The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ad Slams Obama on National Security

From the American Crossroads super-PAC: Headline at the Daily Caller: White House shifts spin on Benghazi assassination, downplays focus on anti-Islam video Here’s a good poll question: How stupid do they think we are?

News From Ohio: Obamanomics Sucks

Back home from a week in Ohio, I find the two latest polls — from PPP and the Columbus Dispatch — showing Obama still ahead in the Buckeye State, although not by the insane 7- to 10-point margins claimed by polls last week. Anybody can report on the polls, but what about the reality on the […]

This Lawlessness Should WARN All Americans About Second Obama Term

by Smitty Insty helps us get to some interesting details about the “Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988“. . . .a United States labor law which protects employees, their families, and communities by requiring most employers with 100 or more employees to provide sixty- (60) calendar-day advance notification of plant closings and mass […]

First Task Of A Romney Administration Is Going To Be Restoring Integrity To Gov

by Smitty Nothing else the government tries to do really matters if no one believes a godforsaken thing escaping the Beltway orifice. The Lonely Conservative points to Hugh Hewitt pointing to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (which acronym seems more straightforward without the ‘L’) magically locating 386,000 jobs since March. Over six months, the number […]

‘No True Principles or Loyalty’

An article in Politico inspired this reaction from National Review‘s Jim Geraghty: This is why the grassroots loathe most veteran GOP political consultants. Republican campaign staffers get a lot of undeserved grief as a bunch of grifters, charlatans, snake-oil salesmen, hired guns with no true principles or loyalty, and so on. But when you see […]

The New O-Phone Is Here!

Many people are excited about Apple’s latest upgrade to the iPhone, but this Obama voter was even more excited about the free phone she got because (she says) of President Obama: Rush Limbaugh says this is the “new model citizen,” and liberals have predictably rushed to condemn this as RAAAAACIST: The Obama Phone video belongs to […]

Get on the Bus! AFP Leads ‘Obama’s Failing Agenda Tour’ Across Ohio

FINDLAY, Ohio By one of those strange flukes of luck, my buddy Nathan Martin got in touch with me yesterday to tell me that Americans for Prosperity’s “Obama’s Failing Agenda” bus tour of Ohio would be in the area today. So I met up with them in Perrysburg and rode the bus down I-75 to Findlay, […]

Huge Crowd Stands in Line in the Rain!

TOLEDO, Ohio OK, if you believe the polls, Mitt Romney’s 10 points behind in Ohio. But then there are those people — THOUSANDS of people — who stood in line in the rain to get in to see Mitt this afternoon in downtown Toledo: QUESTION: Do you believe in the polls, or do you believe […]

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