The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Christie/Obama Caption Contest

by Smitty Things Christie might be saying to tighten Obama’s jaw:   “Did you read that book I sent you by Walter Mondale, Psychological Strategies for Dealing with a Crushing Election Defeat?” “If you need coaching for how to deal with actual media, I can help wean you off of MTV and Strolling Drone.” “Has […]


Dominican hookers, to be specific. This is what we’re hearing about the sex scandal involving a “powerful senator” in a headline being touted by Drudge, with a story by the Daily Caller promised late tonight. UPDATE: Shortly after the Drudge Report headline went up, my associate Ali Akbar got a tip that the story involved Sen. […]

In the 17th Paragraph, She Mentions That the Corrupt Mayor Is a Democrat

Kate Zernike of the New York Times: TRENTON — To measure the decay here in New Jersey’s capital, residents could have counted the unfilled public pools, the shuttered libraries and police stations, the block after block of boarded-up stores and homes. But they did not need to go that far. The city was falling apart […]

Baldwin Bird-Dogging Bloomberg?

by Smitty Noted Barack Obama sycophant Alec Baldwin has been the victim of rumor-mongering by his brother Billy concerning a possible NYC mayoral candidacy. We’d like to take a moment to peek into a future speech, wherein Alec and his possible SuperPAC, Future American Guidance, take the helm of the Rotten Apple: By following the […]

UPDATE: ‘Now Is Not My Time’

UPDATE 1:07 p.m. ET: “Now is not my time,” the New Jersey governor says in his press conference statement. “This is not the time to leave unfinished business. . . . Like it or not, New Jersey, you’re stuck with me.” In response to reporters’ questions, he says, “It did not feel right” to quit a […]

Miracles Happen: Government Employee Unions Get Screwed Over in New Jersey

Stranger than fiction: New Jersey lawmakers on Thursday approved a broad rollback of benefits for 750,000 government workers and retirees, the deepest cut in state and local costs in memory, in a major victory for Gov. Chris Christie. I like Jazz Shaw’s headline: Christie goes all Scott Walker on Jersey Thirteen Democrats voted for the […]

A Year in Detention

Because New Jersey is serious about punishing crime: TRENTON, N.J. — All sex-related charges against a 15-year-old girl accused of selling her 7-year-old stepsister to a group of men and boys for sex at a party have been dropped, prosecutors said Thursday. The 15-year-old watched as the 7-year-old was raped by as many as seven […]

What If Arnold Schwarzenegger Had Been as Conservative as Chris Christie?

The Wall Street Journal shares an anecdote about New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie standing up to his state’s teachers union, earning praise from Moe Lane. Meanwhile, we’re watching California circle the drain — the state’s unemployment rate hit 12.6% in March — and I’m thinking of what a horrible disappointment Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been. What Christie […]

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