The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

California: The Crazy State

  Junkies and crackheads get high on the streets of San Francisco, urinating and defecating in public, and the liberal Democrats who control the city seem to believe this situation is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, Southern California “finds itself in the midst of a homelessness emergency”: You cannot walk more than few blocks through [downtown San […]

Hillary’s Worldwide Blame-America Tour

  People who refuse to accept responsibility for failure always require scapegoats to bear the blame. Hillary Clinton lost the election and, because this cannot be her fault — she is always blameless — she must rationalize defeat by heaping scorn on those who voted against her: If you look at the map of the […]

Baltimore Mayor Uses Taxpayer Money to Send Students to Gun-Control Event

Taxpayer-funded Astroturf: Baltimore’s new Mayor Catherine Pugh is sending public school students to the “March for Our Lives” event in Washington, DC. The event has been organized for the students of Parkland who have been repeatedly exploited by the left to push gun control. Pugh is charging the taxpayers of Baltimore for the trip. . […]

Politics 101: Can Democrats Win?

  During CPAC last weekend, several people asked my opinion of the chances of Democrats capturing a congressional majority in the fall. Obviously, I don’t have any clairvoyant powers. In October 2016, I was convinced that Donald Trump couldn’t possibly be elected. A month later, he proved me wrong. So I claim no special insight […]

Democrats Announce 2018 Platform: ‘Elect Us, So We Can Ban All Your Guns’

Basically: House Democrats have introduced a bill banning semi-automatic firearms in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., announced Monday he is introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. More than 150 Democrats have signed on in support of the legislation, Rep. Ted Deutch, […]

Russia! Russia! Russia!

  Andrew McCarthy on the Democrat Party’s obfuscation: The FBI and the Justice Department heavily relied on the Steele dossier’s uncorroborated allegations. You know this is true because, notwithstanding the claim that “only narrow use” was made “of information from Steele’s sources,” the Democrats end up acknowledging that “only narrow use” actually means significant use — as […]

#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?

Chris Buskirk writes at American Greatness: The FISA Abuse Memo is out and now we know why the Democrats were desperate to keep its contents hidden from the public: it confirms the worst fears not just of President Trump’s supporters but of everyone concerned about the abuse of police power, government corruption, and the sanctity of our […]

75% Approval: President Trump Triumphs in His First State of the Union Speech

  Even the Democrat-controlled media can’t deny it: Three in four Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight approved of the speech he gave. Just a quarter disapproved. Eight in 10 Americans who watched tonight felt that the president was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it. […]

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