The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Doxed Lives Matter

Alonda Cano (@People4Alondra) says her critics are racist. The tactic of “doxing” — publishing someone’s home address and other personal information on the Internet in order to expose them to harassment — was made notorious by hackers associated with the “Anonymous” conspiracy. Vox Day explains how “social justice warriors” (SJWs) use these scorched-earth tactics: The […]

What Went Through The Moderator’s Mind At The #DemDebate

by Smitty @instapundit Panic at the media disco. — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) December 20, 2015

Bernie Sanders Sues Democrat Party

  Allegations of favoritism: Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) campaign sued the Democratic National Committee in federal court Friday evening following the suspension of his campaign from the DNC’s voter database after a security breach. The suit claims that the campaign is losing $600,000 in donations each day that it does not have access to the […]

Fact Checking The Ralph Peters Allegation Concerning The Totality Of Our President

@MsEBL Thurston responds to Ralph Peters @rsmccain @instapundit @BobBelvedere @jscroft @wombat_socho @LaDowd — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) December 8, 2015 More at HotAir

Stand By For A Trump Mulligan

by Smitty The “deal” Trump is likely referring to is his agreement in September to sign a pledge not to run as an independent. He said at the time he was given the “assurance that I would be treated fairly” by RNC chairman Reince Priebus in return for signing the pledge. The Wall Street Journal […]

Sen. Free Stuff (D-Awesome)

  His economic ideas are as obsolete as Eugene V. Debs, his foreign policy proposals can be summarized in two words — unilateral disarmament — and yet the socialist senator from Vermont inspires orgasmic enthusiasm from Generation Selfie: It’s about the millennial generation and how they just love Bernie Sanders, the oldest white man in […]

Taiwanese Animators Own Her Majesty

by Smitty This one just keeps getting better. Bravo zulu, ye mighty animators!

Barney Frank Channels The Onion

by Smitty Barney Frank epitomizes the basic religious belief in government that has led to the success of large scale endeavors throughout human history such as the Tower of Babel and the United Nations. But there’s another, perhaps deeper reason, one that’s both a cause and an effect of the political dysfunction from which we […]

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