The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Columbia Journalism Review Is (Still) Depraved and Decadent

“In the context of journalism, here, we are dealing with a new kind of ‘lead’ — the Symbiotic Trapezoid Quote. The Columbia Journalism Review will never sanction it; at least not until the current editor dies of brain syphilis, and probably not even then. “What? “Do we have a libel suit on our hands? “Probably not, […]

Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The GOP Caucus Is Decadent and Depraved

“They are our representatives; we would like some representation.” — Ace of Spades, June 4, 2012 FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION “Where are those spineless Republican bastards in Congress when we need ’em, huh?” I shouted, trying to explain to a couple of young Beltway professionals the concept behind National Day of Blogger Silence. “They expect us […]

Is Thurmont Ready for the Occupiers?

When the decision was announced in March that the G-8 summit would be moved from Chicago to Camp David, the “Occupy” movement claimed it as a victory, saying that their planned protests had frightened away the summit organizers. Yesterday, I noted that the Occupiers have announced plans to descend in force on tiny Thurmont, Maryland, the […]

Fear and Loathing in Thurmont: G-8 Summit Will Be 15 Miles From My House

Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for all the Euros in Athens! Thurmont ready for G-8 Summit, not worried about protests THURMONT, Md. – Eight leaders of the world’s largest economies will converge on Camp David this weekend for the 38th annual G-8 Summit, which will likely bring protesters from Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Caught in […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Time to Quit Whining and Get to Work

This will be brief, but expect additions to follow in updates. Rick Santorum is now urging his supporters to get behind Mitt Romney: Rick Santorum has officially endorsed Mitt Romney, and notified his supporters in an email sent Monday night. In the email, the former presidential candidate cited his Friday meeting with Romney in his […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Foreboding Gloom Pervades Vanuatu

“After having destroyed every conservative that came on the scene, you can’t say ‘You have to line up behind me.’ No, no, no. Conservatives are not going to jump until they hear where Governor Romney wants to take everybody.” — Richard Viguerie, veteran conservative leader “I still think Mitt’s electability is a myth and a […]

In Case You Haven’t Noticed Yet, Everybody Recently Went Crazy

Everybody but me and you, that is, and one of us is probably on the verge of cracking up under the enormous stress that seems to be driving people off the deep end lately. Either we’re in the midst of an epidemic of mass hysteria, or else all these people jabbering like magpies on the […]

Nate Silver, the Experts and … Me

From Matt Welch’s article about dinosaur media: In 2008, a 30-year-old baseball stat nerd looked at the reams of public research product churned out by the nation’s 1,500-plus daily newspapers, and concluded that, though “there is nearly as much data as there is for first basemen,” the “understanding has lagged behind.” So Nate Silver launched […]

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