Obama Policy Defends ‘Boy Play’ in Afghanistan; U.S. Troops Punished
Apparently, this is what “Hope and Change” looks like: Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not […]
Democrats and George Stephanopoulos (But I Repeat Myself)
The “revolving door” between the Democrat Party and the liberal media functions as a full-employment program for party operatives, who can collect paychecks from TV networks for doing the same work they would otherwise do for Democrats. Nearly everyone in the major media is a Democrat (e.g., 89% voted for Bill Clinton in 1992) and […]
Did a Democrat Candidate Harass a Democrat Woman in Toledo?
This is a genuinely strange story: A woman has gone to Facebook to accuse former Mayor Mike Bell of inappropriately touching her at a Toledo bar Friday night, allegations Mr. Bell denies. Allison Dow, 29, of Toledo’s Old West End, said Mr. Bell made an unwelcome sexual comment and touched her buttocks late Friday at […]
Everybody Is Shocked — Shocked! — the Administration Falsified ISIS Intellgence
Political “leaders” demand dishonest spin: More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials . . . The accusations suggest that a large number of people tracking the inner workings of […]
#BetterHillaryAnswers “I Know, Right? You Know Who Wiped Out The Poor Server? GOP 1%-ers, That’s Who. That’s Why I’m Fighting Income Inequality.”
by Smitty [View the story “#BetterHillaryAnswers “Why, no. Years ago, Bill insisted on managing every aspect of our servers, for some reason.”” on Storify] Video at Hot Air.
Why Aren’t The Granola Heads Freaking Out About Her Majesty’s Thumb Drive?
by Smitty After so many tedious decades of hearing the Church of Environmental Guano Snorting go on and on (and on an on) about the environment, global warming, carbon footprint, and other variations on the theme of pettifoggery, I should like to know where these creeps are concerning the email given to the FBI on […]
The ‘Free Stuff’ Party
Democrats are Santa Claus, and it’s Christmas every day with lots of toys for good little boys and girls who vote Democrat: With Americans shouldering $1.2 trillion in student loan debt, and about eight million of them in default, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday will propose major new spending by the federal government that would […]
The Science Is Settled: It’s a Baby
Kirsten Powers on what we might call “The Sonogram Effect”: Pope Francis has correctly described the unborn as “the most defenseless and innocent among us.” But in the sordid tale of strategic crushing of the unborn to better harvest their hearts, lungs and livers, many Democrats have incredibly cast an organization with a roughly $1.3 billion […]
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