Santorum Leads Latest Louisiana Polls; Newt Gingrich at LSU Tonight — Maybe
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama Looking at the Politico candidate calendar, it’s slim pickings on the presidential campaign trail in Louisiana today: Mitt’s in DC, Rick Santorum’s got an event in San Antonio, Texas, and Newt Gingrich is scheduled for an 8 p.m. Tea Party forum at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. Meanwhile, we have a new […]
Fox Not ‘Fair and Balanced’? Santorum Finally Mentions Pro-Romney Bias UPDATE: Exit Polls Show Mitt Wins Mississippi? Newt 3rd in Alabama?
I’ve been saying this for weeks, and it’s probably not a good idea for the candidate to say so himself, but it’s unquestionably true: On Tuesday’s “Kilmeade & Friends” radio show on Fox News Radio, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum . . . accused Fox News of being in the tank for his competitor, former […]
The Expert Agrees: Polls Are Crap! BONUS: @ESantorum2012 in Hawaii
Nate Silver of the New York Times shows a surprising humility in explaining the limitations of polling, particularly with the situation we’re facing in Alabama and Mississippi: We don’t have what you might call “data depth.” Unlike the early states (e.g., Iowa or South Carolina), we don’t have a long string of polls, several every […]
Expectations, Inc.
Ed Morrissey on tomorrow’s primaries in Alabama and Mississippi: Gingrich really needs to win both states to remain in the race, or split them with Santorum at worst case. If Romney wins in Alabama, he can claim to have won in every part of the country, while Gingrich can’t even claim to have won all […]
Satan Angered by New Poll Showing Santorum Ahead 34%-18% in Wisconsin
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Stopped in here at McDonald’s and got online to discover that Satan’s plan to destroy America is now the top story in the country. This is why neutral objective journalist George Stephanopoulos interviewed neutral objective Mitt Romney supporter Chris Christie about the urgently relevant Satan issue today. Stephanopoulos and Christie: What a team, […]
Poll Proves Mitt’s Mud Gun Works?
The report that Mitt Romney has cut Rick Santorum’s lead from 15 points to 4 points in Michigan goes to show what can be accomplished with a multimillion-dollar attack-ad campaign, especially when those attacks are assisted by Mitt’s friends in the liberal media. However, as Santorum himself has often pointed out during his speeches, Romney […]
Santorum Conquers the World?
When I wrote about “Santorum’s Second Surge” Monday, there were not yet any poll numbers available to substantiate my perception that he had scored a critical breakthrough with last Tuesday’s hat-trick triple win over Mitt Romney. Now, as Tina Korbe says, “Good news just keeps coming for former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum” — and not merely because […]
Steak & Eggs Morning News Round-Up: Florida GOP Voter ‘Horrified’ by Newt; Romney Opens Double-Digit Poll Lead
NAPLES, Fla. This morning I drove to Waffle House for breakfast — 5-ounce New York strip steak, two eggs over medium, hashbrowns, wheat toast, large orange juice and coffee, $11.71 — and the waitress had a tattoo on her neck. On the way back to the posh condo (thanks, Dan Collins!) I stopped to pick […]
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