The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Have Blog (And Fedora) Will Travel

Posted on | March 6, 2010 | 14 Comments

Pete Da Tech Guy has been inspired by the success of his CPAC trip:

Do you have an event anywhere in the country that you want covered? I’m willing to do it. My fee is very straightforward. 1 week: $1000 plus expenses. . . .
My total hits for Jan & Feb were over 80% of my total for the entire previous year. . . .
The continued success of the blog coupled with my continued failure to find work in my field puts me in a dilemma. Potentially the blog’s success could turn into something that might support me but I’m not sure that people are dying to pay me to write from Fitchburg, (fascinating though I find my home town). I’ve now managed some national and state attention. I’ve been a credentialed blogger both at the state (Brown Election) level and at the national level (CPAC). . . .
If I’m going to support my family the blog and I are going to have to do our part, to wit the offer; $1,000 a week plus expenses.

Read the rest. It’s a very ambitious goal, and some bloggers may say, “A thousand a week? That’s an awful lot to expect from the tip jar.” But as they say, aim for the stars and you might just make it to the moon.

Or Hollywood. In case you missed it yesterday, I’m planning to leave in late March on a transcontinental road-trip  — among other things, I want to check out the Senate campaigns in Arizona and Nevada — and figure since I’m going that far west, I might as well go all the way to L.A. So expect me to be furiously rattling the tip jar for the Shoe Leather Fund this month.

And why not send Da Tech Guy on that trip? Maybe not the whole trip (I’ve got some other stops to make along the way West and back), but if Da Tech Guy could book a flight into Phoenix with a return trip out of LAX, we could cover that together.

Today is March 6 and if we’re going to spend two days in Nevada and be in L.A. by April 1, I’d say we need to get to Phoenix by March 27.

So that’s three weeks for Pete to raise $1,000 plus expenses for the trip.


14 Responses to “Have Blog (And Fedora) Will Travel”

  1. datechguy
    March 6th, 2010 @ 3:02 pm

    I think you misunderstand me. I don’t expect the readers as a whole to do this. I expect specific groups that want something covered or an event given attention or a candidate profiled to come up with the money.

    But if individual readers can manage it, I’ll do that too, I’m not proud and my bills won’t care where the money comes from.

  2. datechguy
    March 6th, 2010 @ 10:02 am

    I think you misunderstand me. I don’t expect the readers as a whole to do this. I expect specific groups that want something covered or an event given attention or a candidate profiled to come up with the money.

    But if individual readers can manage it, I’ll do that too, I’m not proud and my bills won’t care where the money comes from.

  3. Patrick
    March 6th, 2010 @ 3:09 pm

    Jeeez…. Good luck with that.

    I ran a small Fundraiser here, and go nothing. 🙁

    So, I give up. I’ll just write and pray like heck than I’m able to get enough through ads.

    Wish you luck Pete. It’s tough man.


  4. Patrick
    March 6th, 2010 @ 10:09 am

    Jeeez…. Good luck with that.

    I ran a small Fundraiser here, and go nothing. 🙁

    So, I give up. I’ll just write and pray like heck than I’m able to get enough through ads.

    Wish you luck Pete. It’s tough man.


  5. Patrick
    March 6th, 2010 @ 3:11 pm

    er… make that GOT nothing.

  6. Patrick
    March 6th, 2010 @ 10:11 am

    er… make that GOT nothing.

  7. Robert Stacy McCain
    March 6th, 2010 @ 4:28 pm

    I don’t expect the readers as a whole to do this. I expect specific groups that want something covered or an event given attention or a candidate profiled to come up with the money.

    Kind of like what we call a “press junket.” It was just such an occasion that inspired me to remark to Bob Barr: “Ethics, schmethics.”

    My hunch is that there are lots of readers who want some good shoe-leather coverage of J.D. Hayworth’s campaign against Crazy Cousin John, and who will hit the tip jar to make it happen.

    Are the tip-jar hitters neutral and objective? Is it a conflict of interest for me to take money from people who want to drive a stake through the heart of John McCain’s political career?

    Screw it. I don’t care.

    Welcome to the Wild West frontier days of New Media. Like you say, Pete, as long as the bills get paid, everything else is just details.

  8. Robert Stacy McCain
    March 6th, 2010 @ 11:28 am

    I don’t expect the readers as a whole to do this. I expect specific groups that want something covered or an event given attention or a candidate profiled to come up with the money.

    Kind of like what we call a “press junket.” It was just such an occasion that inspired me to remark to Bob Barr: “Ethics, schmethics.”

    My hunch is that there are lots of readers who want some good shoe-leather coverage of J.D. Hayworth’s campaign against Crazy Cousin John, and who will hit the tip jar to make it happen.

    Are the tip-jar hitters neutral and objective? Is it a conflict of interest for me to take money from people who want to drive a stake through the heart of John McCain’s political career?

    Screw it. I don’t care.

    Welcome to the Wild West frontier days of New Media. Like you say, Pete, as long as the bills get paid, everything else is just details.

  9. datechguy
    March 6th, 2010 @ 4:29 pm

    Thanks Patrick I’ll take all the luck I can get.

    I figure nothing is going to change unless I change it, and the idea of actually being a roving reporter/blogger for hire is certainly an out of the box solution. Sort of a Jon Sable meme.

  10. datechguy
    March 6th, 2010 @ 11:29 am

    Thanks Patrick I’ll take all the luck I can get.

    I figure nothing is going to change unless I change it, and the idea of actually being a roving reporter/blogger for hire is certainly an out of the box solution. Sort of a Jon Sable meme.

  11. Cakeman
    March 6th, 2010 @ 6:18 pm

    So for ten LARGE, you’d be my blog beeotch?
    I’m checking under the sofa cushions as we speak…
    which reminds me of the old scout skit:
    Repeat 3x LOUD: I’m Sofa King We Todd Head

  12. Cakeman
    March 6th, 2010 @ 1:18 pm

    So for ten LARGE, you’d be my blog beeotch?
    I’m checking under the sofa cushions as we speak…
    which reminds me of the old scout skit:
    Repeat 3x LOUD: I’m Sofa King We Todd Head

  13. Mr.K
    March 6th, 2010 @ 6:48 pm

    McCain…….you fellas are apart of the new generation of Conservative bloggers.

    You should come to New York’s 29th congressional district when the election is declared, I plan on reporting from Corning, New York, though nothing is definite as of now. Contact for more information.

  14. Mr.K
    March 6th, 2010 @ 1:48 pm

    McCain…….you fellas are apart of the new generation of Conservative bloggers.

    You should come to New York’s 29th congressional district when the election is declared, I plan on reporting from Corning, New York, though nothing is definite as of now. Contact for more information.