The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Someone Trying to Breathe Life into a Three-Year Old Dead Horse’

Thus does John Fund dismiss an attempt by Nadia Naffe to create controversy around James O’Keefe III over a planned “sting” video that never happened, as embarrassing as the details may be. O’Keefe, as you certainly know, is the young activist who became famous for his collaboration with Hannah Giles in the 2009 undercover videos […]

The Best Revenge: Ohio-Bound

By the time you read this, I should be within a couple hours of Lima, Ohio, where Paul Ryan is due for a 2:30 p.m. rally. Right now — as I’m writing this — it’s about 2 a.m. and I’m awaiting my ride while laughing at the latest ridiculousness from Neal Rauhauser: McCain has never […]

Neal Rauhauser’s Crazy-Evil Obsession

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “I’ve been all over Patterico for the last several weeks, as he looks to be a pretty good candidate for the planner/operator behind Weinergate . . .” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, “Weinergate Perps Pay Dearly,”July 27, 2011 “Frey is often at […]

Exit, Lying: Smear Site Quits After Being Named Walker v. Kimberlin Defendant

Readers who have been following The Kimberlin Files these past four months may recall that, as soon as I began reporting on convicted terrorist bomber Brett Kimberlin’s “lawfare” harassment of blogger Aaron Walker, I came under attack by the Twitter sockpuppet troll account (a “synthetic presence,” you might say) known as “Breitbart Unmasked.” This Twitter […]

#tcot Some Helpful Random Advice

@wrightshumate If evil people don’t hate you, you’re not doing enough good. If crazy people don’t hate you, maybe you’re nuts. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 21, 2012 Ever had one of those Rodney Dangerfield days? Yeah, I’ve had about four consecutive months of them. It ain’t easy being me. Because I had to […]

Walker v. Kimberlin Case Moves Forward

“Kimberlin is an inveterate and shameless liar, who was convicted of perjury before he graduated high school and who has been called a ‘top-flight con man.’ It is an injustice and a disgrace that an infamous criminal like Kimberlin should be permitted to continue harassing such an innocent and honorable citizen of Virginia as Aaron […]

The ‘Accuse the Accusers’ Strategy: Attempting to Explain Social Engineering

If I told you what inspired this, you wouldn’t believe it. Remember that on May 17, I was planning to go cover the G-8 Summit when I saw a blog post by Aaron Walker that caused me to change my mind: This was a story more interesting and newsworthy than whatever I might have reported […]

Where Angels Fear to Tread

Lee Stranahan is already pursuing legal action against Bill Schmalfeldt, aka “Liberal Grouch,” a blogger who apparently decided to make his bid for online immortality by assisting the attacks on enemies of what I’ve called the Kimberlin-Rauhauser axis. Stranahan says Schmalfeldt has made grievously defamatory accusations against him, the accuracy of which Stranahan disputes, and […]

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