Her Majesty Worries About The Dermatological Condition Of Her Serfs
by Smitty Font due to Rick Wolff, hat tip due to Rare, image due to The Silence of the Lambs, creepiness due to Her Majesty.
A Brief Primer On Titles Due Her Majesty For You Peasant Scum #Hillary2016
by Smitty [View the story “A Brief Survey Of Her Majesty’s Titles” on Storify] Feel free to be helpy helper-serfs in the comments.
Crazy People Are Dangerous
In a comment on the Deb Frisch post, @GraceGabriel51 shared some of her own experience with trolls: Many years ago there was an anonymous Usenet stalker who called herself Curio Jones. She conducted an on-line harassment against those she believed were involved in the conspiracy, posting information about the individuals. Among those she targeted were […]
President Jarrett Says: #NoMoreGOPWar
by Smitty [View the story “Zombie Anti-War Movement Can Haz Brainz Munchie? #NoMoreGOPWar” on Storify]
When Tony Scambilloni Brings The Chin Music, It Is Not Just “Mere Cash”
by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty The Cosmos Club wasn’t packed. The power elite of Washington gather rarely, and the guest list for this little party was the sort who value space and privacy almost as much as power. Getting into a joint this posh had meant infiltrating at a truly unreasonable hour, and staying well […]
Poll Finds ‘Clear Majority’ of Americans Are Hopelessly Gullible Fools
That’s not the headline in the Washington Post, however: Poll: Clear majority supports nuclear deal with Iran We’re conducting diplomacy by referendum now? Exactly how much does the average American know about the details of this “deal”? Are folks sitting around over dinner at the Olive Garden chatting about centrifuges and enriched uranium? Have random […]
Meet ‘Tony’; Senator Reid’s Occasional 6’2″, 225lb, Taciturn ‘Retirement Advisor’
by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty I got word via Her Majesty’s spy network (what’s a little ‘stealth outsourcing’ between frenemies, eh?) that Tony Scambilloni had a flight booked for Dulles. This within hours of the surprise announcement that Harry “the Cadaver” Reid was not intending to transition from un- to fully-dead right there on the […]
Sidney Blumenthal, Of Course
The most loyal of Hillary’s loyalists: If the motives to wipe the hard drive on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server weren’t already crystal clear, a new development last night put it in Ultra HD. Gawker’s Jeff Girth and Sam Biddle uncovered a secret, private intelligence network run by Sidney Blumenthal for Hillary’s benefit, apart from the State […]
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