ve got to get the snakes out of the tall grass and into the parking lot where they dry up and lose their power. Later dude!

  • Jamie Holts:

    You know, I have to tell you, I really enjoy this blog and the insight from everyone who participates. I find it to be refreshing and very informative. I wish there were more blogs like it. Anyway, I felt it was about time I posted, I?ve spent most of my time here just lurking and reading, but today for some reason I just felt compelled to say this.

  • Eric Massa:

    I reward people I like with snorkles.

  • Eric Massa:

    Tickles and massages are good too.

  • Roger Stone:

    Breitbart=Patriot,fighter,great American.

  • young4eyes:

    Oh man. Thanks for the laugh.I can’t imagine hitting the tip jar for a possible trip to the Netherlands knowing that Breitbart’s ass is firmly ensconced on your nose… But the best is the quote Breitbart provides, you know, with all the bravado and resentment typical of “beefy” conservatives. It’s over dude? I would love nothing more than having his “beefy” mouth meet my fist. I’m a gentleman so I’d help him pick up his teeth off the floor. Then he can carry on about his “aggressiveness” and anything else that pussy wants to carry on about. Besides, a toothless tea-bagger is quite an image…

  • Mike LaRoche:

    Besides, a toothless tea-bagger is quite an image… So is a cheeto-encrusted, loudmouthed, lefty internet flame-warrior…

  • SDN:

    I’ll see your fist and raise you a .45, jackass.

  • SDN:

    That was addressed to 4eyes.

  • Ghostx:

    As a soon to be inked member of the tricky dick club , the stone sayeth , thus it is so . All hail the dark lord roger stone Death or glory Ghostx out

  • The Camp of the Saints was there.
  • Radio Patriot tuned it in.
  • Da Tech Guy rounded it up.
  • Moe-lanche!

Other FMJRAs:

Miscellaneous shouts:

That’s the FMJRA. Always an experiment in extreme posting. Keep linking!


3 Responses to “Flaming Massa Japes Redefine Absurdity”

  1. MrPaulRevere
    March 13th, 2010 @ 10:47 pm

    There’s a lot of wisdom in those comments. Time for another Instalanche.

  2. MrPaulRevere
    March 13th, 2010 @ 10:47 pm

    There’s a lot of wisdom in those comments. Time for another Instalanche.

  3. MrPaulRevere
    March 13th, 2010 @ 5:47 pm

    There’s a lot of wisdom in those comments. Time for another Instalanche.