The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You Stay Classy: Liberals Now Peddling Gay Smear on Texas Gov. Rick Perry

My reaction on Twitter last night was brief and blunt. It is astounding that they’d do this and I’d rather ignore it altogether, but now the desperate and ridiculous gay smear against Rick Perry has been promoted at both Politico and New York magazine. Isn’t it interesting how so many high-minded journalists who sneered at the Anthony Weiner […]

Eyes of Texas on Herman Cain

A standing overation from a “capacity crowd” at the Austin Economic Club, Bryan Preston reports at PJ Tatler: Cain hit all of the major issues, coming out strong for border security in this border state (“Instead of suing Arizona, they should have gotten a prize!”), hammering away at liberal politicians and policies (“The problem with […]

Obama’s Predictable Immigration Lies

Ace of Spades: Jake Tapper notes Obama basically gets two facts right: 1. There is a country called “Mexico,” and 2. It has a border. President Obama went to El Paso, Texas, yesterday to pander to Hispanics by promoting the myth that anyone who wants to get serious about border security is a dishonest racist. As […]

New York Times Tries Again

The first time the New York Times tried to report on the case of an 11-year-old girl gang-raped in Texas, they provoked a feminist firestorm because elements of their story appeared to blame the victim. Now they have tried again and (as even Echidne of the Snakes admits) managed to avoid the most egregious problems […]

Stuff the NY Times Doesn’t Mention

Who promotes racism today? The freaking media, that’s who. It’s their tiptoe-around-unfortunate-facts attitude — this politically-correct worldview whose peculiar biases are never explicitly admitted, but which we must instead attempt to infer by occasional clues — that creates a distinct species of suspicion, because there’s this cone of silence surrounding things people know but can never say out […]

Sheila Jackson-Lee: Boss From Hell

Everybody on Capitol Hill has stories to tell about members of Congress who are screaming tyrants toward their staff. John McCain is notorious in that regard. But by far the worst bosses on Capitol Hill are women members, and one might narrow down that list by saying “liberal Democratic congresswomen,” among whom a particuilarly vile specimen is Rep. […]

Texas Terror Update

I was getting ready to leave for my Ohio trip when Eric Dondero of Libertarian Republican called Thursday to tell me about his scoop about Texas terrorism suspect Khalid Aldawsari, who wrote in 2009 that he was “falling in love” with his English-language tutor, Sarah Rice Stender. I took an hour to put up a quick post, […]

Texas Terrorist Romeo, Khalid, Recounts Love for His American Juliet, Sarah

The story of Texas college student Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, a Saudi national accused of plotting terrorist attacks, took a startling turn this evening when it was learned that Aldawsari had written of his infatuation with his university “language partner,” Sarah Rice Stender. Eric Dondero discovered a May 2009 diary on what is believed to be […]

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