Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Eyewitness to History in Florida
Newt Gingrich in Fort Myers, Florida, Monday, Jan. 30, 2012 “Well, it’s past 2:30 now, so I’d better get over to the airport. Let’s hope the Gingrich people don’t sic the cops on me.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 30, 2012 How many readers remember the day I covered a Newt Gingrich rally in Fort […]
It’s Past Midnight in Louisiana, and We’re Already Knee-Deep in Craziness
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana While I was driving six hours across Alabama and Mississippi to get here, and then covering Newt Gingrich’s appearance at a Tea Party forum on the LSU campus, it seems that everbody went crazy: Ed Crane went crazy on the Koch brothers, whom he accuses of trying to take over the libertarian […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Mathematical Impossibilities Happen
“Rick Santorum charged of out Tuesday’s wins in the South with a fresh claim to being the chosen son of the Republicans’ conservative flank. Mitt Romney limped out with something that could endure longer: an enhanced lead in delegates. “Under the cruel math of the prolonged GOP primary race, Mr. Santorum’s victories in Alabama and […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: ‘Committing Acts of Journalism’
Recording a press gaggle with Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley, Steubenville, Ohio, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (Photo by Chris Moody) WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania We got to our hotel here about 1:30 a.m., after a 35-mile drive from Steubenville, Ohio, scene of last night’s victory celebration for The Next President of the United States, Rick Santorum. My 13-year-old […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk:
‘If I Could Walk That Way …’
Chris Moody and Steven Crowder with Crowder’s haawwtt fianceé, Hillary, at the Santorum event in Grand Rapids, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 “Another Wednesday morning, another hotel room, another grim bout with the TV Morning News . . . These goddamn Wednesday mornings are ruining my health.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the […]
EXCLUSIVE: Election Day in Hell, Michigan: Does Romney Have a Snowball’s Chance of Winning?
Election Day reporting from Hell, Michigan, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 THREE MILES FROM HELL, Michigan On my way from Troy to Grand Rapids — site of Rick Santorum’s Michigan primary victory party tonight — I got a late start and realized I wouldn’t make it in time for Senator Santorum’s 3 p.m. event at his […]
My Saturday Night in Hell
The Dam Site Inn in Hell, Michigan Don’t need reason. Don’t need rhyme. Ain’t nothing I would rather do. Going down, party time, My friends are gonna be there too . . . — AC/DC, “Highway to Hell,” 1979 TROY, Michigan We were nearly in Hell when it occurred to me that we weren’t actually […]
Fear and Loathing in Romneyland
Herman Cain tour bus at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, Michigan, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012 WASHINGTON, Michigan Shortly after I arrived at Rick Santorum’s Michigan state headquarters in Troy yesterday evening, I was talking to one of his campaign workers, Joe Cella, when a volunteer walked in and said, “Hey, Herman Cain’s doing […]
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