The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blame-Shifters: Democrats Use #Orlando to Scapegoat Christians, GOP, NRA

  There is no limit to the Left’s shameful dishonesty: Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys. “You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” […]

Omar Mateen: Muslim Commits Murder Rampage at Orlando Gay Nightclub

  This morning, the TV was on the local NBC affiliate — my wife is having a yard sale and wanted to check the weather — and the report was that about 20 people had been killed when a man armed with an assault rifle attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando. However, NBC said nothing […]

Feminism: It’s About SCIENCE!

  Sex is about reproductive biology. Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex. Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details. Young people have to figure out how to attract potential partners, how to choose a good partner from among […]

Trump Trolls His ‘Christian’ Chumps

by Smitty Hot Air has the audio clip. It’s a relatively obvious troll. It underscores the notions that either (a) Trump isn’t even slightly serious about the job for which he’s purportedly campaigning, or (b) if there is a serious bone in his body, it’s dislocated from any real competence. I’m actively curious as to […]

‘Obsessed With Sex’?

  A stunning incident happened earlier this month at a debate in Toronto over immigration. This debate particularly concerned the flood of Muslim “refugees” that has provoked a crisis in Europe. The proponents on the open-borders side of this debate were Louise Arbour, former UN Human Rights commissioner and Columbia University history professor Simon Schama. […]

Never Take Advice From Feminists

  Peggy Orenstein is a feminist whose books include Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids and Life in a Half-Changed World (2001): At 34, Peggy Orenstein faced a series of dilemmas shared by many women of her generation: She was unsure whether she wanted children, unsure about the impact of motherhood on her career, […]

Gender-Neutral at Notre Dame?

  The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic school, most famous for its Fighting Irish football team and, uh, “gender-nonconforming people.” Gender-neutral Bathrooms Easy access to a bathroom without fear of harassment is a privilege that is often taken for granted. Transgender, genderqueer, and other gender-nonconforming people often feel uncomfortable and are subject to […]

The Radical Theology of Feminism

  Augsburg College was once a conservative Christian school, but the salt has lost its savor (Matthew 5:13) and is now good for nothing. Founded in 1869 by Norwegian Luthern immigrants and named for the famous “Augsburg Confession” of 1530, the school was originally a seminary for the training of ministers and for its first […]

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