The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘High-Risk Sex Offender’ Using Transgender Identity to Pursue Teens?

  Another setback for the Transgender Victimhood Narrative: Riley Byerly is a transwoman who authors the website ‘My Transgender Life: Sharing My Life One Moment At A Time’. He also goes by the name Riley Lilian Grace Byerly. He is 27. His legal name is Brynner Phoenix Rennecke. . . . Before his arrest at […]

Munchausen Moms: @LizFraserRM, Feminism and Gender Dysphoria

  What is causing the epidemic of sexual confusion among young people? Because I’ve been researching radical feminism for more than three years, I am deeply familiar with the feminist opposition to the transgender cult, and have frequently cited blogs like 4th Wave Now, which are critical of this phenomenon. The problem of “social contagion” […]

Transgender Social Contagion Reminds School Counselor of Salem in 1692

We have previously discussed the “social contagion” by which so-called “rapid onset” transgenderism appears to be spreading among young people. And it is obvious that the education system is part of the problem. The feminist blog 4th Wave Now, which has become a clearinghouse for women concerned about this issue, recently got this comment: When […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Non-Binary’ LGBT Student Activist Shot Dead

  Scout Schultz, 21, was born male but “preferred ‘they’ and ‘them’ gender pronouns and identified as bisexual, non-binary and intersex,” according to his mother. Schultz was president of the Pride Alliance, a student LGBTQ organization at Georgia Tech, where police shot him dead Saturday night after Schultz refused to drop a knife: The tense […]

Transgender Bullies Make Worldwide News After Attack in London’s Hyde Park

  Last week, I was among the first to report on transgender activists who attacked a 60-year-old woman Wednesday in London’s Hyde Park. This shocking story was quickly picked up by numerous news organizations. Transgender Activist Assaults 60-Year-Old Woman At Gender Debate — Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller WATCH: Trans Activist Men Attack, Beat Dissenting […]

Transgender Cult Update: Woman, 60, Assaulted by Activists in London

  Maria MacLachlan, a 60-year-old woman, was attacked by transgender activists Wednesday evening at London’s Hyde Park, where feminists had gathered at Speakers’ Corner after the venue for their event, featuring Professor Julia Long, had been canceled due to “safety concerns.” Feminist critics of the transgender movement have been accused of “hate,” labeled “TERFs” (trans-exclusive […]

The Creepy Munchausen Moms Who Promote Childhood Transgenderism

“In September 2015, Vanessa and JR Ford sent a group email to announce that their 4-year-old, whom their family and friends knew as their son, would be starting prekindergarten that year as ‘her true self’ — a girl named Ellie.” — New York Times, Jan. 31, 2017 We can’t click fast-forward on the story and […]

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