The Racist Liberal Yankees of Boston
As a Southerner, I enjoyed reading this: Google the phrase “Most racist city,” and Boston pops up more than any other place, time and time again. It may be easy to write that off as a meaningless digital snapshot of what people say about us, and what we say about ourselves — proof of little […]
The Poisonous Fruit of ‘Social Justice’
Everyone is commenting on this New York Times column in which a black professor offers an argument that could be reduced to a syllogism: Premise A: Donald Trump got elected. Premise B: Donald Trump is racist; ergo, Conclusion: Black children can’t be friends with white children. Really, this is the essence of his argument, […]
Freedom of Speech Is Genocide and Other Lessons From the 21st-Century University
Edith Macias became infamous a couple of weeks ago when a viral video showed the University of California-Riverside (UCR) student stealing a “Make America Great Again” cap from another student. An ethnic studies major, Macias demanded that the hat’s owner be punished. At one point during the video, when the hat’s owner Matthew Vitale […]
Anti-White Radicals Terrorize Republican Students at the University of Minnesota
‘Antifa’ radicals terrorized Madison Faupel at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota is one of the least “diverse” states in America — 85% white, with single-digit percentages of minorities: 6% black, 5% Hispanic, 4% Asian. You probably wouldn’t expect too much from Minnesota in the way of militant racial activism, except that it’s a bastion of […]
Social Justice and Fake Hate Crimes
Michael Kee committed an anti-Muslim hate crime — against himself. Police in Wisconsin say that Kee, a student at Beloit College who identifies as Muslim, spray-painted crude anti-Muslim slogans on the door of his own dorm room in February. The incident occurred days after a Jewish student at Beloit was targeted by anti-Semitic note […]
Why the South Is Rising Again
“These Democrats will do whatever they have to stop the president.” “Now they’re making a big deal about statues? Who cares about statues!” That exchange between two guys in a diner in Long Island, N.Y., was overheard by a former Democratic congressman, Steve Israel, who is no fan of Donald Trump, but who is […]
Google vs. Science, Feminists vs. Babies, Commies vs. History, Ad Infinitum
Toni Airaksinen of Campus Reform reports that Lee Jussim, a Rutgers University psychology professor, has defended Google “manifesto” author James Damore’s controversial statements about male-female differences. Damore “gets nearly all of the science and its implications exactly right,” Professor Jussim says, and suggests that Google has “created an authoritarian atmosphere that has stifled discussion […]
#Charlottesville: The Left Unexpectedly Falls in Love With the Word ‘Terrorism’
Did a cartoon frog inspire a terrorist attack? When Micah Johnson assassinated five police officers in Dallas last year, the Left was eager to evade the most obvious explanation: This was a terrorist act inspired by a hate movement called Black Lives Matter. Fast-forward 13 months, and a white guy named James Fields is accused […]
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