Report: Brett Kimberlin and DNC Staffer Helped Push ‘Russiagate’ to Feds
‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 From the Populist TV Morning Report: In an exclusive report, Lee Stranahan highlighted a Facebook post by operative Alexandra Chalupa made the day after the 2016 election where Chalupa said: “Homeland Security / DOJ teamed up with a group that is part of Anonymous […]
Not Exactly News: Democrats Are Lying
Honestly, I can’t be bothered to notice every time a Democrat tells a lie. Every single word they say is false. You’ll catch an Orthodox rabbi eating bacon before you’ll ever hear a Democrat telling the truth. Sometimes, however, I feel the need to remind you how dishonest they are: A Democratic senator is accusing […]
Mentally Ill Maryland Democrat Senate Candidate Makes Suicide Threat
Earlier this month, the Associated Press did a feature interview with the notorious traitor formerly known as Bradley Manning: Chelsea Manning is no longer living as a transgender woman in a male military prison, serving the lengthiest sentence ever for revealing U.S. government secrets. She’s free to grow out her hair, travel the world, […]
Soros Foundation Spends Millions Annually to Support Transgender Agenda
Left-wing billionaire George Soros is funding transgender activism through his Open Society Foundation (OSF), according to a new report by a British academic who found that OSF has made more than $6 million in grants to transgender organizations since 2011. University of Oxford sociology Professor Michael Biggs wrote in his report: How much has […]
‘The Object of Power Is Power’
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. . . . We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not […]
The Anti-American Party
Do Democrats even understand how bad this looks? Two former Obama administration officials suggested that America’s European allies should punish President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the Iran deal and levying additional sanctions on the Islamic republic. The European Union and individual European countries are obligated to take aggressive steps to preserve the Iran deal, […]
Obama’s Legacy Is Still Kicking
by Smitty As I stand adjacent the crater Of “Obama’s legacy”, who’s the debater, Saying that No-Talent Rodeo Clown Sought to bring us ought but down? Call him “idealist”; call him “naive”; Call him “brilliant”: did he deceive? Or was he as honest as they get: Postmodernists against the simple truth bet. Who say “It […]
‘Too Valuable’
Eric Schneiderman (right) poses with other sleazy Democrats. Another “progressive” Democrat is exposed as a vile scumbag: New York State attorney general Eric Schneiderman has resigned, just hours after it was reported that he had been accused of violent assaults on women he had dated. These allegations, which include threats that Schneiderman made to stalk and […]
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