The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Talking Economics to Democrats Is Probably a Waste of Breath, But …

. . . Texas congressional candidate Roger Williams gave it a try: (Via Barbara Espinosa’s American Freedom.) ROGER WILLIAMS FOR U.S. CONGRESS He Knows How to Talk to Democrats

Attention, ‘Young Hotties’ Who Have Had Sex With a Certain Texas Governor

Ron Paul supporter Robert Morrow took out a newspaper ad seeking women who can expose Gov. Rick Perry as a hypocrite: HAVE YOU EVER HAD SEX WITH RICK PERRY? Are you a stripper, an escort, or just a “young hottie” impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas? . . . [W]e will help you […]

Malkin Not Keen on ‘Governor Gardasil’

The Boss went after Rick Perry for imposing mandatory vaccination with Gardasil on 12-year-old girls. Gardasil protects against human pappiloma virus (HPV, genital warts) and, at the time of the 2007 decision, social conservatives were outraged by the idea of requiring that girls so young be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease. Libertarians were outraged […]

Barbara Espinosa Is A Rick Perry Fan

by Smitty She links his announcement as a candiate for POTUS. She also debunks the “Too Many Texans” argument, saying that neither George H.W. Bush nor President George W. Bush were TEXANS. They were born in Yankee land and migrated to Texas. Yankee’s think different than a true born and breed Texan, best way to […]

Young Minions of the Sith Lord of Texas UPDATE: Perry Coming to Iowa Sunday

DES MOINES, Iowa For the past several days I’ve been referring to the prospective Rick Perry 2012 candidacy as the “Phantom Menace” looming over the Ames Straw Poll. Today I unexpectedly encounteredĀ the menaceĀ in the form of perky Texas coeds in burnt orange “Americans for Rick Perry” T-shirts: While I’m usually very much pro-coed — especially […]

The Fort Hood Bomber

Eric Dondero of Libertarian Republican has been all over the story of Army Pfc. Naser Abdo, who evidently sought to imitate accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hassan: Like Hasan, Abdo may have taken some of his inspiration from Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American-born Islamic cleric who is among the leaders of the Yemen-based al […]

John Cornyn Endorses Obama on Taxes

No sooner had I urged Republicans to call out President Obama for his “tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires” rhetoric than Texas Sen. John Cornyn goes squish: Texas Sen. John Cornyn this morning laid out a political blueprint for comprehensive tax reform, declaring that he favors raising taxes on some American businesses by closing corporate […]

Perry Is A Bad Man Because He Saw What Happened To Palin And Had A Delay Put On Release Of Travel Vouchers. Bad Man!

by Smitty What have we learned since 2008, if not that the former courts of justice have been reduced to an ideological battleground? Unexpectedly, Rick Perry, kicking around a Presidential run, wants to express himself politically without having his travel used as a weapon against him. Many of the trips are unrelated to state business […]

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