The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Long Before The Infamous Speedo, There Was The Mullet

by Smitty It’s Stacy McCain’s birthday today. How about we break out some cheer. Consider: a snapshot from the early days of color photography, Stacy’s youth:Now, Stacy has not formally denied that this is him, clutching his Cuddlewhumpus County, Alabama Annual Noodling Contest and Catfish Fry, Third Place, Youth Division trophy, but that’s what I […]

The Irony of Tucker Carlson, Sarah Palin, Mike Tyson, Greta Van Susteren and … Me

Scene from “Daily Caller Downfall” “In Ohio, which McGovern eventually lost by a slim 19,000 vote margin, his handlers figure perhaps 10,000 of those were directly attributable to his public association with Warren Beatty, who once told a reporter somewhere that he favored legalizing grass. This was picked up by that worthless a–hole Sen. Henry […]

Could Stacy McCain Ever Use An iPad?

by Smitty The fedora. The cigarettes. The coffee. The lucid, well-organized prose that sucks the order out of the rest of his life. The laptop that has been beaten in the ‘rented mule’ fashion. Stacy McCain, whom I guess I’ve known about three years now, is a man so set in his ways that the […]

Charlie Sheen Fails To Retain Stacy McCain As A Creative Consultant, With Predictable Results

by Smitty Lots of other blogs are reporting the disaster, but the title hit me when I saw Another Black Conservative. Emphasis mine: One of the big underpinnings behind Sheen being entertaining is the fact that the man was having a meltdown. For whatever reason, we all love to watch those who reached the top […]

Robert Stacy McCain: Six Megahit Man

by Smitty BAGRAM A.F.B., Afghanistan — Today we passed 6 megahits with a Click Heard Round The World. I’m fairly sure it wasn’t a rocket impact. Or an aircraft cracking up in the distance. Da-duh, duh duh, da-duh, duh duh. . . Is it fair to call this blog’s eclectic mix of caffeine, politics, social […]

The Blog Post in Which I, Stacy McCain, Defend Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller

You never expected this day would come and, frankly, neither did I. But Mary Katharine Ham just Tweeted this: BREAKING: DailyCaller gets story tip, looks into it, decides not to publish. Escandalo de hermanos de Koch! That shortlink is to a Salon story in which Alex Pareene tries to gin up a scandal story based on […]

Post-Weigel Journalism? Impossible!

Once David Weigel left the Washington Independent, they were doomed to oblivion: The crisis in the world of journalism today isn’t really about journalism — it’s about the bottom line. Reporters and editors everywhere are trying to find a way to keep their very good work alive. We thought our model had a chance. It […]

Old School in the New Media: Crime, Scandal & Alyssa Milano Lesbian Kiss

“When I was a kid reporter at the LA Times in the 1960s, some of the veteran photographers and reporters regaled me with tales of how they used to sit in their cars with motors running, radios tuned to the police band, so they could be first on the scene of a gangland slaying or […]

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