Texas Appeals Court: It’s OK to Talk Dirty to Kids, Because … Shakespeare!
Apparently, the Court sees no distinction between Shakespeare, a Miley Cyrus video and obscene text messages: Talking dirty to minors, just like Miley Cyrus “twerking” on MTV or Janet Jackson having a “wardrobe malfunction” during prime time, is constitutionally protected free speech, the highest criminal court in Texas ruled Wednesday. The Texas Court of Criminal […]
VIDEO: @SenTedCruz Is A Breath Of Fresh, Post-Obama Air
by Smitty What an awesome American: Here’s the link to which he alludes: “Don’t Fund It” I mostly don’t care about who the GOP nominates in 2016, as long as they have Cruz’s good humor, enthusiasm, and capacity to make a 45 minute speech seem a brief word. What a genius. via Breitbart
Texas Democrat Party Aborting Itself to Oblivion: No Life, No Future, No Hope UPDATE: Hope, Change, Feces, Urine
Last week, we learned Planned Parenthood offered to hire protesters for their “pro-choice” campaign in Texas. Evidently, they’re an equal opportunity employer and hire the mentally ill: Ever wondered why Texas Democrats haven't won a statewide election in 20 years? pic.twitter.com/bCTalqCJfQ | @BeccaJLower @SteveWorks4You #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 12, 2013 This is […]
‘We Need Reinforcements’
Robert E. Lee once famously paid tribute to the fighting ability of Texans: “I rely on Texas regiments in all tight places, and fear I have to call upon them too often. They have fought grandly, nobly.” During the Battle of the Wilderness, when it seemed the Confederate line could not hold, Lee rode his […]
What Can Elspeth Reeve Teach Us?
The Pervert Party: Democrats for abortion had a Texas girl hold a sign declaring: ‘If I wanted the government in my womb, I would f*** a Senator.’ Liberalism is like a Swiss Army knife, a versatile tool that makes it valuable as a substitute for whatever its users otherwise lack. If you are stupid, but […]
A Career Opportunity My Guidance Counselor Never Bothered to Mention
It could have been an awesome career: Deputy McCain, Texas Vagina Inspector http://t.co/jjdNKf8LOK — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 4, 2013 Who was ever more qualified for this job than me? If I had only known there was a need for courageous public servants to perform body-cavity searches on bikini-clad women, certainly I would have […]
MSNBC: The Network America Turns to for Irresponsible Speculation About News
You can call Chris Matthews anything you want — “dimwitted political hack” would be entirely appropriate — but please don’t insult an entire profession by calling Chris Matthews a “journalist.” On March 30, Kaufman County, Texas, district attorney Mike McLelland and his wife were shot to death at their home. Five days later, Chris Matthews […]
Congressman @SteveStockmanUS Exposes Obama’s Anti-Gun Spambots
Finally, at least one Republican is getting tech-savvy: A Texas Republican on Monday said President Obama’s gun control campaign is a fraud based on fake messages over Twitter. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) accused Obama of trying to make support for his position look stronger than it really is by flooding Twitter with messages from people […]
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