Talking to Courtney Stodden’s Mom
By strangest happenstance, I found myself on the phone this afternoon with Krista Stodden, whose 16-year-old daughter Courtney made worldwide headlines last month when it was learned that the aspiring singer/actress had married 51-year-old actor Doug Hutchison, best known for his role in the Oscar-winner “The Green Mile.” Transcribing our 35-minute interview is taking longer […]
Charlie Sheen’s Hollywood Bedlam
“Bedlam,” final scene of William Hogarth’s series “A Rake’s Progress” (1735) “”I’m tired of pretending I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending like I’m not bitchin’, a total freaking rock star from Mars.” — Charlie Sheen, Feb. 28, 2011 Last night, the Trainwreck Called Charlie Tweeted that Rachel Oberlin — a/k/a, porn performer “Bree Olson,” […]
Soap Operas Are Not Documentaries (and ‘Feminism’ Is a Word With a Definition)
There has been, as Da Tech Tech Guy notes, quite a bit of sex talk lately on the right side of blogosphere. The Kathryn Jean Lopez column that inspired my musings on the Contraceptive Culture leads Little Miss Attila to many musings of her own, including this: [A]s a former hippie I find the notion of […]
Like Egypt, Charlie Sheen’s Problems Have Finally Reached Crisis Stage
His hookers-and-blow lifestyle has at last become too much even for Charlie. The Hosni Mubarak of Hollywood bad boys has entered rehab and CBS says Two-and-a-Half Men is “on hiatus.” Anyone familiar with bipolar disorder would recognize Sheen’s symptoms: He cut a $30,000 check to a porn star Wednesday as a sort of down payment […]
‘Civility,’ Unless It’s Sarah Palin
“Yo, let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, man. She’s good masturbation material. Glasses and all of that — great masturbation material.” — Tracy Morgan, TNT, Inside the NBA You can’t make this stuff up, nor can you explain it. At, Ethan Sherwood Strauss flounders around with an attempted intellectualization: It takes a […]
Remember When MTV Played Music?
Some youngsters might find it hard to believe that, in the misty dawn of primitive cable programming, MTV stood for “Music Television,” and they played videos by popular bands and singers. That was before they decided that teen sex was where the big money is: MTV executives have a new hit drama on their hands, […]
Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher Star in Pre-Marital Divorce Training Video
Here, see for yourself: The story is, evidently, a romantic comedy for the post-marriage generation: The calling card of “No Strings” is its cavalier attitude toward casual sex, and how members of the opposite sex have precious few boundaries talking about or engaging in the practice of making love. . . . “I think holding […]
Ricky Gervais Is Right!
And perhaps in more ways than one: With insulting humor directed at celebrities and at the event itself, Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais may not have impressed many of the attendees, but he scored with one demographic: political conservatives. Delighted at the sight of Gervais belittling Hollywood elitists who they maintain do likewise to them […]
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