The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@Gabby_Hoffman Wonders Whether Her Brain Also Counts as a ‘Lady Part’

Has any recent phenomenon been more strange than the Left’s embrace of the Vagina Monologues as an expression of female “empowerment”? This theme — gynecology as ideology — reveals the underlying narcissistic appeal of identity politics, wherein the craving for self-esteem is satisfied by celebrations of group solidarity This groupthink trend is what causes leftists to attack actress Stacey Dash […]

Liberals Beginning to Realize They’ve Overestimated Obama’s Popularity?

A steady drip, drip, drip of polling data — including a new Battleground poll showing Democrats on the losing side of an “enthusiasm gap” — has started to undermine the carefully maintained perception of Obama’s re-election as inevitable. Ed Morrissey comments: If Obama trails in a D+8 poll by 6 among the extremely likely voters with […]

Text of Mitt Romney’s Speech at VMI

The text of the foreign policy speech Mitt Romney gave today at the Virginia Military Institute, as prepared for delivery: I particularly appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell. He is showing what conservative leadership can do to build a stronger economy. Thank you also Congressman Goodlatte for […]

‘Machine Gun Preacher’ Endorses Mitt

“If you see @mittromney, tell him he’s got the Machine Gun Preacher’s vote.” — Pastor Sam Childers (@machgunpreacher) on phone just now — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 8, 2012 When the cellphone rang this morning and I saw the name on caller ID, it was a pleasant surprise: “Sam, how the heck are you, […]

Obama Campaign: That’s Not A Donation Scandal, It’s A Judas Priest Reference

by Smitty @allrightblog Would you like a free side of Judas Priest with that order?… — Chris Smith (@smitty_one_each) October 8, 2012 More at Mental Recession.

As Predicted: Now That Obama Is Losing, Democrats Play the Mormon Card

Am I shocked? Not really, although the details are so despicably evil that President Obama himself should be required to denounce it: Just a week ago, I reported a call from an Obama supporter received by a Catholic in Pennsylvania. The caller, identifying herself as Catholic, insisted Obama was not pro-abortion and Planned Parenthood did […]

Another Republican Lie!

In a ludicrously shameless attempt to lower expectations for Thursday’s vice-presidential debate beatdown, RNC chairman Reince Priebus calls Joe Biden “a gifted orator”: “I think people realize that Joe Biden is a gifted orator. He’s very good at rhetoric. And I think he’s very relatable,” Priebus said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Reince — and […]

@hardball_chris ‘Pecksniff’ Matthews Goes After Welch’s Calling BS On BLS

by Smitty “It’s not funny, Jack.” Why, yes it is, Mr. Matthews. You act the peevish little schoolmarm here, attempting to beat up Jack Welch for daring to state something that is known in the Court of Public Opinion: the BLS is AFU. The last 64 revisions to initial jobless claims have been >= 0. […]

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